Let me first tell you that the following episode was filled with
Drama , sadness and laughter !
The kind of laughter that makes your belly ache courtesy of Kin Shriner , Tristan Rogers Charles Shaunnesy and Bonnie Burroughs.
This episode surrounded around Curtis finding out the mystery man was his father and Chase was questioning Brooklynn about the night Bailey was born.
Besides that we had Scott questioning Victor about Liesl and asking for his help to find her .
Oh boy and we also had a front row seat for Valentin threatening to inject 10 CC's of air into the blood stream of the body guard from Greece.
Trina's big night had arrived as curator of Joel Sartore's photo exhibit and everyone joined her to see the photos. That included Spencer and Cameron , Esme and her mom.
And then there was Gladys , Oh Gladys lol thou are a pushy , annoying woman ,but I love you Bonnie Burroughs.
I loved how she griped about getting her credit card privileges taken away at Deception , but I also loved how Sasha made up for it by inviting her to the photo Ark exhibit.
Curtis was super pissed at the man , who claimed to be his daddy and you can't blame him.
Anna arrived at the hospital room lol, and she injected the air into the injured man lol 😆 Valentin gave her high praise .
" It was a classic , gutsy and diabolical ! Anna she says you're such a flirt !"
God I love these two . Robert showed up and talked to them then got a call that someone was visiting Victor at lock up.
He calls Peter a guppie compared to Victor Cassadine lmfao.
At the Gallery Portia arrives and tells Trina that Curtis is on his way to see the exhibit , but once she meets Esme lol 😆 she says " Stay clear of that one!"
Trina says " I'm trying to !" After finding out that Spencer tool a job at Kelly's with Cameron.
And some magic happened three of the best daytime legends came together in one scene lol .
I am of course speaking of Scott Baldwin, Victor Cassadine and Robert Scorpio. Aka ( Kin Shriner , Charles Shaunnesy and Tristian Rogers ) to discuss working together to get Peter August .
Portia spoke to Ava and Nikolas , but she was less than amused with Nik and of course Spencer .
And Gladys , lol she busted 🤣 Kipp when she found out he was an actor and not Brooklynn's baby daddy.
And finally we saw Marshall give Curtis a picture of him with Curtis, Tommy and their mama.
Today's show is dubbed Wtaf is going on in Port Charles today ?
Yeah so ..... we had the goings on in Greece.
Britt was reunited with her momma Liesl, while she performed doctorly duties on her pantomime villain of a brother Peter .
Meanwhile Trina's exhibit of Joel Sartore's photo Ark was off to a roaring good start .
We mentioned yesterday how proud we were of Miss Trina ❤, and it was more than crystal clear so was Spencer. Which made Esme super jealous .
Ned and Olivia came for the exhibit with Leo meanwhile Anna , Robert and Valentin talked about how they were going to handle Victor.
Back in Greece , Britt and her momma hugged and Britt saw to her mother's wound .
Peter tried to be so cocky , and tried to act like he has the upper hand as far as Drew and Jason as well as Maxie is concerned .
Back in Port Charles Sasha and Brando looked at the exhibit and Sasha admitted she knows the sex of their baby .
Ava and Nikolas praised Trina for the job that she had done on the exhibit . Trina tells them that her professor has told her she's passed the course .
Which made Esme even more jealous, this girl is so super desperate to get attention she does it in an extremely negative manner .
Gladys thought she had Brooklynn and Kip by the short and curlies, but it's clear that they are not playing into her hands .
Back in Greece Peter forces Britt to take a mission statement for both she and Jason to read. Meanwhile Jason tells Drew to stay strong .
Back in Port Charles Cam tells Esme to stay out of his love life .
This is which prompts the nasty little minx to try and take another crack at trying to split up Trina's friendship with Joss.
Meanwhile back in Greece , Britt sees Drew and they seem to send a telepathic message to one another.
Upon being led back to Jason , they are filmed reading their statements , which is seen by Anna, Robert and Valentin .
I swear to God this show is getting insane . So then back in Port Charles Leo goes missing and Sasha ends up having contractions.
She tries to say they're just cramps and tells Brando that the sex of the baby is listed in her email inbox if he's interested .
Meanwhile Spencer tells his dad this is Trina's night and he's not going to deal with family drama .
Back in Greece , Liesl is told by Peter he wants Maxie brought to him and that he wants her to be conditioned and under his control.
Back in Port Charles , Gladys talks to Trina and is trying to get a phone signal .
Poor Sasha runs into her and it's clear that she's not just having cramps it's actual labor pains.
When they try to leave they realize they've been locked in by Esme who thought Trina was in the room.
Meanwhile Brooklynn realizes Leo has gone missing and tells her dad and Olivia who are panicking.
Back in Greece Drew and Liesl both say that Maxie despises Peter and they won't do it.
Peter threatens to kill Jason if they don't do it .
And finally Jason is shown with the Tarot Card .
November 17th 2021
To say that GH had my nerves on edge is an understatement for the episode of November 17th 2021.
Between the disappearance of Leo and poor Sasha being locked in the storage room with Gladys while in labor is enough to fray anyone's nerves.
I honest loved everyone at the gallery jumping into action to find him was heart warming to say the least .
Even Esme was scared about whereabouts of poor Leo.
Ava was petrified that something bad might have happened to her nephew and truly was frightened for his safety.
We also saw the reunion of Alexis and Sonny . They truly are the best of friends and respect each other so much .
Maxie and Austin talked about Brooklynn and agreed to disagree about her .
Carly went to Charlie's and had a heart to heart talk with Phyllis about Nina and Sonny .
Willow and Wiley ran into Nina Wiley seemed to be happy to see her , but Willow made it clear that she was still very angry with her for what she did to their family .
Esme on the other hand deliberately kissed Spencer in front of Trina to make her jealous .
Ned and Olivia found Leo laying on the pier looking for octopi.
Sasha and Gladys were rescued from the locked room thanks to Brando locating them in time . They discovered she's having a boy.
Phyllis told Carly to let go of her anger towards Nina. Yeah okay ! How the hell can she tell her to do that when Nina was definitely in the wrong for what she did .
Back at the pier Olivia has realized that maybe Austin and Ned are right and that Leo needs to be tested for autism.
And finally lol Carly comes across Willow talking to Nina and let me tell ya guys Carly was not too happy about it.
Today's Episode of GH is brought to you by the phrase " Confront this bitch .... Go On I dare you !!!
I dunno what's worse .... Nina being caught out being near Wiley by Carly , or Gladys being cut off at the pass by Brooklynn lol.
This lead Valentin to question Miss Quartermaine's deception lol.
Or was it the fact that Maxie telling Austin to basically to eff himself ?
Either way this GH fan was one happy camper.
Ontop of that we had Jason springing into action to save Britt, Liesl and Drew .
Britt told her momma she had a plan to finally rid them of Peter once and for all.
We also had a front row seat for Sasha preparing for the birth of her son with Brando.
My goodness I loved Sonny checking in on Sasha and he and Brando making nice.
I honestly loved Willow holding Carly at bay to stop her from beating the living crap out of Nina in front of Wiley .
I was left shaking my head at Brooklynn asking Gladys what more does she want Brooklyn to give to make her keep quiet about Bailey.
The gall of Gladys telling her time is up Brooklynn.
Sonny saw Carly and Nina fighting and he told Carly after seeing Wiley to stop going after Nina like he asked her.
Umm I think Sonny needs to stop defending Nina period .
When is she going to pay for what she did? And when is Sonny going to see Nina for who she really is ?
Meanwhile back in Greece Drew had Jason at gun point .
This prompted Jason managed to pull the Chariot tarot card out to make Drew snap out of it
With this going on Peter managed to grab Liesl and Drew and Jason managed to set a plan in motion .
And Finally Valentin thought about all of what Gladys had said about Brooklynn and he decided to ask her if he's really Bailey's father.
November 19th 2021
The episode for November 19th 20211 was in a word a full of epic action and some drama.
And if you want to know the full story buckle up buttercup.
Firstly we had Willow punching a punching bag lol. She's never done that before so that indicates she was really angry about the whole Carly vs Nina Situation.
Liesl and Britt being lead through a tunnel by Peter who had them at gun point .
Drew and Jason separated to find Liesl and Britt and Drew found them first.
Then we had Sasha's dramatic C-section and Poor Valentin finding out that he is not Bailey's father.
And he was not best pleased in fact he was extremely upset about the whole thing .
Who could blame him especially when he thought the child was his for month's.
He bonded with her and so did Charlotte so I know how devastating it must have been
for him.
Maxie was beginning to fall apart and told Chase about Bobbie and he figured it all out .
Michael finds out about that happened between his mother
and Nina ! He said " Go mom!"
Willow was not too impressed hearing this , but told Michael
that Wiley was happy to see Nina and she couldn't keep them apart .
You can't just say no Wiley you need to stay away from grandma Nina it only confuses the poor lad.
Speaking of being confused ! Carly was even more so confused about Sonny not being as angry at Nina as she was.
Liesl made me laugh trying to reason with Peter . She knows better than anyone you can not reason with or talk sense into a mad man .
Chase spoke to Bobbie , who blabbering way too much ! They say loose lips sink ships .
Well the Spencer women do not know when to shut the hell up ! Which is why I love them normally.
Michael asks Willow if she'd like to go to the Thanksgiving parade in New York and they'd take Wiley with them.
I think it's a brilliant idea so that they get away from all the grandma drama.
Back at GH , Sasha had to have an emergency C-section , due to the placenta rupturing . The baby was in distress! I'm hoping he's gonna be ok.
And lord have Mercy ,Valentin shouted at Brooklynn the poor lass was beside herself!
Thank God for Chase he showed up to rescue Brooklynn and he said he was the baby daddy .
And finally lol Jason and Drew lol got into a shoot out with Peter after Jason showed Drew the cars to get him to stand down.
I don't know if I'm remembering incorrectly, but something tells me that the Tarot Card was destroyed before our Q boys sprang into action.
I just hope they catch up to Peter before he makes it back to Port Charles.
That's it for now , until next time this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a wonderful Sunday guys .
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