Good Afternoon me lovelies , todays episode for Friday April 16th 2016 starts with Sasha bringing coffee for Brando.
Sasha has left her phone and shown up to retrieve it. She says that she enjoyed last night and Hope's it happens again while Brando tells her it definitely can't.
Anna says we have to fix things to Valentin outside of Carly's and she opens the door and says they need to make a move now or the plan won't work for them.
Laura trying to get a hold of Nikolas, but he's gone radio silent and she's worried.
Marty asks her if everything's ok she said why do you want to know its none of your business . Ouch .... he says that he and Nikolas have been speaking about stuff.
Nikolas is shown making plans, Ava says what are you up too. Uh oh and we see Alexis being attacked by another prisoner.
Second segment shows Alexis being protected by her cellmate and she starts talking about Sam and Diane and what they told her to do while in prison.
Nikolas confides in Ava about his mom and Marty and Cyrus . Ava says we have to protect our family from Cyrus now Sonny is gone . Their protection is not there .
Marty is acting all fidgety and nervous around Laura about his part in the floating rib explosion.
They finally seem to be getting along until Cyrus shows up yet again and ruins things.
Sonny questions Nina about Elijah and she asks him if he wants to find out who he is.
Carly starts flipping out about getting Peter dealt with , and getting Jason out of prison. She tells Anna and Valentin they should kidnap Gladys and stop Peter before he kills someone else they love.
Ava is worried about what Nikolas is up too and what he has planned and with who about Cyrus's mother whereabouts.
Alexis and cellmate talk about staying away from the prisoner who attacked her.
Laura confronts her brothers and tells them to stay away from Nikolas . Cyrus should know by now Laura doesn't play mind games with anyone and she's pissed.
Carly says to Anna you expect me to do nothing . Anna tells her to back off and let her and Valentin deal with Peter before someone else winds up hurt or killed .
Gladys showed up to see Brando and sees Sasha with him at the garage. Nina almost confesses to Sonny about what she did.
Nina playing head games ,with Sonny she's a nasty piece if work why do this to him and his family crazy assed bitch.
Anna and Valentin approach Cyrus and she introduces herself as Peter's aunt.
He smiles creepy at her and we see Nikolas and Ava in bed together post love making session lol . I love them so much .
Carly is shown talking on the phone about having extra guards and Laura shows up saying tell me where Florence Gray is before someone wise winds up killed .
Anna talks to Cyrus then walks away she tells Valentin , it's okay lol, I'm fine I had to look him in the eye to plan my next move .
Next scene we saw was Carly being told by Laura that Nikolas might have figured out where Florence is for Cyrus.
Poor Alexis tells her cellmate her story and then the other prisoner approaches her. What does this woman want from her.
Sonny and Nina talking about themselves and Elijah . I think Nina is regretting holding back the truth from him.
Love Brando and Sasha together.
Anna says she's figured out how to deal with Cyrus Renault . Lol Marty says that Valentin is not your average knuckle dragging thug like the ones that Cyrus himself employs to work for him.
Laura says that Nikolas is doing this to protect them but that he has no idea what Cyrus is capable of ... yep that's the truth.
Cyrus says he's going to try to use Peter's unstable relationship to control him.
Alexis is again attacked by the prisoner.
That's it for now this is Ashley signing off have a great evening and a great weekend
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