Good Afternoon me lovelies i have to say after watching yesterday's GH I am so hyper to see what's going to happen next during our beloved show.
Todays show starts off with Cam and Trina bringing Joss into the hospital about her ankle . She said she's not going to let some doctor tell her what to do lol. Portia doesn't look impressed .
Ava is annoyed with Nikolas over what's going on with Alexis and also Cyrus and what they can do to protect Alexis from him and those that work for him.
Ugh seriously I want Cyrus gone already and now we see Alexis getting a visitor at pentonville we don't know yet who it is.
Scott and Liesl talking about dealing with Peter. Love them all loved up and working together.
One side note my mum whose not a Gh fan commented on Scott's hair.She said he's a mess and has no pride and Liesl has low standards.
LOL this is what happens when I do not watch GH alone ! Omfg Now you guys know where I get my big mouth from lol. We just say how we feel about things and tell people what we think about them too.
Sam has brought Danny to see Jason and we see Britt telling Jason the plan is going to plan to break Jason out of prison and clear his name.
Portia looks at Joss's ankle and Nikolas says he will protect her and his Aunt Alexis and protect the rest of his family.
Love that Laura coming to talk to Scott and she apologizes for not speaking to Liesl earlier when she saw her with Scott.
Liesl says she admires Laura and Britt says she loves admires her mom despite her crazy childhood growing up.
Britt is so cute lol she really likes Jason, and tells him that they can't have Cyrus finding out that Brad is her friend.Brick is concerned about Carly and Jason trusting Britt .
Britt is cool, and smart so what the hell is he going on about he doesn't know her to pass judgement on her in the first place .
Awe Ava and Nikolas talking about the wedding and how Cyrus won't get an invite. Also Spencer won't attend the wedding he's still mad at his dad.
Also Alexis gets a job reinsignment , next we saw Danny visiting Jason and they speak about how Jake is upset with Cam.
Sam is told by Britt that Jason will be released back to the prison now he's feeling better . Yeah right he's escaping.
Joss is told by Portia her volleyball season is over due to her injury on her ankle. Ouch and she's not happy about it.
Cyrus shows up to see Nikolas and Ava .
Joss is told to rest her ligiment for 4 weeks and she can't play volleyball at all.
Cam is trying to annoy Joss about Jason again. He leaves before another argument ensues.She tells Trina Cam is the least of her worries right now .She is angry she can't play volleyball the rest of the season .
Jason tells Danny they're gonna find a way for Jason to get of prison and that he's innocent of hurting Franco Baldwin.
Sam is so jealous of Britt being around Jason and them working together. Lol its too funny seriously guys welcome to Carly's world and walking in her shoes .
Carly tells Brick that they'll find a way to find Jason innocent of what happened to Franco and keep Cyrus Renault at bay at last. They are interrupted by a knock at the door .Carly gets a visit from Laura and she introduces her to Brick who thanks her for all of what she does for Port Charles.
Cyrus is annoying not just us fans but Ava as well, he clearly doesn't know who he's trying to manipulate and screw with. Lol.
Alexis gets a visit from Nikolas at Pentonville she is pissed at him for stupidly making a deal with Cyrus.
Carly and Laura talking about Nikolas and how he helped Cyrus get his mother back and that they lost his leverage against them.
Carly says is there anyway you could soften towards him to reel in so we can get him where we want him lol .
Alexis finds out Nikolas returned Florence to Cyrus. Meanwhile Ava hears Cyrus out about how he is Laura's brother and wants a better relationship with her and Nikolas.
Cyrus is trying to appeal to Ava's better nature and that she is after all his niece inlaw and they are family after all.
Oh my god lol , Liesl is freaking out that Britt is working with Jason she says pack your bags we're leaving the country. Oh boy. Whatever next is going to happen.
Joss is upset she can't play volleyball, and doesn't want to sit on the bench and watch her team play. She wants to get out of Port Charles uh oh I smell a road trip coming to Nixon falls to see her dad .
I think I like where this is headed lol.
Ha I knew it , Joss called his dad and she says let's go to Nixon Falls to get my dad.
Liesl is freaking out about Britt getting involved with Jason. She is worried for her . Britt looks confused about her mom and Scott Baldwin lol omfg.
Jason tells Sam not to worry about him , that the plan will work . Carly says their plan will work if Laura makes nice with Cyrus that helps them contain them.
Alexis says Nikolas is risking putting his family in danger especially Sonny's. Nikolas says let me go ahead with the plan because it will keep her safe .
Oh god Cyrus , picks up Avery's picture and says she looks like Sonny. Ugh stop threatening Ava and don't you dare go near sweet little Avery you absilute creep.
What a prick he is, he is no gentleman and Ava is definitely no wall flower. Now Ava is pissed !
I found myself thinking "Kill him Ava ! Please pretty please ! "With the look she gave him its definitely in the cards and she won't be stopped not by anyone I love on this show.
Lol Britt is so freaked out about her mom and Scott. Liesl tells her to be careful. I don't blame her but I love them together.
Omfg Alexis needs to trust Nikolas. She is freaking out but appreciative and grateful to him for protecting her in prison.
Sam says she's worried about Jason and that the kids miss him so much . She says she still cares about him alot and about what happens to him.
Joss and Trina are going to Nixon Falls . I just know that they're gonna see Sonny lol.
And Joss won't let Nina screw with their heads she's her mothers daughter after all.
Cam has come to see Jason.
Cyrus's spy knows that Britt is working with Jason oh crap . I don't like this.
Laura and Carly talk about Cyrus Carly says she really wants Laura to see Cyrus tonight. The doorbell rings , Carly opens it and says " Carly its Avery she's in trouble!
Avery's two moms working together against Cyrus, you don't mess with kids.
That's all for now , this is Ashley signing off have a great night everyone.
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