
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 26 February 2018

GH Recaps 02-12- 02-23 2018

Good Morning me lovelies , well I have to start this blog by apologizing for not doing it the past couple of weeks.

Life off the internet comes first , but rest assured I have been making some interesting observations as far as GH is concerned.

First of all .....  Maxie was well within her rights to let it rip against Lulu for  acting all sad and sorrowful. I love Lulu , don't get me wrong , but  this time she's gone and pissed off Maxie for something that she set in motion.

Yep you heard that right guys, I'm sorry but I can not condone someone encouraging someone to bring on a reign of terror that not only shook up a lot of people but it ended up with Nathan losing his life because  Lulu convinced Nathan to go looking for his dad and antagonize the psychotic bastard we all love and hate as Faison.

Maxie may forgive Lulu eventually but I can't see that happening anytime soon.

Anyways ,  as for the hunt for Heinrich he's right in the vacinity of their grip and  Sason and Drew and Curtis along with Spin don't even freaking know it.

How much longer is this shit going to go on before the truth comes out lol.

Sonny had brought his dad home with him and immediately took him to see a doctor once he realized their was something wrong with his father.

Turns out his suspicions were right Dr Bensch and Griff diagnosed Mike with Alzheimers. Mike hasn't accepted it yet, and he's done two things that made people worry for him. 

First he went to Kelly's and started serving people and then he smashed a sculpture at Ava's Gallery. I have to say the casting of Max Gail as Mike Corbin was well done.

As for the Mayoral race Alexis wad delivered a crushing blow when Ned beat her at the polls and he became mayor of Port Charles.

Poor Nina was beside herself with grief over Nathan and she found his blood on the carpet at Crimson , she and Valentin and Carly spoke about getting rid of the blood stained Carpet before Maxie saw it.

Lord have Mercy and Nelle she's tried to step up her game and played mind fuck games with Carly , how low is this snake going to sink before she gets caught out and we are put out of misery for good while she's around.

Ava told Griff she loves him awe, and Franco is starting to remember things about  when he was younger. 

I hope his wedding goes without a hitch to Elizabeth.

Carly told Dante and Michael about the crank calls and they traced it to the place close by where  Morgan apparently died in the  car bomb explosion.

I'm seriously waiting for the shit to hit the fan for Jim Harvey there is something about him I don't like.

Meanwhile I am loving Alexis' friendship with Finn, and Anna seems a wee bit jealous. LOL

Maxie went to her first lamase class with Nina as her coach and the funny bit was that Michael and Nelle were there. Nelle and  Maxie hate each other so it was good comedy for those scenes.

Nelle has to learn sometime there are just some women you don't piss off and Carly and Maxie are two of them.

Learn to walk before you can runs darling lol , you are messing with the wrong women period.

Hello  Pine Barrens Calling Jason Morgan we need you stat lol

And that's it for now have a great day guys and happy GH watching lol

Monday, 12 February 2018

GH Recap 02-05-18 -02-09-18

Goood Morning me lovelies  its time yet again for another recap of last week's episodes of GH.

Normally I would take this opportunity to bitch and moan about things , but really the entire cast brought in their A Game last week.

It was the aftermath of Nathan's death everyone is  suffering from that loss, but no one's loss is as great as Maxie's, Liesel's and  Nina's.

The rest of the week was the usual crap that bored the hell out of me , I'm actually bored of the election storyline.

Yes I know what your thinking ," You want the action packed shit all the time" And I have to admit I frigging well do.

I really am tiring of seeing  Franco suffering from his own sense of self, he has no idea what actually happened to Drew, and nor does Drew know what happened to him either.

I have the sneaking suspicion that  Jim Harvey knows more than he's letting on  and he ain't talking.

Both men  I love them and Jason , have been through enough , pain, loss and torment its time for them to heal.

As for Anna she's another tortured soul, and I frankly wish that  Valentin would stop playing mind fuck games with her. Hadn't she been through that enough with Faison for fuck sake.

Forgive me for swearing, lol who am I kidding you guys are used to my potty mouth., but its becoming one of those things where I want to smack someone into next week.

Nelle is a fucking boring bitch, as much as I love  a good  bitch character she's not on my top fave bitches list for this show. Oh no those top spots are  reserved for Monica, Bobbie, Carly,  Nina, Lieszel , Alexis, Molly, Sam, Liz, Maxie and Lulu.

The more Nelle and Ava push Caroline Leigh Corinthos the more she's going to push back and you'll end up with your face in the dirt praying for forgiveness and Jason , Max and Milo bury you in the frigging pine barrens.

It was all very sad , but touching with the opening of the show beginning wih Jordan calling Nathan one last time for role call.

As Nathan's funeral day approached my goodness I was heart broken for Maxie, her family, and her best friend Sam by her side. Usually Lulu is but this time Maxie is furious with her and blames her for  Nathan's death.

Yep she had said that before the funeral and Lulu rightfully deserved it. I know some of you think Maxie hasn't got the right to be angry with her , but in my opinion she does, she has every right to be furious, she's a grieving widow, who lost her husband because her best friend only cared about chasing a dangerous criminal by smoking him out and it wound up with the death of a beautiful man with a beautiful soul.

Robin arrived for the funeral supporting our Maximista and she told her mother she felt  sorry for  Obrecht who she doesn't make any bones about hating with a passion.

In times of crisis, and grief  the strangest thing happens those you hate you become sympathetic towards, and you begin to understand them a feat you had lacked to begin to understand before.

As Maxie prepared to say good by to her gorgeous husband, her sister's ghost came to comfort her in her time of grief. Gosh I love it when they bring Lindze Letherman back as Georgie.

Georgie was the one person besides Nathan and  Spinelli , and Sam and Lulu who truly knew her inside and out, the one who saw through the bitchy facade and saw that Maxie was a sensitive sweet person underneath.

Griff and Robin and Anna linked arms and went to the funeral together, Amy arrived too to say goodbye to her dear friend.

Nina's eulogy broke our hearts talking about how Nathan would  carry change in his pocket all the time and that's how she could keep track of him if he ran off.

She spoke of how he would  give that money to the homeless or a busker on the street and that's the way he was a kind hearted boy even back them.

She even put loose change in his pocket as her gesture of remembrance for him.

Liesel spoke too and she was in tears,  I love our GH Ladies I really do , whenever they do scenes like this guaranteed I cry bucket loads of tears.

Dante played by Dominic Zamprogna read out a poem and it brought tears to our eyes again.

Everyone was there but Britt and  Lucas , which we all found a little odd, after all wouldn't Britt want to say goodbye to her brother? And what about Lucas Nathan was his cousin in law.

At the end of the funeral they did the  gun salute shooting off the rifles and  Maxie was presented with the American flag.

We wound up seeing  Georgie and  Nathan's ghosts comforting her and  they left hand in hand as Maxie laid the sonogram ontop of the coffin and that was the end of the show.

I was really touched with the way everything played out.

GH 02-09-18 from BadAssAngels on Vimeo.

Between the sadness this week, and the loss the fans feel with  Ryan Paevy leaving we should say a fond farewell to him and wish him luck with his future projects.

He was a great asset to the cast, some seriously hot eye candy lol, I'm sorry I had to say it , but also he made some really great friends within the cast.

Just an FYI Kirsten Storms who plays Maxie was wearing the necklace that  Ryan made her as part of her ensemble for the funeral scene.

Anyways guys , its a new week, the sadness will still be in play , but I can not wait to see what's going to happen on the #nextGH

Have a great week everyone and happy GH watching.

Saturday, 3 February 2018

GH Recap Week of January 29th - February 2nd 2018

This past weeks GH made GH fans cry a river of tears , the death of  Nathan West weighed heavy on the minds of the characters  especially Maxie, Nina and  Liesel. Sad scenes engulfed us and there were more to come .  I wish  Ryan Paevy had not made the decision to leave the role of Detective Nathan West , the husband of Maxie, brother to  Nina and Britt and Liesel's precious son.

But honestly, everyone is entitled to spread their wings and fly and try new roles. 
Its a shame that fans take to social media to verbally abuse him for vacating the role , it was his choice and we as fans need to respect that and wish him luck in his future roles instead of being so hateful , abusive and down right ignorant to him. Its really got to stop its ridiculous that adults behave like spoiled children throwing their toys out of their pram and not respecting other people's choices.

Over the course of the last few months fans have been far too over heated over story lines  that have been acted out amazingly by the cast of General Hospital. I urge these people to get a grip and stop the madness all together because these amazing talents do not need abuse spewed at them whatsoever. People need to  realize, although I hate to say it , it is just a soap.

Stepping off my pulpit now, okay back to this weeks recap Lulu especially felt horrible as she had brought this whole Faison thing to a head getting Nathan to smoke out his father, and  unleashing hell upon all of them not thinking of the dire consequences it would bring upon his wife , sisters and his mother. Yeah because of Lulu, and Faison's actions  his family  remained vigil at his bedside after he had surgery. 

The bullet had gone to his spinal colum and they said that their time with him may not be very long. It was a sad state of affairs and  I felt for all of them. As a long time GH fan I've seen many deaths of beloved characters, but this one like  the death of  Georgie Jones felt personal to me because it affected Masie who was the wife and sister of the two who had been ripped from their families way too soon. It breaks a fans heart when their fave character goes through something like this, because that one character has lost so much Maxie has buried three of the men in her life and her sister.

Nathan died in hospital on Wedneday January 31st episode of General Hospital. It was a sad day for fans and the cast as they had to say good bye to an amazing person on and off screen.

Sometimes its best to not chase a story and respect other people's wishes. Lulu did feel remorse for what she did and the first step they say is accepting responsibility for your actions. 

Its a shame that it took Nathan's death for  Lulu to come to that conclusion in the first place.

But it wasn't only the family who felt that loss Jordan Ashford also felt anger and discontentment as she had to tell her officers that one of their own had been shot and killed by his own father.

Jason went to see  Faison and he wanted answers, he told Jason that  Drew remembers more about his life before he got kidnapped than he realizes. Also he told him that  he took Drew because he couldn't  control Jason because he has brain damage. Well that was admirable at least for him to come clean, but as they say too little too late. Faison should have been up front from the get go.

Now we also got a front row seat for the man of mystery the elusive Heinrik to finally reveal himself, and it was as we all suspected it was in fact Peter August who was Nathan's brother.

Aftermath of Nathan's shooting Pt 1

I felt horrible watching the grief of Maxie, Liesel , Nina , and their friends because Nathan was the light in their life. He was their sounding board, the heart, and the soul of the family , and not only that he was like a brother to Dante.

Jordan felt that loss because he was a trusted colleague and friend , and anyone with a heart would have cried watching these scenes. It was heart breaking to watch them all suffer the loss.

Aftermath of Nathan's shooting pt2 01-31-18 

Wow what a week, it was  on top of that we had  Sonny finding out something was going on with his father Mike and  Ava and Nelle were not team Carly.

Joss got a dress from Nelle for the school dance and Carly so doesn't like that fact.

What's going to happen next week? God only knows but I know this fan and her many friends will be on the edge of their seats.

Until next time  Guys Happy GH watching