The past 2 days of GH have been mind blowing .
Today's show starts off with Curtis and Portia meeting up. I find them a breath of fresh air to be honest with you.
Jordan is annoyed with Stella for interfering with Curtis and Portia.
Sam's meeting up with Spin has been canceled.
Gladys as usual is being an idiot, sitting In the metrocourt acting like her shit doesn't stink .
Brando and Sasha meeting up at the metrocourt pool . I love these two together they are so adorable.
Anna talking to Dante about what the chopper pilot told her.
Dante asks why Anna is working with Valentin and doesn't trust her.
Valentin asks Brooklynn how the baby is. Brooklynn says she's an angel as always. Valentin says he missed Bailey so much .
Elizabeth says Cam told her that Violet wolfed down 3 pieces of pizza according to Cam.
When Elizabeth and Finn were talking about the body in the freezer Elizabeth says you got rid of that monster from this town
Finn says well in horror movies you can never get rid of them they come back to haunt you.
Elizabeth says don't let him take you away from Violet.
Elizabeth is right, they will figure it out.
Anna says she does trust Dante, it's just that with his issues she doesn't want to push him.
Anna is not saying she thinks it's Finn lol.
Dante says he's gonna check the cameras at GH.
Dante says he's gonna check the cameras at GH.
Oh my God Gladys won't shut up, she keeps saying she's Sonny's cousin and she was shot .
Lmfao Sam lol So you keep reminding us she says.
Sam says they say blood is thicker than water in this case the saying is wrong water is thicker than blood.
Brooklynn asking Valentin questions about Anna and his trip.
Jordan asking Stella to back the hell off. Jordan says she wants Curtis to be happy.
Terry's dress is gorgeous.
Love Portia and Curtis, most of all I
like how Honest they are with each other.
Portia trying to ask out curtis is awkward.Curtis says she's talking in circles.
She gets up to leave and he stops her.
Stella please stop she keeps harassing Jordan about Curtis .
Brando and Sasha are so cute.
Brando says that he's making a choice her and the baby.
Sam thinks That something is up with Austin.
Olivia says that Michael and Ned will stop those fireworks.Whatever Auatin has cooked up.
Dante talks about how he is seeing Kevin to overcome his issues.
Stella still won't back off of Jordan.
Oh shut the freak up Stella it's not your damn business.
Brando says he's happy working in the garage and chooses her and the baby.
Dante and Sam talking to Olivia , they are behaving like kids and not making sense .
Olivia is so confused lol, Dante spit it out already for goodness sake .I wanted to reach through the TV and slap him.
Olivia walked off after saying lol I don't have time for this I have a business to run lol .
Brooklynn asks Valentin about his feelings for Anna. Lmfao he says its none of your business.
Anna asks Elizabeth for a list of all the staff who were there the day Peter disappeared.
Portia is freaking out, She says I feel like you're still on the rebound and I don't want to feel ๐let down.
But if you are serious about what you said I'm willing on giving it a try.
Lmfao Stella needs to stop....Dante shut .
Brando tells his mom he's not going to work for Carly and Jason.
Elizabeth is getting Anna the list.
Chase thanks Anna for being the only one who doesn't treat him with kit gloves.
Anna says that her search for Peter has led her back to GH.
Brooklynn visits Chase and she's whining he says do you want a side of fries with that .
I think that Sam and Dante are fooling themselves. They clearly have feelings for each other.
Finn is worried he will be found out and he has no idea just how right he is.
Finn excuses himself to check a patient. Elizabeth says the same.
Anna knows something is up. She tells Valentin over the phone we're
not looking for Peter's Ally we're looking for his enemy.
The episode for July 23rd 2021 starts off with another pool scene .
I think Shawn and Jordan will get together.
Poor Britt has a flashback of her with Jason.
Omfg Terry over heard something being said between Elizabeth and Finn.
She said whats this about Peter.
Anna talks to Valentin about who could have been on the roof with Peter.
Britt is freaking out about Jason.
Jason is so sweet, he says what can't I just say hello when I see you when Britt says what to do you want.
Lmfao Terry is getting pissy about Peter and Says he killed Franco and hurt your brother why should you cate about him .
Alexis is worried about going to the new prison.
Oh and lol Austin is funny when he sees Jason he says hi cous! Jason is not impressed .
I am so tired of Nina and her sticking her nose in where she doesn't belong.
It's nice she wants to help Lenny, but with her there's always a hidden agenda .
Alexis talking to Sam about going to prison. Elsewhere they found out that Shawn is free.
At the metrocourt pool Ava looks lol , how do I put it nicely like such a mom dressed how she is .
Nina gets on my last nerve, sucking up to Sonny. I love Sonny he is such a sweetheart.
Love Shawn telling Alexis what's going in with him. Saying he's free and how other prisoners are having there cases looked into.
Trina tells Spencer that they need to parent trap Ava and Nikolas to get them back together, he doesn't like the idea at all.
Britt says she would appreciate Austin's support and asks him to advocate for her , for the chief of staff position .
Anna is freaking out she knows something bad happened to Peter.
I don't mind Nina when she's away from Sonny.
Lmfao Nikolas and Spencer. talking about Ava and having drinks together.
Elizabeth convinced Finn to go for a ๐ถโโ๏ธ.
Jason talk to Monica about Carly .
Monica needs to stop bringing up Carly's bad mistakes.
Oh God shut up Monica, enough of slagging my girl Carly off.Jason respects her , but he says he wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Carly.
See lol I backed the right horse lol, Carly has her good points , people just have to recognize she's not the same girl who arrived in Port Charles all those years ago.
Ava is so cute she thought it was Austin who bought the drink for her but it was Trina.
Spencer outted Trina parent trapping Ava and Nikolas.
Jason says we were all wrong on how AJ treated Carly and how we all treated AJ.
Omfg Monica stop accusing my girl of stuff.
Go Terry she lips off at Britt because she was Cyrus's underling.
Terry says she's going for Chief of staff position.
Jason overheard Elizabeth and Finn talking.
Lenny thanks Nina for everything she's done
Jordan shows Alexis the facility she's been put in.
When Austin hears the parent trap thing says parent trap are you a twin?
Go Trina she's outting Spencer.
Valentin and Anna think Finn did something to Peter.
Jordan walks into the Savoy and sees Curtis and Portia kissing. Awe I'm so sad for her.
Oh Crap Jason says Elizabeth we need to talk. He looks pissed.
Phyllis and Lenny and Sonny and Nina look happy that's not gonna last long lol.
Sam talks to Shawn about working together to find Hayden's shooter.
Jordan wishes Alexis good luck. Alexis just saw Ryan chamberlain.
Jason says that he knows that Elizabeth is protecting Finn.
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