
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 23 August 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 8-23-21

Good lord have Mercy on me , you do not know of what I could do to  certain  characters currently  in front  runner storylines on my beloved General Hospital .

One of the ten commandments is thou shall not covet thy neighbors wife . In this case its a woman's husband lol .

Another one is thou shall not commit murder ... lord forgive but Carly would be well within her rights  to beat Nina to death .

Today's  show starts off with  Nina  shocked to  see Maxie on the other side of the door of the Tan-0. 

Marty asks Valentin if he's trying  to protect  Anna from him .Lmfao not exactly.... Valentin says  he wants to protect  Marty from Anna .

Marty leaves in a hurry and heads to Laura's once he gets a phone call.

Over at Laura's  Marty shows up and Laura and  Marty are  wondering  what the hell their brother has done now.

Austin cancels his lunch date with Valentin. Sam meets Dante and they talk about how he's there to  meet them for pool time. 

Dante says that  Sam isn't dressed for the pool .

Maxie says she's stopped in to see Nina before heading back to Port Charles. 

Brooklynn flips out when she sees that  Chase is walking again. Michael and Willow are freaking out about Chase.

Jordan shows up at Laura and Kevin's and tells them that  Cyrus put out a  contract hit on Laura and Marty .

Leo is busy messing around on his chair and ignores his big sister Sam.

Valentin asks Anna out for lunch she tells him no she already has a lunch date .

Sam approaches them  and Anna asks Valentin if he remembers Sam which I thought was a little  crazy considering the fact he's her step uncle through Helena. 

Ned approaches Austin and asks him what he wants from the family, because he's not entitled to any shares. 

He says  I  want a seat at the Quartermaine table  .

Brooklynn says that Chase has been passive aggressive since Wiley's birthday party . She pushes him down. 

Willow says she's going to tell Chase the truth that she loves Michael and not him. 

Maxie shows Nina a picture of the kids wearing matching cowboy hats. 

Maxie says she's thirsty and  asks Nina if she can have a glass of wine. 

Nina tries to stop her from staying , but we all know Maxie lol , is not one  to take a freaking hint. 

Maxie says Dante called her and said they found Peter's blood in the sub basement of Gh.

Sam  says to Valentin i want to talk to you about one of his victims Drew Cain.

Olivia needs to butt out  of  Dante's love life. Seriously she needs to worry more about Leo than her son whose a grown assed man.

Austin is a scum bag, all he wants is the Quartermaine's money he doesn't care about the upheaval and the stress he's putting on his own family .

Talk about  selfish , self serving asshole. 

Go Ned,You tell him straight out what's what .

Brooklynn finds a letter about Edward's will possibly being changed that Chase had his hands on.

Chase is a slimeball, He should not do this to his friends.

Laura wants to know why  Cyrus wants to go after them now.

Jordan says the 2 of them are in danger.

Austin questions  Ned, Ned says he wants to make sure this is kept out of the courts.

Brooklynn wants to know why Chase is  taking  Austin's side.He says he wants to get back at Michael  because of Willow.

Michael and  Willow talk  about how she is not a bad person , which she most certainly is not.   

She needs to take  a breath and  think before she jumps into telling Chase the truth. 

Olivia is freaking out over a cut on Leo's finger. 

Sam tells Valentin about the call she got from the guy who says he's Drew. 

Maxie  pours her heart out to Nina about Louise.She asks Nina if she can stay in Nixon Falls with  her.

I want Maxie to catch Nina out lol, this is getting beyond ridiculous Nina is acting more guilty and unhinged the longer she keeps the truth from Smike and the Corinthos clan.

Unfortunately that did not come to pass. 

Austin tells Ned he may have info they may not  be aware of yet . Olivia tells Ned about Leo's finger. 

Austin looks at  Leo's  finger. 

Chase tells Brooklynn that he knows that Michael and Willow have been cheating  on  him.Brooklynn says you may think you're hurting Michael but you're hurting the rest of my family too.

Michael is upset about hurting Chase that he's  the closest thing he has to a brother since Morgan died.

Willow says Chase has the  right to know the truth she thanks him for backing her up.

Jordan says  that They're going to  put  Laura and Marty under protective custody  oh my God.

Marty is worried that  Cyrus will go after his mom. Jordan says that they'll keep an eye on Florence for him.

Laura is pissed she asks if she has a choice here. Kevin wants to go with her but she tells him to stay in Port Charles. 

Anna asks Sam if she thinks  someone is manipulating her.They wonder if Peter knows where Drew is.

Maxie is insisting on staying  with Nina ... she says Sorry Maxie you have to leave now once Sonny sends a text and  says he's coming back down.

Oh brother home girl doesn't  wanna get caught lol.

Laura wants Kevin to be Spencer's sense of reason and be there for him when she can not.  

She's worried about the rest of the family.  Jordan says don't worry we'll watch out for them. 

Lmfao Marty wants the croissants that are on the table and asks if they can box them and take them with them to the safe house .

Austin gives Leo a fidget spinner.Go 

Brooklynn you tell Chase what's what.She doesn't like  the way that Chase is going after Michael  and hurting others out of spite.

Michael says I don't want you to face Chase alone.Michael Wants to face chase and says he would expect Chase to do the same if the  situation was reversed. 

Sam wants to look at the reports of the plane  crash.

Nina keeps urging Maxie to go home and see her kids .

Ned and  Olivia thank Austin for helping Leo.He wants an appointment booked to see Leo again I think he may want to do DNA on him.

Awe Laura and KEVIN are so sweet, they will miss each other .

Austin listens to the message  from Chase that says he found something.

Brooklynn hopes Chase makes the right decision. She doesn't want to lose him as a friend.Willow and Michael interrupt their conversation.

Nina gets a text from Sonny saying he's on his way back.  She manages to get Maxie to leave  ... good God.

Nina is all freaked out after Maxie leaves. I hate to say this but the truth will out. 

Maxie leaves, and we see her outside the Tan-O. 

We see a man's  feet hands and body .... the  camera pans  up and its Peter.

Jumping Judas how the hekl did he survive the push down the stairs  ? 

That's it for now , until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone. 

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