If you're looking for a sweet , quiet, demure , submissive woman to have in your life good luck with that bud, you're not going to find that kind of chick in Port Charles New York.
The Spencer women, Scorpio women , Cassadine Women and Jones women are how should I put it nicely, the kind of women who aren't shy about giving you hell , when you tick them off , in fact they aren't adverse to brandishing a weapon of some kind to protect themselves.
If I was you I'd take the first bus out of town if you were thinking of trying to hurt or antagonize any of them.They will kick, punch , slap, stab , shoot or run over anyone who has hurt them or someone they love.
The girls are there mother's daughters, I know that for a fact, and as for their dads, they're a good mix of them too I might add .
When you're the niece or daughter of a rebel and the towns mayor ,the daughter of a spy, the daughter of a mobster a lawyer and the daughter of two WSB agents people have to come to terms with the fact that you aren't a wallflower.
Provoking them just starts a chain of events that will either see you running away screaming, or getting your own ass killed. If not by the women themselves, but by the men they associate with.
Most of them are connected to the biggest players in town , when you're best friends with , or married into , or are friends with the daughter in law of Sonny Corinthos, chances are Sonny Corinthos and Jason Morgan are not far behind.
For me a huge thing is these women have fought off enemies , kicked some serious ass , and still some haters of the characters both fans and characters on screen feel the need to trash them because why ? Because they had the balls to say what's on their minds, and acted without thinking and did what they had to do.
We may not agree with some things they've said or done , but lets face it when you have Helena Cassadine, Heather Webber, Nelle Benson Olivia Jerome, Shiloh Archer, Lisa Niles ,Caesar Faison , and Ryan Chamberlain stalking you like prey you shouldn't be expected to take things laying down or be victimized period.
These are people who became obsessed and treated them like they were the evil ones! I'm sorry but it is what it is, they've had to fight for survival, and they've won every single damn time.
And if you think it gives you the right to judge my girls , you want your head tested mate, I don't think Carly , Joss, Laura , Anna , Robin, Alexis , Sam , Molly or Felicia and Maxie should ever apologize or have to explain themselves to anyone.
Love them or hate them , there's one thing you can't deny the women of Port Charles have feistiness coursing through their veins and as a fan of all of these women , I am damn proud to have looked up to and be proud of every single one of them not just for who they show to the rest of the world, but for the women they are deep down inside .
Strong , beautiful, flawed, funny women who are rebel angels to the core, and don't take any crap from anyone.