
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Don't Try and Out Scheme A Schemer

Don't try to out scheme a schemer they'll come back at you harder and quicker than you anticipated.

This is a hard lesson , for the likes of Nelle Benson, Claudia Zacchara,  Heather Webber , Elizabeth Webber,  Ava Jerome ,  Connie Falconari ,Gladys Corbin, and Brenda Barrett to learn when it comes to the one and only Carly Corinthos.

As Carly said once upon a time,  many women have tried and failed to be rid of her, but they're gone and she's still standing and that's why so many of us are fans of the character. 

But recently , another gh character,  from another legacy family stepped up to the plate and hit a home run that left me laughing my ass off, that person is Brooklyn Quartermaine who gave Nelle a verbal smack down for the ages .

Here's a little advice ,don't get to cocky Nelle , that always ends up with people slipping up and letting down your guard and giving your game away. Once they know you have a weak spot they will destroy you ! 

All of the head games you've played with people's heads all of the lies,  and threats will be laughed off just like Brooklyn did with yours. Sooner and hopefully not later you will discover you're not a clever as you think you are .

Oh but , it's not over yet the thought to be sweet , quiet mousie Willow Tate , she gave that bitch a telling off that left Nelle realizing that you can't mess with Willow,  and she uttered " Bitch" as Willow left Brad and Lucas' apartment . 

Which tells me that , she isn't as confident , or sure of herself as she portrays herself to be,  she's a little girl trying to play big girl games and it will backfire on her eventually. 

I'd say Nelle is batting zero here,  she can't even outwit a sweet thing like Willow , and now I hear Carly is gonna come face to face with her again . Lmfao, when is this trifling , crazy lunatic gonna learn, no matter what lies , no matter what manipulations you , try and pull , there is always someone one step ahead of you! 

Carly is a seasoned pro at being a scheming,  lying manipulative hoe, only difference is Carly has owned up to the crap she's pulled in the past and learned from those mistakes. 

Nelle better brace herself , because with Carly's track record lol, piss Carly off once , yeah I'd say you're brave , piss her off twice , that's just plain stupid , but mess with her kids a third time  , bitch the lioness will strike and they'll be carnage to  be cleaned up once she's done with you .

And as Brooklyn stated " it'll be  Bye Bye Nelle !" Only it won't be Pentonville she's going to , the pine barrens are calling,  Jason please do us a solid lol, and bury this bitch  after Carly has done some maximum damage .

That's all I'm asking!

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