
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Thursday, 11 January 2018

GH Recap January 10th 2018

Good Morning me lovelies all I have to say is Oh Snap the episode of  January 10th brought a lot of a ha moments for yours truly as well as a lot of wtf moments.

First of all Elizabeth Webber I love you my darling girl but who the hell goes outside in the winter time with no coat and no boots on. 

 Becky Herbst is gorgeous and all but in Winter time in New York State and across the border into Canada we actually wear our winter coats and our boots when we step outside.

We also do not leave our front doors wide freaking open either.

Jim Harvey showed up wanting to  talk to Franco about selling his studio and he promptly ripped up the card after Jim left.

There is something just not right about this guy , I love Greg Evigan , but this character he's playing is as shady as hell and I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him and nor does Franco.

Check out the clip below of Franco meeting him face to face and you tell me what you think guys?

Franco Baldwin - I don't do business with people who call me Bobby 

What the hell is Jim's interest in all the major players in Port Charles and their properties?

Is he another scumbucket who just wants to be the king of Port Charles sure as hell feels like it to me .

We had a front row seat for  Ned and  Olivia all loved up she wants him to run for mayor and  Kevin wants Laura to run for mayor too.

Ned wanted  Laura to  give him her endorsement , unfortunately he found out she's running against him.

LOL I loved this scene ... the two of them are awesome characters and the fact that they are running against each other is magic in my eyes.

Watch as Laure proclaims its game on when she finds out  Ned is getting in bed with the enemy so to speak when he's planning on working with that creep Jim Harvey.

Watch the clip below to watch it all go down lol.

Laura vs Ned for Mayor - Game On

Valentin got a visit from Jordan lol, right before he had a chance to look to see what was on the lap top that he had in his possession.

Finn and Anna were getting all hot and heavy and then she stopped right in her tracks when she saw a  her clock was broken and laying on the floor.

We also had a front row seat for  Jordan telling Finn that this thing he has with Anna is just a passing thing running on adrenaline. How rude and dare she make that assumption ugh what a bitch.

All of this stuff was great including  Nina and Charlotte spotting Laura at Charlie's pub, but they really were just fillers for me.

When  Laura and  Nina and Charlotte were talking I noticed that  Nina got a little on edge when she heard Charlotte mention Cassandra.

And when she went home to see  Valetin and found Anna there you could tell she was more than a little disturbed and distracted by the mere mention of the woman's name.

And this was the scene that got my attention we find out that Cassandra's henchman Erick was not the one who drugged her after all.

Nina was the one who did it , and I had a feeling that's what had transpired, Nina was too edgy and on the defensive and it did not go unnoticed by  Charlotte , nor  her grandparents Laura and Kevin.

We as viewers are intuitive and we always hone on these kinds of things.

Nina Cassadine - Vengeance is mine

Michelle Stafford is amazing as Nina working with a sore throat, and performed to her level best and always brings in her A game.

I loved this episode mainly because I love the women and the men who featured in it.

I can't wait to see what's going to happen on today's show until next time folks have a wonderful day and happy GH watching.

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