From the moment I started watching the May 12th 2020 episode I was left rolling my eyes , because people like Trina , Lucy, and Nelle were doing my head in.
Firstly Trina shouldn't be messing in grown people's business and telling adults off, thank god Portia told her nasty mouthed daughter to shut up cause frankly she was giving me a headache.
Trina is an ungrateful little brat, and I'm sure when her dad comes out of hiding ( which I think he is) he will giving his kid what for, for behaving ungratefully towards his friends.
As for Lucy , normally I love her , but when she smells a bit of gossip she's like a dog with a bone , and frankly I was left saying out loud oh shut up Lucy.
As for Nelle , what exactly does she think she was going to accomplish eavesdropping on Brooklynn and Julian's conversation.
I had to laugh at Martin saying out loud " Where are you ? You nut job!" when Nelle hadn't shown up to meet him at the Floating Rib.
He sees what we all see a sick , unbalanced little bitch , who thinks she can throw her weight around and go around hurting other people.
It really would be in his best interest lol, to say that Wiley is better off with his father and Willow who are sane life forms in his life , despite lol, being a Spencer/Corinthos / Quartermaine .
I loved it when Lucy said this lol, cause its the god honest truth , powerful prominent families, rich , and have some pretty quirky personalities in it too.
I had to laugh when Nelle was asking who hit Sasha when she saw her nose lol, it was the first time she actually made me laugh when she kept prying and asking if Willow did it lol.
Julian was thumping his chest again telling Ned off for upsetting his son, I'm sorry but sometimes a step dad has to make decisions that the kids won't like and to try and manipulate the situation by calling daddy to save the day that's not cool.
You see Leo has been obsessed with the idea of getting a snake , ever since he saw the one that Charlotte brought to Violets birthday party.
I love it when GH has all the characters showing signs of irrational behavior , or just openly pissing off the people you don't like, but in Nelle's case , I loved her for bating Sasha. Normally that's a no for me lol, but I'm team Willow.
I shudder to think what she's going to think when she finds out that it was Brooklynn who did it.
Carly made me laugh when she told Michael and Willow not to worry about Nelle lol, that she'll take care of it lol. Meaning Jason will handle her.
Whatever next me beauties ? Until next time have a great day and happy GH watching!!!
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