
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Saturday, 13 March 2021

GHcanada Daily GH Recap March 11 th - March 12 th 2021

Good Morning me lovelies , happy Saturday , to say the last 2 days of GH have been totally depressing and  totally heart wrenching is an understatement .

To see Cameron and Elizabeth dealing with their grief over Franco's death, and Maxie confronting Peter as well was very  hard to watch  since I like them all.

Poor Cameron went to the morgue to see Franco's body , while Maxie expressed her anger towards Peter now she knows the whole truth and not the convoluted nonsense he tried to convince her of.

Chase found out that he may not be Gregory's son and  one explosive mess.

 Finding out your whole life has been a lie is a bitter pill to swallow and the mistrust and pain is excruciatingly difficult. 

Valentin played the calm ear to bend , and he was ready to go something about Nina not being allowed  to see Wiley. 

Why has no one suggested she do a DNA test to prove she ' s Wileys Nan before allowing her to actually see the wee lad .

Nina says she wants to do things the right way and not play games with anyone. 

Meanwhile Sonny played poker with a bunch of guys and won the last game .

Meanwhile Jason told Carly that,  she's not to worry about him but she said she doesn't want to lose him as well as Sonny.

Sam went to see Elizabeth , but it didn't go well Elizabeth is still convinced that Jason killed Franco , but we all know it was Peter who shot and killed him.

I just want everyone to sort their stuff out and and be  happy. There is too much sadness right now in Port Charles.

Sonny definitely brought the good feelings to me  helping out Phyllis and Lenny to help pay their bills for their pub. What an awesome dude he saved the day again. Just by being the kind guy he is .

I hope next week is a whole lot better,  until next time guys this is Ashley signing off,  have a great weekend everyone .

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