
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 6 August 2018

Josslyn Jacks : The Apple doesn't Fall far from the tree

Back when they hired Eden Mccoy to play Joss Jacks or as the fans lovingly call her Carly Junior , I knew this kid would be a forced to be reckoned with.

The advice I would give to any new fan is,speaking as a fan of the legendary Spencer family,  if you look at the history of the show and see who is in Joss's gene pool is it any wonder ?  She is after all the granddaughter of  Bobbie Spencer who by the way is the supreme bitch de jour, its no surprise that her daughter and granddaughter would be just as frigging bad ass.

And lets not forget guys , she is the cousin of  Lulu and the great niece of Luke Spencer need I say more ? Who by reputation have an eye for trouble and are not shy about telling someone off or just giving their enemies a good ole shit kicking!

On Friday August 3rd 2018 Joss proved she is her momma's daughter in every sense of the word when she took Nelle Benson down on the pier!

Nelle tried to manipulate Joss further but our girl didn't let her manipulations sway her! Yes Josslyn was upset but she stood her ground and she showed that psycho what she's made of!

Watch the scene below to see what went down

Police commissioner Jordan Ashford was even impressed with  Joss's taking down the bitch that had hurt her family! Jordan even told Michael proudly what Joss had done and who could blame her.

And let me tell you a lot of older fans like myself felt like a proud mother when Joss told Nelle she messed with the wrong family 

Yep I have to hand it to  Eden she delivered her lines like the little firecracker she and Joss are! 

And lets face it the apple didn't fall far from the Spencer tree! If Jason , Carly ,  Sonny, Kristina, Luke, Lulu ,Michael and Bobbie had been takeat this proud moment they would have been cheering her on.

I know I was! 

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