Bloody hell fire , i as a long time viewer goes away for a month and a bit , and all hell breaks loose in Port Charles .
Not that I mind , binge watching the show has made my head explode and my pulse race with excitement .
I had my caramel latte and UK cookies on hand lol , and I was glued to the screen.
First of all Nikolas being back , although it's not Tyler Christopher back in the saddle as the dark Prince, has made me want to slap the hell out of him .
How can he in all good conscious keep the fact he's alive away from his son, mother and sister ? It's a pretty disgusting nasty thing to do and not only that be nasty to Ava?
I wanna see Laura Alexis , Kristina or Lulu slap the shyte out of him that's the least he deserves.
And Jax and Hayden helping him Jesus Murphy dumb move , now Hayden has to abandon her baby girl because of Valentin.
On a positive note at least Finn gets to get to know his daughter, and Anna and Robert like the kid .
Back to Nikolas .I'm sorry but I hate that he blames Ava at all for what happened pisses me off! And lying to young Charlotte excuse my language, but what an effing Jackass.
Speaking of Charlotte , i love the fact that she bit Cassandra who kidnapped her. Lol that woman is bloody stupid, i mean who whines about a bite from a child, she's not a rabid dog you nutcase.
Mike Corbin is breaking my heart his deteriation makes me so sad , he's a great character, but the story needs to be told .
I'm totally disgusted with Stella pulling the mixed race marriage thing , is a bad idea, she needs to get out of the stone age it's 2019 it's accepted now a days .
Just be happy TJ loves Molly and wants to marry the girl who captured his heart.
Love has no colour , but it makes your heart sing.
My heart is breaking for Jasam with Sam in prison , after being found guilty of manslaughter, i have a feeling Peter is up to his eyeballs in evil deeds.
Kendra , finally got what's coming to her nobody messes with My Alexis and lives to brag about it.
This would never have come to pass if Julian hadn't messed with Lucas and Brads car brakes , unfortunately poor Lucas is paying the biggest price for his father's mistake .
And Monica pulled a blinder sending the Q's Thanksgiving dinner to the hospital.
Shame on Olivia for trying to break tradition, it's not about the food you eat it's the people you celebrate with .
Even your most hated enemy Brooklyn, I yelled belt her Lulu. LOL!!
Carly , Carly, Carly how can you lie to Sonny, about Nikolas and Jax, you'll be the grim reaper of the end of your own marriage .
I love my Carly, but come on now show some common sense.
Joss and company are in detention , and Cam and Trina know the truth about Dev.
I still don't trust Dustin , something about him creeps me out , he's up to something , i think he's a pedophile .
Franco finally is having the procedure, and Kim is gone , well hallulah lol, praise the Lord.
Oh and Obrecht lol and Brad lol , she should just expose his lies , and last but not least Nelle and Brooklyn.
I have to save the most annoying for last can someone end these bitches already I can't stand them.
Nelle and Brooklyn need to be getting a visit from some bad ass bitch , like Tracey and Heather lol, to show them how a real evil bitch does her thing .
They're amateurs compared to them!
Peace out and happy Sunday my darlings