This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.
Monday, 22 January 2018
GH Recap January 19th 2018
Good Morning me lovelies and welcome to another edition of our GH recaps ... so let me get straight to the point while its still fresh in my mind this whole Laura running for mayor and then pulling out of the race just annoys the freaking shit out of me.
Its largely to do with the fact that GH has dropped Genie Francis down to recurring , a lot of hearsay is going on as to why that may be and you know what , as fans we need to shut the frig up and stay out of business that doesn't concern us.
We may not like it , but it is what it is, we can't stop it from happening , but at the end of the day we also have to stop and think should I really be cussing out or threatening one of her co stars with a punch to the face over a rumor that she got dropped to recurring to give him a higher salary.
Its not for us to say , its none of our damn business and threatening any of her co stars is a freaking no no in my books. Have some common sense and decency. You only know these Actors and actresses because they are on our tv screens, so having a personal vendetta against any of them even threatening to poison people just makes me shake my damn head and think that those who are over the top need to be placed in Miscavage or Shadybrook. I know they're fictional mental hospitals but you get my point right?
Okay that's enough of that now on to the recap ........ On Friday's show .
So we had a front row seat for Anna getting a surprise visitor at her home, it was Obrecht at first I thought she was shot or something when she had fallen over , but she was actually just drunk off her ass.
Anna brought her in and they talked about Faison and his son . Meanwhile Laura has revealed that Spencer has broken both of his legs so she has to go to France and take care of him.
Laura and Alexis who are two of my favourite women characters just an fyi talked about Spencer and Alexis told her to say hi to him for her.
You know guys , I really love these two I wish they had had more scenes together. They could form quite the friendship.
So in doing so she has told Kevin he should run for mayor , and Kevin is left unimpressed when he finds out that Valentin wants to get Laura's seat on the hospital board just like Stefan was years back.
Sason discussed Faison and that they need to warn Sam and Drew about it, also Kim visited Charlie's again and she found out that the fridge was unplugged and all the food had gone rotten.
My question is who would be that callous, and nasty to do that to someone to destroy their business?
Dirty tactics annoy the piss out of me .
Sam and Drew were getting ready for their wedding when Jason showed up to tell them what the hell was going on . and then we flip back to Anna and Obrecht apparently Faison's other son is named Hymeric and Faison treated the boy like crap. Yea umm no surprise there , and she mentioned that the kid was trying to emulate everything his father did and tried to please him.
Meanwhile Jason went to the floating rib and played pool with Kim. I loved it reminds me of Jarly when Tamara was playing Carly. Ah the memories , but these are becoming new ones and I frankly love it.
Julian went to see Sonny to get help with whoever is screwing him over at the pub , really I am perplexed at what he thinks Sonny can do for him.
Back at The floating Rib lol , Kim said that Jason was a pool shark like is brother , but he never talks and Drew did. I like the strong silent type , but that's just my preference.
Anyways lol then Julian came in and destroyed it and said that he wanted to buy Kim dinner and he apologized for what happened at the pub. He then made it clear that he doesn't like Jason and called him a scumbag. Really buddy it takes one to know one doesn't it?
Kim also discovers that Sam is Julian's daughter lol
Back at Anna's , she has left a sleeping Obrecht who wakes up to find a note , and immediately called her scarecrow. I'm sorry I busted a gut laughing at this this comparison lol.
If Anna is a scarecrow then Obrecht is like a stern governess who doesn't stand for anyone's impertinence, stupidity and forgive me I just got a visual of her smacking a ruler in her hand lol like the teachers did in the old days to punish the children for their bad behaviour lol.
When Obrecht fully woke up she then attempted to leave Anna's , and deliberately disobeyed her, if someone tells you to stay put for your own safety its always wise to do so, that's right Obrecht left Anna's and promptly got attacked by Caesar Faison himself
Watch the scene below to see what I'm referring too lol.
Faison Resurfaces In Port Charles Pt 2 01-19-18
Meanwhile Anna was at Sonny's telling him what she found out, yeah the intrigue is about to hot up even more.
I'm loving this I can't wait to see Anders Hove in the flesh and we see Faison's menacing face and hear his creepy assed voice delivering some much needed evil goodness to this show.
Until next time guys have a great day and Happy GH watching.
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