According to the preview there is a lead on little Louise's whereabouts Valentin informs Maxie.
Yikes !!!
The question is will this latest set back make the secret between Maxie and Brooklynn blow up in their faces?
Today's show starts off with Chase being begged not to go against the Q's.
He gives them the letter back, and leaves.
Phyllis is upset and crying! Maxie is in turbo wedding planner mode when she approaches Jarly.
Maxie sees Bailey, or little Lou as it happens.
Peter asks Nina what Sonny Corinthos is doing in Nixon Falls.
He pulls a gun in her, and demands answers .
Spencer is angry about Kevin taking control of his life.
I do not like Esme, Joss and Cam meeting her parents for dinner.
Can we say AWKWARD already. Lmfao.
Nina says Damn can't we play nice lol.
She asks Peter to relax, and have a drink .
Awe Maxie is freaking out, Valentin says there's been a development in Louise's case.
Michael is pissed at Austin, it's clear he doesn't like the games Austin is playing.
Esme is a creepy assed bitch , Fatal attraction or what she's clearly jealous of Spencer's interest in our girl Trina.
Lmfao the kids are filling in Carly and Jax on what Nikolas did at the party.
Jax is being a total jerk lol, it's okay though lol Carly is a dab hand at dealing with jerks with an arrogant attitude.
Carly says why don't we for Josslyn's sake let it go.
Joss is acting like lol a spectator at a tennis match looking at her parents lol.
Brooklynn tells Michael not to listen to this snake. I don't trust Austin either he's nothing but a slimy opportunist.
Michael and Brooklynn double teaming Austin for doing what he did with Chase.
Austin tries to appeal to their better na tures. Brooklynn says Any sympathy points you wanted about your dad have been used up.Nice sob story but we aren't buying it are we Michael ?
Willow shows up to see Chase, when She says that Michael and I realized how much we cared for each other
Chase needs to be a lot more understanding towards Willow.
Spencer is thanking Trina for not ratting him out.Esme is staking her claim she asks to speak to Trina alone.
Peter says he's got some leads on his daughter.Peter tells Nina he's been tailing Maxie he's being a pompous arrogant asshole but what else is new.
He wants to know what is up with Nina and Sonny.
Sonny thanks Phyllis for being there for him and he wants to be there for her too and that he really misses Lenny.
Carly is freaking out about Joss going away to college. Joss says she'll be home every weekend Jax finds out when the wedding date is.
Joss senses the tension and asks them both what's wrong.
Valentin tells Maxie that he is almost certain Peter survived she says I doubt that.
Nina tells Peter about what happened to Nelle and how she came here and found Sonny here in Nixon Falls.
Peter asks about Sonny's memory and how long that's been like this.
Peter is gonna threaten to tell Jason and Carly. It's been almost a year since he disappeared from Port Charles.
Carly sends the kids to the pool so she can deal with Jax.Joss is freaking out about how her parents behaved in front of Cam.
Cam says I don't care about how crazy your family is, I care about you , you make me feel like the luckiest guy in the world lol.
Now that is a sweet dedicated young lad.
Esme is charming Trina, buttering her up , probably setting her up for a fall. I do not trust this kid at all .Spencer says what did I miss.
Willow says she just wanted to repay Chase for everything he did for her
Michael says i recently lost my father too,Michael and Brooklynn do not like him. Austin says my condolences. Michael says my father believed in family so do I and that's why I don't like you interfering! I'm not coming after the family Austin says.
Brooklynn says coming after Elq is coming after our family.Michael says you used Chase why would I let you in with those methods.
Omfg Austin says Chase is not your friend. Michael hands him the paper.
Chase keeps justifying what he did but he won't hear her out on what she did.
Esme needs to shut her mouth,she keeps saying rude things to Trina.
Joss and Cam show up she said we're busy we have school to get ready for.
Esme is being a total scumbag bitch, Being around Trina and plotting and playing mind games with people.
Sonny says he feels an ache like he's missing something.Phyllis says I can see you're in love with Nina.
Go Peter do it you warn her you'll rat her out to Carly.Peter wants Nina to help him worm his way back into Maxies good graces Nina says or you'll do what.
Jax and Carly are arguing about Joss and the business.
Maxie is told not to rush back to work. She says she won't .
Peter is threatening Nina with sicking Carly on her.Peter knows Nina knows where Louise is.
Making a deal with the devil is a bad freaking move. Phyllis says she knew that Lenny was the one for her.
Phyllis should not encourage Sonny to be with Nina.
Willow says I will always love you for what you did for Wiley and me.Chase says Sasha told him that Willow and Michael would fall for each other.
Jax says Carly is one of the most important peoplr in his life.
Carly says that he used to be like that for her he used to see things in a Gray area but only sees black and white . She says we used to trust each other but not anymore.
Esme wants to go to PCU, she says it might be fun . This girl is frigging unhinged. She reminds me of Sage Alcazar a real pain in the ass.
Valentin hands Louise to Maxie and goes to talk to Austin who tells him he has the keys to the ELQ kingdom.
Nina says , you're Faison's son why would I trust you at all.
Peter is a bit amused at her remark as are Cindy and me
We laughed even more when Peter said You said lol 😆I'm Faison's son , you'd be wise to remember that if you double cross me.
Sonny walks in and asks how the visit is going . Peter tells Sonny that he looks forward to getting to know him lol.
Peter better be careful Sonny knows how to use guns.
That's a wrap guys, until tomorrow this is Mama Ashley and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone.
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