
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Friday, 24 July 2020

Chatsworth House in England takes pride and place on Quartermaine's wall on GH

Have you ever watched gh and noticed things you're not supposed to be focusing on , like the moss in Sony's kitchen ... or like for me a Bakewell Derbyshire England landmark taking prIde and place on the Quartermaine family front hallway in the mansion. 

When GH first aired the episode for Michael and Willow's wedding I thought I was seeing things, people can say are you sure it was Chatsworth ! Don't try to say you might be wrong ,because I'm not , but you have to understand this is a place I have visited while in the UK,  so I would know it anywhere .

It's a place that feels like home , and I never understood why until I found out we are connected to one prominent family member who lived there Lady Georgiana Spencer.

In fact two sources say that we are distant cousins to the Late princess Diana Spencer who was the 5th great niece of Georgiana Spencer.

Georgiana was a beautiful vivacious woman who loved to gamble , attended balls , and supported the Tory Leader Charles Grey.

So imagine my surprise while watching GH and seeing it dead centre on the wall between Chad Duell and Katelyn Macmullen in the scene before Michael and Willow were due to tie the knot.

This fan whose family hails from the Midlands in England was ecstatic to say the least, that part of my family heritage was displayed on the wall.

So I quickly snapped a picture  and here it is  ... 

If you want further info on Chatsworth House here is the link 


I believe in fate , but it is also making me feel sad that I can't visit there this year !

I kinda feel it's a nod towards me and my families homeland ! Has gh  anymore surprises in store for us fans  ?  I'm counting on it !

Friday, 17 July 2020

FREE Dr Liesl Obrecht

On April 13th , 2020  our dear Liesl was ripped from our screens due to the  fact the callous underhanded , twisted  freak that is Peter August lied about her involvement in his crimes, which made Maxie turn on her. 

This creature,  otherwise known as Heinrich Faison framed our Mutter for the disappearance and presumed death of Drew Cain. And shocker Shiloh Archer was involved too.

That schwinehuint also kept  him and Jason Morgan prisoners in the clinic  in Switzerland.  Separating them from their loved ones for five years ,  trying to make them into super soldiers. Totally disgusting with everyone believing that they were dead .

The same one  Jason escaped from and let me tell you  this fan ain't happy ,free Liesl she is a breath of fresh air , she says what we all are thinking about certain characters.

We all know what a lying snake Peter actually  is don't we guys ? Robert Scorpio and Anna Devane actually believed his lies and our dear Liesl was shipped off to a Switzerland Prison.

I take issue with this as Peter has both Maxie and Nina convinced that she is as evil as ever which she clearly isn't.  Fact is Heinrich is as crazy as his daddy and he doesn't care who he hurts or steps over to con Maxie.

Yes , I said it I believe that Peter is as obsessed with Maxie as His father was obsessed with Anna ! They view women as a possession you own rather than people.

Peter did this to Liesl , because he knows she would put a road block between him and Maxie .That Liesl would expose all of his lies ,  let's hope that Robert did this to protect mutter in the end and some progress is made un exposing his crazy ass for who and what he actually is .

Free Dr Liesl Obrecht , the funny , crazy  incredibly blunt woman we have grown to love since 2013.

Yes she has done some shady stuff in the past   but for once she kept her hands clean . In effect one irrational  bastard does this to her even convinced Britt that he is a good guy which clearly he isn't. 

Please soap gods, and Robert Scorpio  do us a solid here,  free our Mutter she needs to have her name cleared and have Peter or Heinrich locked away for a very long time.  

Why should he get off Scot free for his crimes and yet Liesl gets unjustly accused of something she did not do and winds up in prison because manipulative lies told.

Peter is a wolf in sheeps clothing , he knows how to act the part,  gained respect from everyone around him no less.

Free Liesl Obrecht , all off her fans cry,  so she can clear her name,  and expose that slug for the creep he actually is .Sure Maxie may get hurt in the process , but it will be worth it to see the worm turn and show his true colors at last. 

Thursday, 16 July 2020

I'm On Tenterhooks Here

Stop the world ma , I wanna get off ! We often say this when  things don't go our way , but when the world actually stopped  on March 21st we realized just how much GH and its stars mean to us .

When the show stopped production nearly 5 months ago , we were left on tenterhooks not knowing what was going to happen next cause GH left us hanging.

At the moment, we still don't know who gets custody of Wiley , and we still don't know who Nina's true daughter is .

Or if she actually had one , last we saw Nelle had a locket similar to what Nina has ,but we know it's a waiting game  before we find out what Nina's reaction will be if it turns out to be Nelle. 

For me I'm hoping against hope she doesn't soften towards her , and that she rages against her for all the hurt and the pain she inflicted up on the Corinthos Clan and Willow. 

Willow , is kind and sweet , but anyone crosses her she like Nina gives it to the haters with both barrels. They say don't mistake people's kindness for weakness, because you never know what they're initial reaction will be like when you piss them off. You just might be stirring a hornets nest .

That's a whole other level that you wouldn't want to cross , once people push things way too far the seemingly sweet people who are thought to be push overs turn into the one with the loudest roar .

Nelle hasn't learned anything from the beating Joss gave her, having said that I'm  hoping Nelle pushes her luck with Julian and he kills her ass and boasts about it , and Sonny and Jason  can say they have  their hands clean  lol, and don't get stuck in the interrogation room questioned about something they didn't do.

But alas , we will have to wait until September to find out , as according to Nancy Lee Grahn ( Alexis ) over the weekend they go back to filming July 20th .

I hope when we arrive back in the Chuckles,  some how they've already figured out that Peter framed Liesl Obrecht ( Kathleen Gati) and she is back where she belongs with  Maxie, Nina and Little James and that they welcome her with open arms apologizing profusely for even listening to the lying , slimy little slug in the first place.

Oh and who are Dev's parents , fans wonder if he's Brenda's son ,  is Marcus Taggert alive somwhere having faked his death with help from Sonny, Jason , Jordan and Curtis?

But only time will tell before we are privy to that info , and I have to say it again,  I'm on tenderhooks here.

Until next time guys  happy gh watching I love you all !

Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Our GH Family - Port Charles Feels Like Home

40 years , wow  who would have thought back when I was 10 that years later just how  much Dorothy  Gales words would ring true for me when it comes to Gh.

There is no place like home  and that's exactly what Port Charles feels like to so many of us Gh fans.

As part of the GH family , we fans have to respect each other , whether it  other's opinions , or as common courteousy , not piggybacking on other fans blogs , stealing ideas , switching words around and taking credit for someone else's original blog.

This is not a fan wars situation,  where we should out do each other either,  for the love all things Gh we need to embrace  the concept of what family means . It's not something you should take lightly either. 

It's one thing saying it , but  meaning it is actually quite another. Just as the cast does when the camera stops rolling and their on screen nemesis, they are actually close friends with them . You can feel the love and respect they have for each other through social media and towards their loyal fans.

We all share in our fave characters milestones , their tragedies, adventures  triumphs and heart aches.
So many times I've wished I could zap myself into the tv and be front row centre at the nurses ball, be a witness to a mob war , or watch my girl Carly telling another trashy opportunistic bitch to stop taking advantage of the men in her life,  or the hospital where they dealt with a pandemic in 2006, that killed off Tony Jones, Danny McCall, and Courtney Matthews.

So many storylines,  that have effected us emotionally,  and angered us too , like when Michael was shot, Liz's rape and when Keifer beat the crap out of Kristina. 

GH, breaks down so many barriers , taboo subjects that there are way too many to list here, but I love the fact they tackle subjects  about kids with spina bifoda, Alzheimers , alcohol and drug addiction ,and Bipolar disorder.  It makes those dealings with these situations realize they are not alone. And that someone out there understands what they're going through. 

 When 2 o' clock comes my live chat is buzzing with excitement .  I utter the words " Whose ready to hop on the bus and head to the Chuckles ? ( The nickname lovingly given to Port Charles by Luke Spencer).

If you wanna join us over at General Hospital Canada on Facebook  here is our link.


The whole point I'm making  is that we've got to stand together as one , being part of the GH family means , so much more than just simply watching the show , it means interacting with the stars on social media and finding your  people,  the ones who make you laugh so much , the ones your so in tune with you wind up having the same thoughts as you're watching the show , albeit in your own home , but still together. 

During this world crisis as I've stated before , we fans need to take time out to breath,  be patient , cause this pandemic isn't going away anytime soon. Our gh family needs to stay safe before they can go create some Gh magic for us .

Sure , we are at a stand still, hell I feel like that when I'm abroad,  not being able to watch the latest installment of our Gh, but I have to say most of all be grateful , be kind , be respectful to the people in our gh family.

Treat the other fans , and the cast with the same respect you give your own family , as for me , gh feels like home to me . 

The place where I eat , sleep,  dream ,talk about  and write about all things Gh, because for me ,Port Charles feels like home , especially when it comes to the shows vets , like Genie Francis , Anthony Geary and so many others,.  Ah Gh,  the place where I like Dorothy click my heels and say  " Port Charles,  there's no place like home.