I'm beyond disgusted if fans are spreading lies about our GH family, it's people's jobs your bsing about so shame on the gossip sites too.
Let me put it to you straight guys , this blog isn't about ripping people apart , but I feel something needs to be said .
I love and support the whole cast like the rest of my fellow gh fans , so imagine my shock anger and disappointment when I heard Emme Rylan and William Devry have been let go from the show .
At times I've wanted to slap their own screen counterparts for something they've said or done that pissed me off.
Whatever Lulu and Julian have done to annoy us it was exactly how they wanted us to feel .
I know from social media they laugh at our rather comical reactions. Having said that it means Emme and Will are superb at what they do !
Which puzzles me why they would let go of two of the most genuine , funny people who graced our screens who just happen to be apart of 2 legacy family's on GH.
But then there's the fact that actors want to move on , and it's pure speculation that they've been fired saying I'm shocked doesn't even cover it.
If that's the case I wish them luck if either is true ! I'll miss them when they're gone either way and that is the truth .
If it is in fact just gossip, I have to say unless we hear it straight from them don't believe everything you hear !!! It could be they haven't yet renewed their contracts .
This is Ashley signing off !!!!
Have a great day and happy GH watching !!!