
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Thursday, 20 September 2018

MIke Corbin - Fool me Once , Shame On You

There is an old saying " Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!" that saying was going through my head as I watched the Monday September 17th 2018 episode of GH.

Sometimes things happen on General Hospital that grab your attention , whether it be a kidnapping, a bomb explosion, or a fan favourite getting killed by a whack job on the loose.

Monday's show started off like  any other would  with DA Margaux Dawson and Police Commissioner Jordan Ashford showing up at Sonny and Carly's  wanting to question Mike Corbin about Charlie's bar, after the explosion and the skeletal remains that were found there by Detective Harrison Chase.

To back it up just to be clear Mike had actually gone to Charlie's Bar owned by Julian Jerome, and he whacked the gas in the basement of the pub causing a gas leak. Which caused a whole lot of confusion and distruption and that is is why Jordan and Margaux were there.

 It all started off fine , but then bit by bit Mike became agitated and upset, this tugged at my heart strings, it clearly made Jordan and Margaux uncomfortable enough to apologize and leave the Corinthos Compound.

But what we viewers did not expect , was for Mike Corbin whose supposed to have Alzheimer's pull a fast one on the DA Dawson and  Police Commissioner Jordan Ashford.

As soon as they left , Mike looked up at Sonny and Carly smiled and said " I did good didn't I"

That was truly a what the eff moment for all of the viewers , and even Carly was in shock putting her hand to her mouth and she didn't know what to think.

Mike Corbin- Fool you Once Shame on me from Soapsalmighty on Vimeo.

Sometimes I wonder, like in Monday's episode if Mike is faking the alzheimers  and other day's I'm not so sure.

Either way I have to say it again Fool me once Shame on you ! Fool me Twice Shame on me and that's what's going to happen when Jordan and Margauz realize they've been had.

But I have to give massive kudos to Max Gail , who I have been a fan of since I was a wee little nipper. He makes Mike Corbin a joy to watch. One minute you're crying the next you're laughing along with him.

Brilliant Job guys Keep it up!!!!!

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