
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Wednesday, 31 March 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 03-31-21

Hey everyone , today's recap is brought to you by the phrase " Oh No He Didn't!" On the Wednesday March 31st 2021 episode of General Hospital. Keep reading guys things are about to get messy as hell !!!

After seeing the preview of today's show my main thought when it comes to Peter August is there is never a right time  to taunt Carly Corinthos .

More to the point there is definitely not the right time to say to her " Are you sure you want to pick a fight with me ! Strictly  speaking as a Carly fan thems fighting words you stupid , foolish, reckless , arrogant man!" Knowing her like I do he has no idea who the hell he's speaking to.

Todays show started with Curtis finding out that Taggert is staying with Jordan.

Carly and Anna talked about  Gladys and how much of a user and snake she is  .

As she leaves and opens the door , it reveals Robert whose shocked to see the two women together says well , well what do we have here! I couldn't help laughing. 

At the Metrocourt Peter is stomping his feet like a petulant child because he feels that Valentin betrayed him and didnt have his back when it comes to protecting him.

Given the fact we the viewers know the full extent of his crimes as does everyone else in Port Charles  he's clearly delusional and needs psychiatric help ! Maxie is better off without Faison's evil spawn in her life.

Maxie is shown getting checked over by Britt poor lass wants to pretend that her baby is still born to save her from his clutches. 

Alexis' sentence hearing begins and Molly is late for it and is talking a Mile a minute. 

Robert asking what  Anna and Carly have planned as they are not friends Anna asks his you want tea or something stronger. 

Jordan singing  Curtis's praises where Trina is concerned . She gets a call and Taggert thanks Curtis for being good to his daughter when he wasnt there for her. 

Curtis tells Taggert that he won't help with the investigation as he has quit being a PI.

Britt takes Maxie's blood pressure and warns her to be careful when it comes to Peter.

Over at the Metrocourt Peter is playing victim as if he wasn't the  master of his own undoing .

Playing the blame game when you're clearly in the wrong  makes my blood boil when the victims get blamed for it. 

Carly tells Gladys off and calls her a greedy bottom feeder . Lmfao that's my Carly she never disappoints when it comes to saying things we're all thinking .

Gladys acts like she's entitled  to what Carly has and clearly the bitch has no clue that  her precious Brando is working for Carly and Jason infiltrating Cyrus's organization  and got caught .

Carly also tells her she wants to see her doing 8 to 10 years for Purgery and obstruction of justice .

Maxie still insisting to pretend the baby is still born and protect her from her father. 

Dante testifies on behalf of Alexis and wants her to get  help and a lighter sentence. 

As Carly further berates Gladys Valentin steps In for his part of the plan  to catch Gladys unaware playing her like a fiddle. 

Alexis thanks Dante for his kind words.

Robert finds our that Anna and Carly are planning to trip Gladys up and publicly humiliating her with Valentin's help.

Robert tells Anna that Maxie has her own plans about  dealing with Peter. 

Britt does not approve of Maxie's plan but Maxie wants her help to protect her baby.

Valentin is working Gladys like nobody's business  and calls Sonny Carly's expired husband this pisses Carly further so she insists that they leave. 

She watches them leave after Valentin says fine and he escorts  Gladys out .

Carly spots Peter and says to him you're next lol . It's so on right now go Carly .

Gladys has been reeled in hook line and sinker. He plies her with alcohol and gets her drunk .

Gladys is clearly a  Norma Bates type of mom obsessed with her son and all the while bigging herself to seem important. 

Robert is really worried about Maxie , while Anna is  proud of her.

After Peter bitches about Jason and is nasty Carly threatens to evict him from the Metrocourt. 

Gladys trashes Carly to  Valentin saying she's a gold digger and  everyone sings her praises while everyone hates Cyrus. 

Alexis finds out the attempted murder charge was dropped .

Maxie plans her next move and Alexis finds out she was sentenced to 3 years in prison.

I love Jordan and Curtis together,  I think its awkward with Taggert being there .

He excuses himself to get the  food delivery then returns asking if Curtis will stay for food . Curtis politely declines and leaves .

Valentin is no gentleman,  Gladys is a gibbering idiot to get info from lol. She clearly doesn't know the saying loose lips sink ships.

Anna says Maxie's plan will ruin theirs and  will only provoke Peter even further. 

Peter further threatens Carly ,  yeah like that is going to make you look innocent Peter!!! Not!!

That's it for now , this is Ashley signing off until tomorrow  have a great evening everyone. 

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