As a long time Jarly fan I was not shocked by his words more to the point I actually agreed with Jason .
Normally my Carly support flag is flying high cause frankly she just makes me laugh so much sometimes, but when she ordered Sonny's soldier's to kidnap Cyrus and Marty's mum I was as pissed as Jason and Laura was.
Laura told Carly in strict of confidence about her brothers and step mum ,and now Carly thinks she's Helena Cassadine and can do what she likes .
Laura yelled at Jason , instead of Carly , which kinda makes things worse , because Cyrus blamed Laura for what happened, thank God he knows Laura has more common sense than that.
Oh I know Carly doesn't intend on hurting Florence however she should not have gotten her involved in this whole mess.
She certainly knows better than this, look how mob wars affected Michael and Morgan one son is brain damaged after being shot in the head and the other was killed in a car bomb blast or so we are led to believe.
Innocent people get hurt , because of over zealous , callous actions of people who want to gain control over territory and use family members as leverage to goad Sonny and Jason into a mob war of epic proportions.
And as much as I despise Cyrus , he was 1000 % correct when he said Sonny would never have done what she did.
When Sonny comes back, and Jason tells him what his Mrs has done he will be mighty pissed off .
You never involve family members , but now that line was ceremoniously pissed on and there will be a mob war coming along with it , and fans can not be happier.
It's been awhile since we've had a proper mob war lol, maybe a wee bit of me wants to thank Carly and the writers cause lately the show hasn't thrilled me to bits all that much to be honest with you.
Bring it all on the tearing a strip off Carly , the return of the formidable Mr Corinthos , and bring on the the mob wars , I love a bit of action me !
So sit back, get comfy and enjoy the explosive return of the infamous Sason vs the enemy mob wars , someone's gonna be taken down and I hope to god it's Cyrus Renault and that Taggert joins him and end the slimeball once and for all .