
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

The Triumphs And Pitfalls Of Being A General Hospital Soap Fan Group Admin ......

With anything you do there are ups, downs , triumphs , down falls and pit falls with anything you do.
People take things in stride and hope things work out for the best when things don't go there way.

So I'm here to give advice as a long time GH fan who also happens to be a soap group admin.

First of all , being a soap fan is an easy job, we watch our favourite soaps every day , but with being an admin you have to be present , you have to have the passion and most of all you have to be aware that you're attitude reflects on your groups reputation.

You can not act like a tyrant, nor should you belittle the people in your group. Be aware that the people in your group are fans like you, you may not share the same love of the same character, but there is a little thing called respect and you should always give it to them and you'll get it back in return.

I'm very proud of my group General Hospital Canada/ in my group you have admins who care about the show, its actors and the fans who inhabit our group.

Fan wars within groups is so juvenile, if you don't like a certain character put your hands up and say , Oh okay you like this person , I don't but we can still talk about the show in a mature fashion.

There are fans out there and without naming names who think they are well within their rights to cuss at fans from other fan bases , and cuss out the actors on social media, I don't particularly like this behavior , so doing that in my group or if I see you doing it elsewhere and the actors recognize your name from my facebook group is a definite black mark against you.

Group admins work their asses off make posters, make videos , support the cast, and treat their members like gold and like family.

And most of all as a new member you can't come into a group and bull doze your way in demanding to be admin or acting like the owner is a bitch because you didn't get what you wanted.

Be gracious, be appreciative , and most of all show some class and respect to the admins and other members, we are all there to discuss GH , to have fun and not be subjected to verbal abuse or the ridiculous immature attitudes of people who are way too super sensitive and leave because we said something you don't like.

Speak up , we can't fix things or talk things out if you shut others out, that's what the admins are for to help you when you need it.

With that being said , happy gh watching.

Sunday, 23 September 2018

Strictly Speaking .... I find some fans behavior beyond ridiculous

Typically, with anything I say or do , some folks either love it, they either hate it  and  when they do they tell me, we work out our differences and things go back to normal.

I run a General Hospital fan group, which means sometimes I can be brutally honest about things, I remember things that most people wouldn't remember, I argue points because I know the true facts, and I back them up with the video clips to prove my point.

Those in my group who know me know, I'm a brutally honest, knowledgeable, opinionated and a right good laugh when I start predicting things like a psychic would before an event happens.

With that being said , I have to say that social media can be either a blessing or a curse , no matter which way you look at it.  Some people get super sensitive about things and blow stuff out of proportion when they ask others stuff and then when they get the answer they were looking for its like dangling a limb in front of a great white shark you're just asking for trouble.

If you don't want an answer you don't want to hear don't ask a question that you baited them to answer, you might not like the answer you get. And that goes for fans who tweet and message GH stars with the intention of being a nasty piece of shit with no class and backbone.

If you don't want them responding with a curt response to you're ignorant questions, are name calling them because you don't like it , you have to be more aware that familiarity breeds contempt and deal with the backlash.

Put your hands up and say oops yeah I'm sorry I said that, I meant it another way.

That's the way I would handle the situation if I was in their shoes, but strictly speaking I find some fans behavior ridiculous, 

Why on earth would anyone call someone an asshole , based on what their characters on GH said or did, or told you straight up what they think of you after you were down right ignorant to them.

For the love of all that's sane and holy , Fans need to recognize that its a privilege not a right to be able to speak with , tweet or be facebook friends with those they admire on their favourite shows.

I'm dumbfounded that this behavior is continuing, how many times do GH cast members have to block people , who are probably making up fake accounts to piss them off.

My advice to the fans, show some grace, class, and dignity when speaking to the cast , the producers and the stage manager, if it wasn't for their hard work  we wouldn't have a show to watch.

Back in 2017 they did a campaign about being kind, courteous , and to show acceptance of people, I guess those haters didn't take the hint because they continually behave like playground bullies ready to strike. 

When a new actor or actress joins a show they have the hardest task of all replacing the previous one before them. So before saying nasty shit saying they aren't as good as the last one , or not as pretty as the last one, think about how they must feel when people are down right rude about their appearance or how they are portraying the character they are just now playing.

They even go as far as attacking their fans and why because we actually like them and tell us we must be sluts for liking them.

There is an old saying " Think before you speak,!"

They also say , those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, that's what these haters do, they spew alot of bull crap because they can't handle the fact that there are some people who actually respect these actors and actressses.

If you don't want to stir a hornets nest don't come kicking this GH fans nest ... cause I'll give it to you with both barrels and you won't like what will come out of my mouth.

Thursday, 20 September 2018

MIke Corbin - Fool me Once , Shame On You

There is an old saying " Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!" that saying was going through my head as I watched the Monday September 17th 2018 episode of GH.

Sometimes things happen on General Hospital that grab your attention , whether it be a kidnapping, a bomb explosion, or a fan favourite getting killed by a whack job on the loose.

Monday's show started off like  any other would  with DA Margaux Dawson and Police Commissioner Jordan Ashford showing up at Sonny and Carly's  wanting to question Mike Corbin about Charlie's bar, after the explosion and the skeletal remains that were found there by Detective Harrison Chase.

To back it up just to be clear Mike had actually gone to Charlie's Bar owned by Julian Jerome, and he whacked the gas in the basement of the pub causing a gas leak. Which caused a whole lot of confusion and distruption and that is is why Jordan and Margaux were there.

 It all started off fine , but then bit by bit Mike became agitated and upset, this tugged at my heart strings, it clearly made Jordan and Margaux uncomfortable enough to apologize and leave the Corinthos Compound.

But what we viewers did not expect , was for Mike Corbin whose supposed to have Alzheimer's pull a fast one on the DA Dawson and  Police Commissioner Jordan Ashford.

As soon as they left , Mike looked up at Sonny and Carly smiled and said " I did good didn't I"

That was truly a what the eff moment for all of the viewers , and even Carly was in shock putting her hand to her mouth and she didn't know what to think.

Mike Corbin- Fool you Once Shame on me from Soapsalmighty on Vimeo.

Sometimes I wonder, like in Monday's episode if Mike is faking the alzheimers  and other day's I'm not so sure.

Either way I have to say it again Fool me once Shame on you ! Fool me Twice Shame on me and that's what's going to happen when Jordan and Margauz realize they've been had.

But I have to give massive kudos to Max Gail , who I have been a fan of since I was a wee little nipper. He makes Mike Corbin a joy to watch. One minute you're crying the next you're laughing along with him.

Brilliant Job guys Keep it up!!!!!