You may be scratching your heads and wondering what could be so comical , but if you were watching the show as of late you'd know its because of the beautiful, smart talented young lady Haley Pullos who portrays Molly Lansing aka Little Miss Spitfire.
Molly has always been an outspoken, little madam, I've always loved that about her , because she's inherited Alexis' and Ric's smart mouth.
Having said that , she always stands up for what she thinks is right , and that is a quality that I admire the most about her.
In the past she's asked Jason to order a hit on Warren Bauer for antagonizing her mother, and having her arrested for what happened to Keifer, she's suffered from post traumatic stress due to the bus crash.
She also asked Sean Butler about PTSD and talked to her uncle Sonny about Bipolar disorder, it takes a strong person to recognize that they have something wrong with them and Molly just seemed to recognize on her own she needed help.
But the events that have made me love her more , because I myself have said exactly what what she has was when she told Jason that Kristina was in a cult , a fact that made everyone in General Hospital Canada laugh with delight because it was high time someone else freaking said it.
And then it happened , Last week Molly took on Shiloh , she lambasted his narcissistic ass in fell swoop. Shiloh was left shocked at the girls behavior, tossing his book like the piece of trash it is and as for Sam well she just didn't know where to look.
Sam covered up her face trying to mask her laughter, and it didn't escape this fans notice that Sam was super proud of her baby sister for calling out the creep for what and who he is.
Here is the clip , I'm still laughing every time I watch it, she just cracks me up so damn much.
You best be aware you try to pull the wool over Molly's eyes and spin her a line, she claps back at you louder and she calls you out for being a lying, plagiarist with a god complex.
Anyone with half a brain , or a sense of respect for themselves and those around them would listen to Molly when she speaks up and tells it how it really is.
But Logic says not everyone will sit up and take notice of Molly, especially when they aren't using their own sense of logic and forth sight to see what's in front of their faces.
I hope GH keeps this whole Miss Molly Spitfire Lansing thing going , because I have a feeling that Molly will join the ranks of no nonsense GH women who will shoot from the hip, not take anyone's crap and will be forever an inspiration to young girls.
Every young girl needs a role model and I think Haley and Molly fit the bill nicely . I can 100 % say that I felt like a proud mom watching her daughter fighting like a warrior and slaying a dragon along the way.
Keep up the good work Haley we love you girl!!!!!
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