
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Joss Jacks & Oscar Nero - Young Love Strong , Love

Joss Jacks and Oscar Nero are two of the cutest teens on the ABC Soap General Hospital, played by the phenomenally talented ( Eden Mccoy and Garren Stitt). What I love about the pairing was the sweetness of their relationship, but it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows when it turned out that Oscar had developed a brain tumor , which became  terminal . It was a heart breaking storyline to watch .

Oscar at first was trying to shield Joss from the heartache and pain , and broke up with her, but eventually her tenacity and his pure heart  and hers they could not stand to be apart any longer.

Josslyn has been a tower of strength for Oscar, and his family showing her positivity and letting everyone know that no matter the out come she would never leave his side because she like her mum don't back down especially when she is faced with a crisis staring her right in her face .

And for that is the reason why so many GH fans love Joss she's the girl with the heart of gold who would do anything to help those she loves and cares about even if people tell her not to do it. The girl has a mind of her own and so does Oscar who wouldn't let a brain tumor stop him from living his life.

With the help of their friends  Cam Webber and Trina the crazy kids managed to make a trip to Niagara Falls , wbere Oscar had another seizure and they discovered that his tumor had grown .

And as we came to realize the time approached faster than we could say Pickle Lila.

To be perfectly honest with you, I felt like I'd cried bucket loads of tears through out this storyline and most people have balked at the comparison of Joss and Oscar being like  Robin and Stone.

I beg to differ on that score, I believe Joss and Oscar are very similar to  Robin and Stone, because both young couples had to go through the heartache of having to sawy goodbye to their first loves.

Tragedy , loss and pain no matter the illness is still the same no matter how you slice it, I don't care what anyone else says I loved this storyline , it needed to be told and it was done with class and caring for those who are experiencing this situation in real life. 

In fact when they had  Oscar being surrounded by everyone he loves , before his death , and his seeing Edward and Lila's spirits standing in front of him to take him to heaven.

 I thought it was the sweetest thing the show could do to end the storyline and even more so when they had his spirit kiss Joss on the cheek before he left this world to go to his next life as a guardian angel.

Fans are fickle if they pick on one thing , they find something else to complain about, the fact remains Eden and Garren acted their little asses off in this storyline with  Tamara Braun, Billy Miller, Laura Wright, Steve Burton ,  William Devry , Leslie Charleson, Lisa Lo Cicero, Wally Kurth and Cassandra James as Dr TerryRandolf along for the crazy emotional journey for Oscar Nero.

I believe that this storyline , has informed those of us who have a lack of understanding for family members who are going through this , and out of respect everyone should admit that it was a story that was executed well.

And although it broke hearts it made me so proud of the way Garren and Eden told it.But most importantly it made us proud that these two kids are power house actors with a bright , bright future ahead of them as far as their acting careers are concerned. I can not wait to see what the

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