In my whole history of watching GH , I have never wanted anyone to come back as much as I would say Luke Spencer, Tracey Quartermaine or Lucky Spencer.But here's where I am 1000% certain that 3 years has been long enough since Nikolas Cassadine was shot by Valentin and disappeared without a trace.
I was left breathless when Sam and Drew found out what happened, one minute he was there laying on the rocks by the water , but by the time they raced downstairs to go by the river to find him , he had already disappeared.
We thought he may have drowned or the current took him away lol, but as we soon found out that little did we know the prince of darkness has some mad swimming skills and he clearly knows how to bloody well use them as well LOL , Love that man I do.
Curious ain't it guys? Its the biggest GH mystery going right now and this fan wanted it solved ASAP! How can Nikolas have fallen from the balcony a few stories high , land on the rocks by the river , and still manage to get up and walk away?Well duh he's a Cassadine they are sneaky as hell, slippier than an eel and frankly I wouldn't want them any other way!!! and Sam and Drew couldn't find him.
For 3 years, his mother, aunt and cousins as well as his siblings and son grieved for him . But he didn't even bother to contact him to tell them he was safe and sound and would soon come back to them. But that time came and went ugh and I was angry just like Laura and Lulu and Spencer I wanted answers too.
Meanwhile Valentin was throwing his weight around playing lord of the manor, which he legally is not. and he thinks he can bully and push anyone around and use his own daughter to do it as well, and that is something I know Nikolas would never do because he knows better.
On October 31st 2019 Nikolas was finally revealed when they showed the Cassadine signet ring, as he ala Bobby Ewing came out of the shower , his next move was to go to Halloween Party, where he came face to face with his beautiful, smart feistyn momma.
Laura felt a connection to the man behind the mask, but she just shrugged it off and I shouted at the television " Nikolas, just reveal yourself already ! "
He paid a call to our friendly neighbor hood Viper Ava Jerome. God I am so glad the dark prince is back I'm sure he's gonna bring a whole lot of drama .
But I digress , I'm sure everyone is clear on how he returned back to Port Charles, but this blog isn't about his triumphant return.Uh Uh this blog is about why we ladies love the Dark Prince Nikolas Cassadine himself.Every woman loves a bad boy , I know this much , and every woman thinks they're gonna fix a man like Nikolas. Many have fallen for his charms, and fallen prey to his dangerous side , as a viewer , hell I love him for everything Nikolas is and what he represents.
As the Heir to the Cassadine fortune Nikolas is the ultimate dream prince, but come on really, its more like a nightmare , I mean seriously poor Emily almost got killed by his grandmother , just by being near him and breathing in his direction! Umm not a good idea .His motives may not be paved with good intentions, the man is as cold , underhanded and calculating as his father and grandfather before him and lets not forget his grandmother Helena.
He loves Spencer with his whole heart, but when the man wants to wet his appetite , he is the type of guy who goes after forbidden fruit . After all he stole Emily from Zander and then slept with his own brothers wife , behind his back and Lucky caught them in the act .
I love that Nikolas doesn't care who he hurts , he does it because he thinks he can and he knows these chicks can't resist him.And why is that you may be asking yourself, its because he's dark, mysterious , and he comes with a pretty hefty bank account, just ask Hayden and Britt, they were under his spell.
Hayden even worked for him to play head games with poor Drew when he thought he was Jason, and when Hayden was gonna expose his ass he hired a hit man to kill her , but unfortunately she survived and lives to tell the tale lol to anyone who will stop and listen.
He has caused bodily harm on four of my fave female characters by his every own hands, he threw his grandmother over a cliff, kicked a pregnant Robin in the Stomach, He didn't stop there either , he attacked Sam and even had the balls to attack Carly when he was suffering some sort of mental break down I remember thinking wtf. Its crazy as hell.Not that I excuse his eractic behavior, but I love Nikolas because he's incredibly not without his own tragic, sad story to tell, after all he came to Port Charles to help Lulu when she was sick.
What's more he then, found out that Laura didn't willingly abandon like Helena and his father had told him .It was clear that she was clearly forced to do so and in time he did realize his mother was as much of a victim of his family as he was.
It was clearly hard for him to trust anyone in his life, after that kind of thing skews your view of your own family, even the women in his life , as much as they tried to tame the wild beast inside him they failed miserably because he became more conniving and bitter as he got older.
He had become mistrusting of the people in his life including his own family, and friends who genuinely love him and have hid best interest at heart .
But I digress , I'm sure everyone is clear on how he returned back to Port Charles, but this blog isn't about his triumphant return.Uh Uh this blog is about why we ladies love the Dark Prince Nikolas Cassadine himself.Every woman loves a bad boy , I know this much , and every woman thinks they're gonna fix a man like Nikolas. Many have fallen for his charms, and fallen prey to his dangerous side , as a viewer , hell I love him for everything Nikolas is and what he represents.
As the Heir to the Cassadine fortune Nikolas is the ultimate dream prince, but come on really, its more like a nightmare , I mean seriously poor Emily almost got killed by his grandmother , just by being near him and breathing in his direction! Umm not a good idea .His motives may not be paved with good intentions, the man is as cold , underhanded and calculating as his father and grandfather before him and lets not forget his grandmother Helena.
He loves Spencer with his whole heart, but when the man wants to wet his appetite , he is the type of guy who goes after forbidden fruit . After all he stole Emily from Zander and then slept with his own brothers wife , behind his back and Lucky caught them in the act .
I love that Nikolas doesn't care who he hurts , he does it because he thinks he can and he knows these chicks can't resist him.And why is that you may be asking yourself, its because he's dark, mysterious , and he comes with a pretty hefty bank account, just ask Hayden and Britt, they were under his spell.
Hayden even worked for him to play head games with poor Drew when he thought he was Jason, and when Hayden was gonna expose his ass he hired a hit man to kill her , but unfortunately she survived and lives to tell the tale lol to anyone who will stop and listen.
He has caused bodily harm on four of my fave female characters by his every own hands, he threw his grandmother over a cliff, kicked a pregnant Robin in the Stomach, He didn't stop there either , he attacked Sam and even had the balls to attack Carly when he was suffering some sort of mental break down I remember thinking wtf. Its crazy as hell.Not that I excuse his eractic behavior, but I love Nikolas because he's incredibly not without his own tragic, sad story to tell, after all he came to Port Charles to help Lulu when she was sick.
What's more he then, found out that Laura didn't willingly abandon like Helena and his father had told him .It was clear that she was clearly forced to do so and in time he did realize his mother was as much of a victim of his family as he was.
It was clearly hard for him to trust anyone in his life, after that kind of thing skews your view of your own family, even the women in his life , as much as they tried to tame the wild beast inside him they failed miserably because he became more conniving and bitter as he got older.
He had become mistrusting of the people in his life including his own family, and friends who genuinely love him and have hid best interest at heart .
He is often plotting behind their backs , whether it be ELQ , or trying to double cross Valentin, and poor Spencer was stuck in the middle of it all.
Having said that with all the crap Helena reigned on his gorgeous head Its no wonder that its a bitter pill to swallow when you can't see through blind fury , anger and manipulation from other people who put ideas in your head.
Lets face it ..... we female fans and some male GH fans are under the spell of Nikolas Cassadine We're in love with the devil , and its not likely to change any time soon.
Check out our latest Video dedicated to Nikolas Cassadine
Lets face it ..... we female fans and some male GH fans are under the spell of Nikolas Cassadine We're in love with the devil , and its not likely to change any time soon.
Check out our latest Video dedicated to Nikolas Cassadine
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