Now then the big bang is about to blow your minds this week.
Monday April 25th 2022
Today's show centered around alot of drama .
Sonny comes to see Willow about Michael.
Chase visits with Brooklynn and Michael wants to speak with Brooklynn.
Finn and Elizabeth talk to Jordan about the video footage .
Curtis tells his dad he has his arrest record .
Alexis is thinking about Harmony and Diane shows up to see her.
Alexis tells her that Harmony wants her to kill the story about Nina
Harmony is about to burn the file when Carly shows up and catches her.
Michael tells Brooklynn that he and Drew ate talking about merging Aurora and ELQ.
He says Ned isn't to keen on the idea , Brooklynn says so you want me to talk my dad off a ledge.
Jordan tells Elizabeth and Finn they have a way to view the video and can catch the perpetrator.
Curtis has pissed off his dad for investigating him.
Diane tells Alexis absolutely not do not kill the story, you should run it.
Carly wants to know what's going on between Harmony and Nina and asks is she blackmailing you?
Sonny appeals to Willow to speak to Michael on his behalf.
Marshall says Curtis should have respected his privacy and this pisses Curtis off.
Sonny tells Michael they should talk and fix things between them.
Carly says , you told me you owed Nina , why do you owe her anything?
Diane clocks it that Harmony doesn't want the truth of her secret to come out.
Leave it to Diane she always hones in on people not telling the full truth.
Chase tells Brooklynn that he misses Bailey and being a family with her and Brooklynn.
Brooklynn says that she's surprised after the mean things she heard him say to Dante . But some what he said was true.
Jordan says the cameras were jammed and it was done deliberately.
Curtis asks why Marshall was in a mental institution. Marshall refuses to answer the question.
Awe Chase and Brooklynn are so sweet , they are about to kiss when Leo interupts them by yelling at Chase.
Michael listens to what Sonny has to say . Sonny says you're my son I love you can't we fix this.
Oh boy Alexis tells Diane she wants Harmony to move out of her house.
Harmony only tells Carly half of the story. She tells Carly that she met Madeline Reeves and worked with Phyllis.
Harmony offers Carly something to drink and goes upstairs .
Carly goes to snoop and she finds evidence that Willow is not actually her daughter.
Oh my God seriously Michael, your mom is a big girl and can fight her own battles . Stop speaking for her .
Curtis asks what his dad's diagnosis was , there's no judgement here. But Marshall isn't taking the opportunity to talk things through .
After Jordan says that the person whose scaring her could be someone she knows .
Finn says you can't stay here you need to go to Laura's or to the Quartermaine's to stay safe .
Poor Leo doesn't understand that Elizabeth and her boys needed his help. Leo says but I'm your friend too .
Diane praises Alexis for working at the paper and succeeding like she did as a lawyer.
Go Carly she and Harmony get into a fight when Harmony goes after her with a syringe.
Diane tells Alexis that she is not indebted to Harmony and do what she feels is best.
Sonny says that Michael is acting like a spoiled child when he's an adult.
Michael says Sonny is not taking responsibility for his own actions and how he chose Nina over his own family.
Leo talking to Chase is so sweet.
Aidan thinks Franco is mad at them because Finn has been staying with them.
Oh Marshall enough stop placing blame on Curtis , it's on you not him.
Leo performs his poem for Chase and Brooklynn.
Elizabeth tells Aidan that Franco would not hurt any of them.
Poor Curtis is not OK with the cover up and lies his dad told.
He wants to start from fresh and have a clean slate with his dad.
Michael tells Sonny is done with him. Sonny says you have to make sure you're sure about this .
Sonny tells Michael he should beg for forgiveness.
Alexis comes home and sees there was some sort of a struggle and can't locate Harmony.
Harmony is in Carly's car and won't answer รlexis' call.
Alexis calls Diane and says something strange is going on.
Harmony looks angry and the camera pans to the trunk of Carly's car.
We see Carly unconscious and battered in the trunk .
Phew that's it for now until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone.
Hey everyone I'm doing this recap with a wing and a prayer today because frankly I'm pissed off.
First of all Smoltz needs to back the fuck off of Nina. Thank God Sasha showed up and threw him out .
Lucy talked to Brando about how everything is going and offers to help him find a house.
Willow asks Michael how he's doing . Michael says he's fine , but she says that she blames Nina
For the family drama .
Sonny punches a punching bag and remembers what Michael said to him.
Dante talks to his dad about the robbers .
Elizabeth says she misses her boys . Finn says we have to find proof it's a person not a ghost.
Harmony opens the trunk. She says she has to make it look like a tragic accident .
Finn says he gets why Elizabeth doesn't want to leave . Elizabeth says she'll book a room at the Metrocourt.
I love how supportive Lucy is of Brando and Sasha.
Sasha says that Willow and Michael are her friends and that she can't get in the middle of their fight with Nina.
Sasha is starting to freak out about Brando being involved with Sonny.
Nina tells her it was only to stop the robbers at Charlie's.
Dante recognizes that his dad is behaving irrationally and out of character.
Harmony sets Carly's car to go over the cliff. If she killed Carly this would not endear her to Willow.
Alexis sees Harmony at the cliff .
Elizabeth and Finn are at the metrocourt. They run into Lucy who asks about Aiden's school project on the super natural.
Elizabeth tells her that there was no project and Aiden got a Ouija board. Finn is angry and says she was stupid and irresponsible talking to Aiden.
Michael says that he wants to remove the stain from the family name. That he doesn't want it to stand for greed , ruthfulness and violence .
Michael says that Sonny's irrational and needs to see sense. The dad he loved lived by the code of honor.
Alexis knows that Carly's in the car.
Harmony is wigging out and blurts out what happened with Neil and Brendan.
Dante says Sonny can be a really prickly son of a bitch sometimes .
Sonny tells Brando that Michael is ashamed of the Corinthos name.
Lucy explains what really happened and Finn apologizes to Lucy.
Lucy is worried about Elizabeth and Elizabeth is freaking out about her situation .
Alexis finds out that Neil was Harmony's therapist . Carly wakes up in her trunk .
Harmony tells her that both Neil and Brendan were threatening to tell Willow she's not really her mother.
Harmony says she had to stop them from telling Willow the truth and that she killed them both.
Lucy tells Elizabeth that in some cultures ghosts are highly regarded and a comfort.
Sasha is shocked that Nina wants to be involved with Sonny .Brando says Michael is naive about things because Sonny protected him.
Willow doesn't want to lose out on a relationship with Sonny like she did with Harmony .
Harmony is trying to justify her actions . Alexis says Harmony is out of her mind.
She asks if someone is in the cat when she hears Carly banging on the trunk.
Elizabeth says it's comforting to know that Franco wants them to remember him.
Lucy offers to recommend a medium that could come to her place.
Michael won't protect Sonny ,turn a blind eye or sugar coat things anymore .
Nina is clearly delusional she thinks she can handle Sonny's life lol. Yeah right his kids are a package deal .
If she wants to be with Sonny she needs to show some damn respect to Michael and to Willow when it comes to their son.
Sasha tells her to be careful when it comes to Sonny . Nina says that's enough about me how are you?
Sasha says she's trying to look to the future now. Sasha says that she feels like she's being punished for hurting Nina and doing the drugs.
Nina asks her if she thinks she's being punished for her past mistakes.
Alexis finds Carly in the car and asks what did you do for her.
Finn makes jokes about the supernatural and Mediums.
This I take great offense in my opinion, he's such a dickhead having the audacity making fun of Lucy and others who do believe in it. And I am one of those people .
Clearly this guy is a skeptic who always thinks with his scientific brain .
( on a side note when Jordan mentioned that cameras were jammed the same thing happens to Ed and Lorraine Warren and several other ghost hunters )
If you believe in God you believe in spirits .
Sasha breaks down in Nina's arms.
Dante tells his dad he's not judging him. He thinks his dad and Michael should sit down and fix things.
Sonny says its too late .
Willow tells Michael to guard against ruthfulness the very thing he wants to protect Wiley from.
Alexis prepares to rescue Carly , but Harmony the whacko looks like she's going to hurt her too.
What a great show ๐ even though it pissed me off royally ! Several of my faves going through some trauma and drama .
Well done ๐ guys , until tomorrow my dears this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone.
Ooooh baby the fur is definitely flying on today's show.
The small fry stuff that happened , buy were definitely sweet were Finn taking Violet for a manicure it was so sweet.
They ran into Ava, who talked about how she takes Avery for manicures as well.
Sonny and Curtis talked about Marshall . Sonny asks what's up with you and your dad?
Portia and Drew are worried about Curtis because neither have heard from him
Nina is worried about Sasha and talks to Brando about how concerned she is about her.
Curtis wants to Sparr with Sonny.
The Deception ladies celebrate their success.
Alexis fights off Harmony and Carly ever the bad ass helps save Alexis.
Alexis says " You killed Neil and Brendan! Are Carly and I next? How many more people are you going to kill to protect the secret that Willow is not your daughter.
Harmony says " As many as it takes!"
I'm thinking so what if Willow is not your biological daughter! The truth has to come out some time.
Sonny tells Curtis that he had fun at the Savoy. He tells Curtis that he and Selena Wu are not in business together.
Dante comes to question the robber at GH.
Nina tells Brando that Sasha is terrified of losing him.
Lucy makes a toast about their success. Maxie and Brooklynn are worried about Sasha.
Some creepy guy is stalking Sasha and he won't leave her the hell alone.
Go Alexis get her girl, Harmony lunges at Alexis.
Carly protected Alexis and tells her to back off.
Sonny says that Marshall intrigues him. He says he wants to more about him.
Curtis and Sonny talk about how Marshall reacted to Sonny the first time he saw him.
Sonny says that Marshall was angry with him for no reason.
Sonny also finds out about what Curtis did digging into his Dad's past.
Sonny tells him some times the past should be left where it belongs in the past.
Portia and Drew talk about how it's not like him to be radio silent.
Oh lord Maxie and Brooklynn are still at odds about Austin.
Photographer won't quit taking pics of Sasha and is spying on her.
Brando says Sasha knows I love, support her and I'm proud of her.
He says I'm not a cop or in danger anymore.
Nina urges Brando to be there for her.
Carly grabs Harmony and Alexis calls the police.
Sonny and Curtis talked about Nina and Sonny tells him that he doesn't want to muscle in on his club.
Drew tells Portia what he did to help Curtis .
We came up empty with info on him and he found out and is annoyed with us.
Dante questions the robber who refuses to tell him anything at all.
Sasha goes outside to get away from the photographer. He follows her and we won't back the hell off.
Austin defends our girls .
Harmony gets away from Carly and Alexis.
Violet is having fun with her nails being done. Finn and Ava compare notes about their little ones.
The robber has a flashback of Sonny laughing at him as he loomed over him.
I'm sorry , but that scene reminded me of the Joker from Batman. Lmfao I freaking loved it.
Sonny talks to Curtis about his boys and how they burned bridges and built them back up.
Maybe Curtis can do the same thing .
Lmfao Portia says that Marshall is a musician he carries a clarinet in his case not a weapon.
Nina thinks she's protecting her own loss of a child onto Sasha .
Nina says Sasha is making lots of money. Brando says monet doesn't take the place of Liam.
The photographer won't stop snapping pictures of Sasha .
Omfg Gladys took his camera lol and the memory card.
Lucy threatens to sic Carly and Sonny on him if he doesn't knock it off.
Brooklynn threatens to sic Olivia on him.
Alexis and Carly are worried that Harmony will hurt Willow and Wiley.
Finn gets his nails done.
Sonny makes plans to see Avery and make ice cream sundaes with her.
TJ gets a package .
Nina tells Brando she's so sorry about his loss .
Sasha and Gladys are in the car and being chased by the photographer.
This is sick man it reminds me of princess Diana.
Carly and Alexis talk to Rory about Harmony and what she did to them and the Byrne brother.
Harmony has completely lost it .
Dante asks his dad if he had anything to do at all with the disappearance of the missing robber.
Portia wonders if Curtis will stop his dad from leaving . Nina says goodbye to Brando.
The Deception ladies are growing increasingly worried about Sasha.
Austin is ฤทilling me with his humor .
Carly wants to warn Michael about what Harmony has been up to.
Carly and Alexis both think it's imperative to protect Willow and Wiley.
Sasha and Gladys wind up in a car accident looks like she wound up hitting Harmony because of the crazy assed photographer .
That's it for now , until next time guys this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a wonderful evening everyone.
I apologize for the lateness of Thursdays Recap.
So much drama packed into one episode .
The filler scenes for me were Curtis and Portia talking about Marshall, and Trina ,Rory and Spencer. Dante was having dinner with Michael and Willow.
I'm sorry I'm not into teenage angst, but I loved Laura rescuing Nikolas from the clutches of Esme.
The big storyline of the episode was the vehicular hit of Harmony .
Like I said, I feel like Sasha was being stalked like princess Diana was .
This photographer has no respect for personal space let alone respecting the speed limit.
Plus not recognizing the fact he caused the accident to happen in the first place.
His taking pictures while Sasha was performing CPR was absolutely disrespectful.
Carly and Alexis are questioned by Jordan about what happened to them.
Sam was there to get her mom and Carly she told Jordan Harmony's secret.
Shortly there after Harmony was brought into the hospital . It left them all visibly shaken.
Carly called Michael and Willow to let them know they needed to come to hospital.
The photographer lol is questioned by Dante , and he wants to press charges against Sasha .
Dante tells him he better drop his charges because he stalked Sasha.
Harassing Someone is not a nice , classy thing to do and chasing someone in a vehicle can cause an accident leading to death .
At the Gallery lol ๐ Esme learned her hold on Spencer is no longer I effect .
At the hospital Michael and Willow showed up and they learned about the accident .
Sasha was left upset watching her friend wonder what the hell happened to her mom.
That's it for now until next time guys , this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great day everyone .
Hello my darlings first of all I must apologize for the lateness of the recap.
Usually ,I try to get it out on Saturday, however due to stomach issues I couldn't face it .
Ava arrives home and Nikolas appears to have been waiting for her with champagne at the ready .
Trina kills me she she calls Esme Spencer's Phony, twisted witch whose the love of his life lol.
He says " Trina , she's not the love of my life !" Esme has over heard this ! Oh shit !!!!
Carly speaks to someone on the phone . Michael and Willow are at the chapel.
Michael gets a text from Joss she's on the way to the hospital.
Willow says if my mom dies, I will never forgive myself for walking away from her.
Sasha is freaking out about what she's done. Gladys tries to calm her down, but to no avail.
Nikolas tries his level best to smooth things over with Ava.
The only thing is she's not in the mood to listen or play games with him since Esme is still living there .
Trina and Spencer have no idea that Esme is listening to their conversation.
Joss shows up and sees that her mom is OK, but she's really worried about her.
Michael comforts Willow.
Sasha tells Brando what happened to her and and about the accident .
Carly fills Joss in on what happened with Harmony . Joss wants to know why she attacked her mom.
Carly has flashbacks of seeing Harmony burning the evidence .
Poor Willow is beside herself with worry about her mom and why she would run onto a road like that.
Brando finds out that his mom stole the card from the photographer's camera.
Sasha tells Brando she has to tell Willow the truth , that she owes it to her. Brando says if you want to tell her the truth let's go ! It's up to you !
She says yes she wants to!
Esme says some pretty deplorable things to Trina . She suggests that Trina isn't as innocent as everyone thinks and will see her for who she really is .
Umm that's laughable my caustic nasty bitch, since you're projecting everything people think about you and blaming it on Trina.
Ava is freaking our on Nikolas and taps his face . She calls him her dear sweet husband.
Ava says they don't trust each other.
At the Gallery lol Trina calls Esme a needy, entitled psycho.
She says Esme has no one and that she only has that idiot . ๐ meaning Spencer ๐.
She tells Esme to leave.
Carly tells Joss she is only worried about Harmony for Willow's sake.
Joss asks if telling Willow the truth will make things much worse rather than much better.
Millow and Brasha run into each other. Sasha bravely asks to talk to Willow alone.
Michael and Brando leave to let the ladies talk. Michael tells him about Carly when Smoltz rudely interupts them.
Joss and Carly run into Gladys who tells Carly that it was Sasha who ran Harmony over .
Willow asks Sasha if Carly told her about Harmony .Sasha tells her it was she who hit Harmony .Both Sasha and Willow are in tears.
Esme is super pissed at Spencer being around Trina . She needs to get the fuck over herself already.
Manipulative little skank .
Michael stops Brando from attacking Smoltz who wants to talk to him about what happened.
Brando threatens Smoltz
Willow asks Sasha if Harmony jumped in front of her car.
Sasha tells her she came out of woods . Sasha apologizes to Willow.
Gladys is really worried about Sasha.Carly asks if Sasha is strong enough to deal with this situation.
Gladys says yes , but lately she's noticed that Sasha has been rather edgy lately.
Ava is super pissed at Nikolas for helping Esme after what she's done to her .
They wind up kiss
Esme manipulates Spencer or so she thinks .
Brando tells Michael it was Sasha who hit Harmony . He tells Michael Sasha is devastated about hurting Willow.
Michael says Sasha may not have the whole story , but his mom does.
Joss wonders if her mom should tell Willow.
Spencer is trying to warn Esme off of Trina .
Ava and Nikolas are all hot and heavy. Ava stops them from having sex.
She says , sex won't fix their problems and that trust is built over time. She walks out.
Sasha wishes she could make everything OK.
Carly shows up at the chapel and asks to speak to Willow alone.
Lots of private conversations with Willow in this episode. I'm on tenterhooks here.
Roll on Monday , until tomorrow my darlings , this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great Sunday everyone.