
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Friday, 20 April 2018

General Hospital Canada's 3rd Anniversary

They said in the movie field of dreams " Build it and they will come" That thought resonated three years ago when  Ashley Booth came up with an idea for a GH Group run by Canadian fans of the ABC Soap Opera General Hospital on Facebook.

She's been a long time fan for 38 years , has the knowledge, the vision , and the imagination to make GHC a fun place to hang out.

Our members are witty, intelligent , and they know how to conduct themselves in good humor and respect for everyone in the group, and the stars of General Hospital themselves.

We are from both sides of the North American Border and some come from the UK and even have a few folks from the show who participate in our group from time to time.

GHC is a place where long time fans and new ones can have a voice to share their memories, their info and insight on the goings on in Port Charles.

Our admins are beyond Amazing , they help choose the songs and the clips for fan made music videos and are a great group to bounce ideas off. They also show other fans the utmost respect as well.

The course of GHC has had its moments of craziness , people overstepping boundaries, trying to rock the boat and make things unpleasant, but one things for sure we never let anyone break us.

GHC would never been in existence if it  weren't for the Hursley's who created General Hospital, as well as the cast and the crew who bust their asses to bring us superb drama and acting weekdays.

Thank you so much guys, you make us laugh, you make us cry , you make us so hopping mad sometimes we wanna zap ourselves into the tv and land in Port Charles to bitch slap someone, but it goes to show if it weren't for you fans would not have a platform like GHC to share their love for the long running soap that's been around for 55 years.

And thank you to all of our members who literally make us laugh so much at times we just shake our heads and go " WTF"

Here's to more happy times in General Hospital Canada where the drama reigns supereme but only on our screens and where fans can banter back and forth with people who share the same love for all things General Hospital.

 So Happy 3rd Anniversary GHC love you all, we aren't just GH fans we are more like a family.


Ashley R Booth, Jessica Soares, Matt Diestel, Judy Montgomery, Christine Spraul, Jackie Serafin Van Weeren, Kirsten Kidwell Braun Syl Fil.

Monday, 16 April 2018

GH Recap April 2nd - April13th 2018

Good Morning me lovelies , the past two weeks of GH have been exciting , what with  Nelle wreaking havoc on Carly and  Jim Harvey finally meeting his maker. 

Jim started off trying to  take Elizabeth hostage, but he wound up kidnapped by Franco. I loved every minute of this honest too goodness.

Franco confronting him at the art studio , and them having another big fight, Jim tried to choke Franco and then out of nowhere, like a night and shining armor , Drew arrived in the nick of time.

I was so proud of Drew when he  shot that mother effer for attempting to hurt Franco any further.

It appears that Heinrich is falling for Maxie , he's paying special attention to her, and its not gone unnoticed by  Nina or Valentine.

Valentine is warning him not to pursue Maxie, and you know what , he's shaping up to be an actually nice guy so far, so I personally don't know what the big deal is.

Nina on the other hand lol, she's turned into a jealous, hovering bitch and Maxie has told her she appreciates what she's doing for her but she needs to give her some breathing room.

I'd have done the same , I honestly love Nina but even I would object to someone questioning my choices.

We also got a front row seat for the Mike Corbin and his alzheimers kicking into high gear, he's clearly lucid one minute and living in the past in the next.

For those fans who've watched loved ones go through this it gives them a sense of relief that they aren't alone and Sonny too is in their shoes and understands the pain and sadness watching a parent go through this.

Sonny and Jason have also had to contend with the situation with  Carly thinking that she's lost her marbles again and Sonny had the gall to make her go see Griff. Who told her there was nothing wrong with her to prove Sonny was wrong.

UGH seriously when is Sonny going to realize that  Carly isn't lying and someone is messing with his wife's head , cause that's what's going on here.

Also Griff hasn't told anyone that  Heinrich is in Port Charles and he confronted him on it, the problem is Ava is being a nosy bitch and she peeked at the dna test results does she know the truth?

Ava and Nelle were at logger heads about the whole Carly situation, she told her that maybe she should stop what she's doing cause it would come back to bite her once Carly found out about whatever it is she's up too.

Michael and Maxie , are absolutely adorable I must say lol, they make good friends, but some fans would like to see Michael and Maxie as a couple. Yes many of us would ship them as the fans say.

Some may find that gross but not me or many others, two people who need someone to love and take care of them , who've got something massively in common what's not to like.

Jason has teamed up with Anna to find Heinrich but they have no idea that he's in Port Charles under the name Peter August.

And all this craziness has lead Jason to go to Zurich where Emma and  Robert has joined them for this crazy adventure.

Yeah that's something Anna and  Jason didn't need was for Robert to tag along, what cracked me the fuck up was Emma and Robert working together to make it happen that Robert would be joining the search.

What's next to happen in Port Charles god only knows, but I and so many others can not wait to hitch a ride back into Port Charles this week.

Until next time guys ,  have a great week and happy GH watching.

Thursday, 5 April 2018

GH Recap March 23- March 30th

Good morning me lovelies well last weeks GH was interesting wasn't it,  Heinrich is unaware that  Jason and his own mother Anna are getting closer to finding out who he is.

They've just not figured it out yet.

Franco is on the move to find out things from his past and  Elizabeth is there to support him although they aren't living together at the moment.

Sam finally told Drew that she loves Jason not him and he and his brother ended up in a punch up that lead them to get arrested.

Nelle is still on the move to get back at Carly , umm not to sound impatient or anything I want to know when that bitch is going to be brought down to earth and realize she's not got what it takes to make my girl scared out of her wits.

Using Morgan's memory to taunt Carly , seriously fuck off bitch , I mean it sorry for swearing yet again everyone but I've just about had enough of the Nelle Show her exacting revenge on a woman whose done nothing to her.

Some say she's the New Carly , well I doubt it she's not even a patch on my girl lol.

Chloe Lainer is a brilliant actress , but the only Carly there ever will be is Carly Leigh Corinthos, the formidable one even Liesel Obrect feared lol.

Ava is trying to knock sense into Nelle but its to no avail.

Nina is also concerned about what  Peter August is doing hovering around Maxie all the time, she does have a vaild concern , and once the truth comes out Nina will be justified in how she feels.

Which brings us all to the anniversary episode itself, I totally loved the concept of helping Mike remember things, I totally get it, but there wasn't enough anniversary stuff going on for my taste.

I loved the flashbacks it was great but I felt like there wasn't enough of a story or action going on.

I think GH should do another flashback episode perhaps for  Drew and Franco where they remember their past as little boys.

Now that would be great, and then they can become friends and trust each other, that's what I think and how I feel about it.

People may disagree with me on it, but its my opinion and I'm allowed to make it.

That's it for this week, until then happy GH watching guys