Did you all see the look in Jason's eyes , when Molly said " if Uncle Sonny was here, he'd order you to make him fertilizer in the pine barrens!"
Jason was shocked that she would even say something like that out in the open. His putting his finger to his lips, should have been a slight indication to force her to shut her damn mouth but nope lol. Did we expect anything less?
Pure and simple Molly Lansing Davis has open mouth insert foot disease, its something that has been passed down through the Cassadine family , inherited through her mother.
As A Molly fan I was saying " Oh Hell Yes!!" I laughed my butt off , cause she says what we all are thinking!!! But as a Jason fan I was thinking " Oh for god sake Molly shut the hell up!!"
Here is the clip I mentioned above!!!
Earlier in the episode Julian saw the heated discussion between his feisty step daughters , but I was hoping he'd call Sam or Alexis to call these two girls out on their argument in public.
In life you have to keep your arguments behind closed doors , but really I am in Molly's corner where this is concerned.
She is genuinely worried for her sister, but at the same time she's furious with her for being a fool and allowing herself to get herself even deeper into Dawn of Day.
There are a few other characters who could take the silence is golden , phrase and learn from it.
Causing drama ain't the way to go keep your mouth shut, and pray they see sense and if it implodes in their face , they only have themselves to blame.
That's why I have to say again " Molly sometimes , silence is golden!" People will only see and hear what they want to and if they don't listen to you the first time its on them.
Learn to cut your losses when people don't want to listen to you!!!
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