Sometimes the things the writers make our faves do , are deemed hurtful to the others they hate, affairs happen, life happens ,things happen on screen that are beyond the fans and the actors control. Because the writers and producers get them to do them.
That doesn't mean we should tweet the stars and utter death threats and spread malicous hurful gossip about them.
Which brings me to this point where I shake my head and say out loud in all my years of being a gh fan , I've seen it all and heard it all , but now I have been left speechless at the number of crazy things spewed at the cast of General Hospital by the fans who supposedly love them.
Fans level of maturity has baffled me to the point where I think I'd rather #SpreadTheGHLove than be a party to the countless disgusting and deplorable actions from the fans who supposedly love the show as much as yours truly.
I really feel that fans need to be held accountable for what they say to the actors and actresses, who by the way are only doing their jobs.
People are blurring the lines between reality and fantasy too much , and slinging a bunch of shit at the actors isn't going to win you brownie points or win you a gold star.
What you wind up doing in the long run , is making people leery of being on social media, and ontop of that you are giving the fans a bad name by behaving like school ground bullies behind a computer screen.
Are you that deluded you think what you're doing is okay? Well not from where Us long time viewers are concerned.
If you are a GH fan , these cast members say that we are apart of their GH family , so knowing this , wouldn't you treat them like they are you're family. Showing them all respect not just the ones that you LOVE!!!!!!
And not to mention these frigging fan wars , its so juvenile even the actors and actresses don't like it, so why bother even doing it.
Stop and realize those they are fighting with on screen are their real life friends and they have a mutual respect for one another.
If you don't like the same character someone else does then why don't you just behave like a rational adult instead of saying Oh you like Kemo , so you must be a whore too!!!! Say Oh I don't like her , but if you do that's cool with me!!!
I speak from experience when I say I've had this happen to me , I'm a Carly fan but I was told I wasn't worthy to speak to cause I like the character. Ummm really so because I like her You think what that my opinion doesn't matter, that you think I'm brainless or something !!!! Grow some common sense and realize that it makes you look like a petty bitch with no class.
If other fans see this behavior and voice it , you call them whiny babies, and the same has been said to the actors when they tell you off for the way you're speaking to them on social media.
This kind of nasty behavior is not acceptable online , or offline period.
If you don't like what a character does on screen, don't hate the actors, and actresses blame the writers.
And certainly you do not get a say in what's politically correct when the show is raising awareness about transgender people.
Recently people were tearing the character Elizabeth apart and making an accusation that she is responsible if her onscreen son Aidan has ended up being transgender. The show has not even embarked on that storyline as of yet, nor do we know if they are going to do it !
So please just shut up and take a breather or just don't watch the show if you can't stand the storylines or what the characters are up to.
You don't get to play judge , jury and executioner or petition for the actors to lose their jobs nor the writing team to lose their jobs.
In the famous words of Carly Corinthos " There I said it!" Yeah I'm being as honest as I can be , and as respectful as I want , but I can't stomach the nonsense any more! if you can't handle my truth, then you are more weak minded than you think we are!"
The GHFamily is stronger with or without your lack of compassion, humility and grace.So please learn that what they do is not all about you and what you want or how you feel.
Rant over!!!!!