Men in general lust after our girls, but there have been quite a few , who underestimated them and found out the hard way.
You see my pretties , its not just the girls they have to contend with , you mess with any of them , Sonny, and Jason will be right there to fight along side them , but when they find themselves in a precarious situation our girls can take care of their own business.
Lesson number one ... If they are known to be the wives of the notorious Sonny Corinthos, and his right hand man Jason Morgan , do you really want to be dealing with Carly and her special kinda crazy.
Sam Morgan, is a one woman lethal weapon , not just her hubby Jason , and honestly , who would be stupid enough to take Maxie West on ? That girl would talk a baddie to sleep lol, because she never shuts up. It amazes me that these creeps don't walk away when dealing with her and Lulu.
They just stand there cool as you like while a gun is pointed at them and have a frigging conversation between the two of them no less.
Lulu no less is a Spencer through and through , she is her father's daughter, you just don't wanna mess with her, she is after all Luke Spencers daughter and Carly's cousin that girl doesn't take shit lying down.
And Holy Hell Julian Jerome , nah come on bro , you gotta be smarter than this lol, Trying to attack Alexis who is by the way a Cassadine by blood? You just signed your own death warrant man.
Manny , Manny, Manny , oh where do I start lol, he was the dumbest criminal on the planet, first of all lol, thinking you could over power the formidable Mrs Corinthos,you gotta be bloody joking mate.
She frigging took you to task , and it ended up with you shot by her, and Sam and eventually you got your ass killed. Karma is a bitch but them again so is Carly.
And what about these obsessive freaks like Connor Bishop, Nico , :Levi, they wound up the same way, our girls are not the type to lay down and play possum.
Liesel Obrecht isn't exactly a slouch either , when she feels someone has laid a personal attack upon her family , like the others she will retaliate.
Kidnap , torture, set the room you're in on fire , leave you for dead or I dunno shoot and kill your crazy ass that's her MO.
She like Carly has no qualms about taking action without giving it a second thought , and that's why I love them to bits.
There is no time to sit on your hands , and pray that you're gonna survive the night, or wait for your male counterparts to save your ass, you have the power within you to stop the enemy in their tracks and you gotta get them before they get you.
Carly's baby girl has proven she is her mother's daughter, Joss took down Nelle Benson without worrying about breaking a sweat or breaking a nail, she just charged head long into battle without batting an eye.
Here is a video of our girls in action
GH shows the strength and empowerment of their women character with whom I've come to adore , because not only do they have style, grace, and survival instinct they bring the white heat too that equals the match of their red hot men.
And for that I am truly thankful!!!!!
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