So much so that I want to be zapped in and do something everyone else should have ages ago.
Oh my goodness ,oh my goodness please forgive me I'm not a violent person , but I want to physically beat Esme and Nina until they are so unrecognizable to those who love them.
Lord knows why anyone would they play mind fuck games with people they shouldn't ie Ava and Sonny.
I never thought I'd say this but Jax do your worst and if you can't lol let Carly or me do it !
Today's show began with Jordan talking to Curtis outside Roger Barstow's home.
Lol the cases they're working on are are connected.
Nikolas rips up the restraining order and calls it a joke.Ava did this to protect them from the Stalker.
Ooooh Trina is onto Esme,Jason and Joss worried about Carly.
Nina and Sonny talking about taking a trip.She leaves all excited and loved up until she runs Into Jax.
She is not happy to see him lol and Jax says you don't look happy to see me.
Jax says he needs to speak to her about what he thinks she's been up too in Nixon Falls.
Jordan wants to know how Drew is connected to Naomi's murder.They're putting the pieces together.
Ava is furious with how Nikolas treated Spencer she knows what the price is to take your child for granted.
They wont quit Screaming at each other.
Why would Esme care about Kiki, Spencer is gullible and stupid to trust this girl! Esme is as crazy as fuck.
Jax walks into the Tan-0 and hasn't seen Sonny yet. He has recognized that Nina is acting pretty sketchy.
Omfg She's doing the bug eyes again when she realizes she's been caught doing something she shouldn't .
Joss is worried about her mom, she is freaking out poor kid . Jason calls Spin to locate Queen Carly.
Jax wants to make sure Nina isn't self destructing and hurting herself. Oops too late lol Carly will be her grimreaper .
Jax says the marinara sauce has lead him to the Tan-0 he wants to meet Mike.
Trina is annoyed and she gets up and she has to go away from Wednesday Addams aka Esme.
Portia thinks it's strange they've Barstow isn't there to meet them.
Looks like Barstow was kidnapped and stopped from speaking to them.
Jordan don't go upstairs ,Or in the basement it could be a trap ugh.
Jordan is going to get stuck in that basement I know this scenario.
Oh lord Esme is so sketchy it's not even funny.She thinks she's entitled to go off on Trina.
Ava tells the guys to remove Nikolas lol as she takes a phone call.The men go to beat him up.
Jordan just found a body oh my God.Barstow is dead.Someone is after Jordan and following her in the basement.
Jax won't back down, he says Nina has an extreme reaction.
Sonny says is there a problem here, Jax sees Sonny and he's in shock. But what's he going to do with it not tell Carly.
Poor Nikolas is getting his ass kicked.My bad says one of Ava's men when Ava tells them to stop
Oh please Esme stop you're claws are showing, she's so jealous of Trina she can't see straight.
Joss tells Jason what her mom told her about AJ.
Spinelli found Carly thank goodness!
Oh my God Sonny shut up bro, Jax doesn't agree with what Nina is doing.
Your alive jax says Sonny says I should be the one saying that about you.
Jax says Nina is living out some twisted fantasy, hey wait that's my line.
Sonny believes everything Nina says he is brainwashed I say bring Carly he would remember everything in no time.
Portia walks into the house and calls for Curtis and Jordan.She finds Jordan on the floor with a head injury.
She says who ever hit me did that, she points to Barstow.
Portia says is he dead they've locked in and the gas in the house is leaking.
This guy doesn't like them being in the house, Go Curtis he kicked the thugs ass.
Jordan is unconscious , poor love.
Esme is not a very nice person. She accuses Trina of being jealous of her.She says Spencer is rich and very handsome . Whose she trying to convince herself or Trina?
Go Trina lol 😆...You maybe rich but your not handsome.
Jax is like what the hell, Sonny trusts Nina way too much hello delusional party of one.
Nina really has painted herself into a corner this time.First babies now grown men with Amnesia.There is no redeeming quality here.
Trina is upset when Joss answers the door.Trina says Esme is as bad as Joss thinks she is.
Lol Spencer letting Esme 😂know he's not impressed with her or what she's doing.Esme doesn't like the nice side of Spencer.
Curtis finishes beating the thug up who says you better go back to the house to help your friends.
Curtis stops what he's doing and heads back to the house.
Jordan is unconscious,she says Curtis' name.Poor Portia she decides now to confess that Curtis is Trina's dad.
Jax is telling Sonny that he isn't the person who even remotely fits the person who should be with Nina.
He says their relationship is built on lies. And the ground is about to swallow Nina whole.
That's it for now , until next time guys,this is Mama Ashley Judy and
Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone.
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