
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Truly Blessed to be apart of the GH Family

I never could imagine , when I was just a kid , that for nearly 4 decades that one show would take me on a journey , and also make so many of us anxious to see what's going to happen on the #nextgh.

It hasn't been just what's been going on , on screen that has excited me , or the fact that as a little girl GH not only made me explore my imagination but it also made me feel we as fans are apart of the GH family.

 In 2006, I  ventured on the GH their message board on their official website , and made some life long friends.

People we banter with , laugh with and check in with daily , not just about GH , but share our daily lives with and suppott one another if they other is going through a rough patch.

That's what families do, we also feel that if someone is hurting someone we care about we are the first people to speak up and say our peace.

And as much as we have respect for each other , we have an loyalty to the cast of the show too!!!  I have been known to tell people off for throwing shade at my faves , because someone got their nose out of joint over another actor not getting enough air time.

 How can fan's be apart of the GH family ? Some people might question , but simply put by going on social media which allows  us fans to not only speak to each other but have an open dialogue with our favourite actors and actresses from the show and the people behind the camera too.

Creating General Hospital Canada on Facebook , has been a joy, sometimes its been a pain with the crazies that have engulfed our little family , but we stay strong and united,

Fans from the USA And Canada have joined together and have become One big happy family!!!!We laugh , we joke around, we have the odd disagreement , but at the end of the day we all respect one another, that's what a family does.

And I am truly blessed to have some of the actors past and present from the show in our group. Our live chats are one hell of a party where we talk about what's going on on screen, vent about what we do or don't like and most importantly sometimes we even see that the show has run with our ramblings in the live chat.

Discussions of this nature included , English dessert traditions at Christmas , DNA research about our famlilies, Spina Bifida, our interest in the supernatural and most importantly the health and well being of our parents where Diabetes and  Alzeimers are concerned.

I believe without a doubt , just as much as an influence GH is on us, they in turn show us , that they listen to us., they want us to feel as much as part of the story , as they do when they produce it.

So thank you on behalf of the fans north and south of the border, we are truly blessed to be a part of the gh family because , Its little nods like this that make me  smile as a long time fan of General Hospital .

And  to the fans I would like to say Happy Birthday Canada and The USA !!!!!!!!

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