And Carly and Sonny weren't very happy when they discovered that Gladys had actually gone on facebook and posted pictures of her with Dev and discussed what it was like living with the Corinthos Clan and how she felt like part of a family.
Correct me if I'm wrong guys, but who the hell , just drops in unannounced and expects to live in someone else's home and then has the audacity to go about things the way that Gladys did without thinking of the consequences or how Sonny and Carly would react when they found out what exactly she had done.
She's lacked common sense for a woman of her age and she's totally avoiding the fact that she's annoyed the crap out of her mob king pin cousin ,his wife, and has endangered their lives and that of their kids and hasn't thought about how angering Sonny and Jason in the process would turn out silly woman .
The smart thing to do was to stay away from exposing her family to danger period and its making them feel exposed to people who might just be willing to kill them all and are totally drunk on power and want territory that does not belong to them and in the end who gets hurt and caught in the cross fire.
These are people who don't care who gets hurt or killed because they want what Sonny has and want to make Port Charles a war zone which is sure to keep the pcpd busier than usual I don't think we see them enough anyways lol.
Mike along with Sam the children and Bobbie are being guarded because of this threat on their lives. I personally hold her responsible for this, I mean come on seriously , common sense should come into play but it has not . I say make her pay out of her own pocket for the extra security that's the least she owes them for all the drama and trouble she's caused since she created this mess.
She really messed up big time and doesn't understand the ramifications of what she's done , or who inadvertently gets victimised because of her stupidity.
I mean seriously, Joss, Michael, Sasha along with Laura got shot at , and Laura got shot in the shoot out , and Brando's life was in danger too.But thank god he showed up when he did because he saved Carly's life by getting her to safety even though he was shot himself in the end and his true identity came out.
Sonny thanked him for that and he will repay him for it I'm sure , cause Sonny always makes good on his promises ,but first questions need to be answered. I honestly feel like Sonny And Carly are well within their rights to get them too.
Watch the clip below the moment Brando jumped into save Mrs C from danger. People can say what they want about Carly , that she's super nosey , and says and does all theb wrong things, but I don't think so because she is like a lioness hunting her prey once you anger her you've dug your own grave.
While the cops were about to take Brando's personal effects , Carly beat them to the punch and found the picture of Gladys with Dev in Brando's belongings .
Like wtaf what Gladys thinking and why the hell did Brando have the picture in the first place? Carly wanted to know and told Sonny what she found out .
This whole thing to me is beyond sketchy and I would seriously demand answers and I would not leave until the other person told me the truth .
They say fool me once , shame on you , fool me twice shame on me , well Carly is a bull in a china shop and when she finds out someone's lied to her once , well you better be prepared , because she isn't a stupid woman, she's played the fooling game, and been the master manipulator and made it clear she felt horrible in the end because she finally learned that messing with other people isn't the way to behavemp towards those who just want to love you .
Gladys hasn't quite come to the conclusion Carly and Sonny are not the type of people you lie to at all .Some fans seen to think she's playing a pretty good game of playing innocent , I beg to differ , there is something devious about her. Please explain why she's skulking around like lady of the manor and thinks that she can use her family for their money and live in their house.
Yeah, I know what you're all thinking you're supiscious like Carly , being cautious and Leary of people is ok and I don't blameb her .
I mean why lie about your son being dead? Nothing of this makes any sense to me at all I'm gobsmacked. Gladys is just plain strange and I don't believe her weak apologies when she spoke to Carson while at General Hospital, even Brando doesn't seem to trust his own mother and is shocked by her behavior .
Unless there's something we fans don't know about just yet , that she's afraidv to say maybe its wishful thinking on my part, because I love my Carly and Sonny I can't put my finger on it , don't hold me to it , but I have my own suspicions about Gladys and her seemingly strange behavior and how she acts .
Its purely speculation, but what if all this anger Brando has towards Sonny is because he's not Brando at all and he's actually Carly and Sonny's youngest head strong son handsome Morgan Stone Corinthos. It's one thing Carly wants to have her sin back, I hope the writers are finally going to make it happen.
That to me would make a lot of sense because Morgan could have amnesia and not know who he is. What if by chance Gladys found Morgan , and she thought he was Brando and told him a bunch of lies because she missed her son that much she'd do anything even steal someone else's. It's happened before .
Grieving mothers are volatile creatures , everyone knows that , and seriously , what if this whole act of hers is a way to cover up the fact she's basically stolen Carson's son from them which makes this situation just sick and they don't know it yet. I can't wait to find out their huge secret and if my theory is correct.
When Carly went to Sonny about Brando I was thinking " Oh shit here we go, our power couple are about to get some anger expressed on this woman who acts like a nervous clueless wonder who , and doesn't give straight answers !"
Watch the video down below to see how it all went down! I am #TeamCarson
And judging by their reactions Carson are super pissed and can you blame them?
Another scenario is what if Brando is an undercover cop, and he wants to protect his family ? I kinda hope this isn't a jumbled up version of what happened with Dante , where Brando knows who Sonny is and he just went rogue cop or he's working with Cyrus Sonny's new foe either way I don't like it.
Either way I'm intrigued to find out the full story behind Brando coming to Port Charles, where was he , who is he really and don't tell me his arrival is cause of his mom. He knows something and is not being forthcoming with anything.
Let me tell you , I felt Carly and Sonny's frustration and anger with Gladys, I'm just baffled at Gladys' excuses and her stupidity. why would anyone want to risk the safety of their cousin and his family all for the sake of feeling part of a family again! I do not buy her stupid lame excuses ,
There is just something I don't like about her and I can't quite put my finger on it but I know I don't trust her at all nor do I feel like I want to either she just rubs me the wrong way.
People have speculated she's working for that rival mob boss Cyrus, or maybe she got duped and manipulated and used by him , for information.I think Gladys isn't that smart to be honest with you all I mean really I don't and I don't care its my gut feeling and I won't ignore it.
I think she would be that naive to think that any new facebook friend was someone that was genuinely interested in her life and her family.
Only to get information out of her , but for all the wrong reasons I might add.If this is true , I feel sorry for her in that respect.
But whatever the outcome Gladys has opened up her family , to a new danger in their lives.I'd expect this out of Morgan , because he was angry at his dad and was off his meds but a seemingly intelligent woman who is old enough to know better , come on now! She really does my head in that woman and then some.
Even I know once you've woken the snarly beasts that are Carly and Sonny you've opened yourself up to being torn a strip out of and ostricized from the family that embraced you with hesitation from the start because you just wouldn't take the hint and stay away from them. She just doesn't know when to stop or when to take a hint and go back to where she came from and stay there.
This was the beginning of the collision course for mistrust , my hope is Gladys realizes her huge blunder and makes amends before they take everything they gave her away from her. She really should be grateful Sonny is being nice to her .
And if it turns out that Brando is Morgan , she better go into hiding cause Carly will not forgive and forget that in a damn hurry . I'm a Carly fan so I know she would have her in the pine barrens , along with Nelle so fast they both would not know what hit them both! I know I wouldn't accept excuses , and I'd demand that she be arrested or put in fern cliff for the hurt and anger it would cause everyone who loves and cares for Morgan and that includes Ava too.
I know that much and if you Carly haters think I'm joking watch this space cause Tsunami Carly would destroy them quicker than you can possibly imagine and when that happens , all of Port Charles will feel the wrath of Mrs and Mrs Sonny Corinthos I can assure you, they won't hesitate to have Jason hunt you down , which means and you better run for cover and hide.
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