For a Monday this episode was anything but boring in fact it started on a very high note.
You see we saw Dr TJ Ashford in action being very doting with one of his patients.
And he was being watched by his aunt Stella who had her chest puffed out with pride seeing him at work .
Curtis is having flashbacks of his dad and Drew shows up. Best friends reunited at last.
I love Trina and Portia,talking about how well she did with the exhibit.
Lmfao Anna calls lol Sonny disingenious.
Lmfao good ole Sonny he holds all his cards to his chest and he won't tell her anything.
Carly sees Sonny talking to Anna, and ever the suspicious bitch wants to know what's going on .
Finn and Elizabeth are acting strange about Peter being in the hospital.
Awe Maxie she's so upset about Sasha and Brando's baby. Here she is with a healthy baby and she puts her in hiding cause the baby daddy is a psychopath.
To be honest I think Maxie's guilt is about to eat her alive.
Britt and the other come to talk to Brando and Sasha about baby Liam.
They tell her that baby Liam has Braun damage and that their was no cognitive functioning in his brain.
Anna and Carson talking about Peter she gets a call.
Trina is bitching about Esme to her mother. She says she feels like such a loser because she doesn't have a boyfriend to take on the trip.
That Esme makes her feel like she is one despite what her mother tells her.
Awe Curtis and Drew care so awesome, it felt like home to me , but truthfully it was bitter sweet since Jason didn't come with them.
Elizabeth says poor Jake is grieving 2 Dads because of Peter. She's not wrong there .
In my opinion Peter could care less who's collateral damage along the way .
Maxie asks Epiphany about the baby and how he is. Piffy says you know I can't break hippa laws and tell you anything.
Oh no the baby is dying, Britt says there is nothing they can do for Liam. Sasha and Brando ask if they can keep doing the treatments.
Britt says no they can't , but they may have to try something else.
I feel so bad for Britt having to deliver the news to Brando and Sasha.
Epiphany is telling Maxie to go home and let Brando and Sasha to process any news they get.
Anna tells Sonny and Carly Peter is on his way to GH from the prison because he was poisoned by Brad .
Awe Stella and TJ are so damn cute,They talk about Molly and Curtis.She is proud of Molly and calls her cute ! However she refuses to talk to Curtis because he's keeping things from her.
Finn and Elizabeth find Peter unconscious in a cublicle.
Maxie runs into Anna and she tells her about Peter .Elizabeth and Finn can't figure out what happened to Peter.
He had no puncture wounds , or anything of that nature they decide to do a tox screen on him.
Carly is interrogating Sonny like she's Anna.Sonny tells her he put a hit out on Peter. Her face said it all like " What???"
Love Trina asking her mom questions and Portia is back peddling.
I love Drew talking to Curtis about Sam and how she came looking for him.
Drew isn't sure how to live his life like he always did.
Lmfao Stella says Curtis is dodging her questions.
Sasha wants to try anything to save her son.But Britt and the other doctor say no they can't and be realistic.
Two other specialists are getting involved and a counselor. Sasha says she doesn't need one.
Epiphany shakes her head while Brasha walk by.
Elizabeth and Finn figure out that Peter was given a toxin like Chase was! That's Karma baby!!!
Carly says Peter needs to suffer a slow and painful death.
Marshall approached Portia and she starts telling Marshall off. Lmfao Trina is like Wtaf is going on here?
Lol Trina and Portia are like what when they hear he's Curtis 's dad.
Curtis tells Drew his father is alive and he's not happy about it.
Love Maxie and Elizabeth talking about what happened to Peter and what he did to Franco and Jason.
Maxie asks does Part of you want Peter to die?
Anna approaches them lol Maxie says ๐ whoever killed Peter should get the medal of freedom.
Marshall is a complete jerk,and Trina is being standoffosh and rude to Marshall its not like the guy doesn't deserve it.
Portia says my Daughter is very opinionated and says she gets that from me.
Marshall leaves and Trina says
"I know why Curtis is upset about his father being back Why are you?" Says Trina .
Drew offers to research Marshall.
Tj tells Stella that whatever Curtis is going through he's afraid Stella might get ill again.And it's not his story to tell.
Britt is devastated about having to tell Brasha about their baby.
She Says to Epiphany that's why they call me the Britch.Epiphany says" Not anymore, you've changed anyone can see that!"
Brando wants to say something and she says what he says never mind.
Love Curtis and Drew talking about Scout.
Portia says Marshall makes her uncomfortable with all of the sneaking around that he did.
Trina feels for Curtis and what hes going through .
Awe Piffy being Team Britt is awesome I can't believe she's praising her .
Sasha and Brando watch their baby.Sonny says Jason will be avenged.
Elizabeth goes to look in on Peter. She has a syringe.Maxie says the best thing to happen is Peter dying.For Franco and Jason let him die.
Stella shows up to see Curtis and says no more secrets you hear me and sees Marshall!
DECEMBER 14th 2021
In the famous words of Pat Benetar GH " You're a Heartbreaker, dream maker love taker don't you mess around with Me !"
Judging by today's episode I felt like a tidal wave had descend upon me .
First of all poor Stella was in freaking shock seeing Marshall.
Britt and Austin make me spit my drink out ! Austin says " Dr Westbourne I have news of your brother!"
She replied " Is it his obituary ?" Lol kudos to our girl Kelly Thibaud, she never disappoints me with the way she delivers her lines .
Austin tells her Peter is better off dead than alive . Well thanks for that captain obvious we all think the same thing .
Lmfao Maxie she asks how a hired assassin got into the prison to kill Peter . She then asks what they used strycnine or arsenic and why they didn't finish him off.
I just about died when she said " Tell me what exactly are the top three poisons in a prison!"
Elizabeth having flashbacks of everything that she's been through and she's still holding the scalpel.
Carly says she has too much work to do at the office .Sonny tells her that she can take a break and surprises her with the living room being decorated for Christmas .
Awe Brando and Sasha she says she feels trapped and that Liam must feel that way too .
Willow asks Michael if he's nervous about the hearing and if he's sure of what he's doing .
He says he's never been so sure of something his whole life and Brad walks in.
Maxie is too much she is in turbo chatterbox mode . More animated and anxious as ever .
Sasha is so hopeful, She's stronger than what she's given credit for.
Finn tries to stop Elizabeth from doing what he almost did and that's killing Peter.
Austin finds out that Britt has alot more going on than her scumbag brother.
She tells him about Brando and Sasha and how she had to deliver bad news to them .
Miss Wu tells Michael that she will make sure Brad never bothers his family again.
Stella looks like she's about to faint and Marshall Is being an absolute jerk.
He doesn't care that he's upsetting her or Curtis . Curtis tells her to sit down and she asks him for a drink of water.
Donna and Avery are so stinking cute they come in to see Carly and Sonny. They've been doing Christmas baking with their nanny .
Sonny says he's grateful to be home .
At the parole hearing Michael's words are so heartfelt and so emotional talking about Wiley and how he grieved for a child that was not his .
That he was shocked and angry when he found out his son was kept from him.
He also says that the pain Brad and Nelle caused his family and Willow was excruciating.
That was because Willow only found out her baby was dead after the truth came out about Wiley and what happened to her baby boy.
Sasha is a warrior, no one can knock her down she is a strong assed woman .
Austin is praising Britt for being a good doctor and a very good friend to Maxie. He also says that Maxie thinks alot of her and it's clear Britt feels the same way about Maxie.
Im so glad Finn talked Elizabeth out of killing Peter she would go to jail.
Brando approaches Britt about talking about options.
Stella says she needs time to process Marshall's return.
Austin comes across Finn stopping Elizabeth talking .
He finds the scalpel and says " Hello ! How did you get in there ?"
Stella says she's sure Marshall will tell his truth when he's ready.Curtis is in shock at Stella's attitude.
Go Michael he's telling his truth . He says Brad would only open the wound again if he was granted parole.
Brad tells the court that he's sorry for what he did and he wants to redeem himself and prove that he is more than his mistakes.
Lmfao Sonny comes out of the kitchen and he's clearly been decorating cookies with the kids.
Carly wipes icing off his cheek.
Awe Sonny wants Carly to know it's OK for her to share her feelings about Jason.
Elizabeth asks why Finn stopped her. Finn says he spared her the regret of killing Peter like he almost did.
Maxie wants to know if her nightmare is about to end.
Carly tells Sonny about telling Jason about who she really was and that she was Bobbie's daughter .The hearing for Brad continues .
Marshall is about to leave .... Stella tells him not to leave.She tells Curtis stop and listen to him.
Marshall says" If I had stayed what kind of father would that have made me ? "
Britt tells Brasha the harsh truth about their baby.Sasha refuses to give up on her son.
Damn Curtis chill out and hear your dad out.Marshall says he left because he had to not because he wanted to.
Marshall says if you want to talk to me I'll be at the harbor view inn.
Michael and Willow bring Wiley Awe Wiley is so cute. Carly asks him if he wants cookies with Avery and Donna he Says yes I do.
Willow says that Carly's instincts about people are spot on. Yeah no shit she also has a built in bs detector .
Elizabeth says Franco earned her boys love and respect. And she wanted to kill Peter for hurting her and her boys.
Finn says he saved her from making a mistake.
Britt says Brasha should be aware that Liam's quality of life would not be good.
Brando says there's only one option and that is ? Britt says is to take your son off of life support.
Elizabeth and Finn kissed.
Curtis says I hope him showing up hasn't rattled you.She changes the subject and wants a tour of the club.
She makes a promise that she won't let anyone hurt the family.
Sonny gets a call from Miss Wu ! They agree they lived up to their deal and Brad is being released.
Good Evening my dears , my main thought for the day where our beloved GH characters is concerned is " How very dare you ?"
Today's show starts off with a bit of eye candy .. Umm lol Chase and Finn in towels lol need I say more ?
Finn is distracted thinking about the kind with Elizabeth. He can't get his mind off that kiss.
Yoga class for Liz, Portia and Terry is canceled and the girls decide to have the class lol amongst the three of them.
Elizabeth is distracted lol thinking about the kiss ๐. Michael and Willow are shocked that Brad was freed.
Michael hopes Brad doesn't come anywhere near Wiley. He is damn angry I don't blame him one bit.
Selena and Brad out for lunch.Brad is scared that he might run into Carly.
Brad says he doesn't know what to call her. She says " Just call me Aunt Serena!"
Brad sees Britt she runs to him and they hug.Selena doesn't like Britt seeing Brad.
Selena had plans for Brad he and Britt have other ideas when they see each other.
Love โค the Davis girls Kristina and Molly find out that Alexis and Sam are going to join forces and work together.
Kristina thinks its a bad idea Alexis works with Sam a disaster waiting to happen.
I missed Brad and Britt lol.Willow is meeting Olivia to go shopping she brings Brooklynn to join them.
Oh brother lol speaking of disasters waiting to happen lol. Olivia means well , but she can't play mother courage to Brooklynn and Willow .
They have their own crazy mothers to contend with they don't need her input .
Awe Britt and Brad are so cute together, they talk excitedly about the menu and do some catching up.
Selena does not like Britt, snotty , bitchy Auntie and very controlling.
Can I just say Josh and Michael shirtless is very distracting lol.
Sam tells her mom and sisters about a missing persons case. The daughter is missing , but Alexis seems to think Sam should not touch that one.
What if Esme is the daughter that's missing?
๐๐๐คฃ๐คฃKristina says well that lasted 5 minutes.
Terry is a good Yoga teacher!Elizabeth thinking about holding the scalpel and what she almost did to Peter.
Elizabeth tells lol Terry and Portia she kissed Finn.
Lmfao Britt Vs Selena and Brad! Britt tells Brad to let it go about Lucas and about the guilt and the shame of what he did and look to the future .
Oh shit Michael is about to attack Brad. At least I think he is !!!
Olivia senses the tension between Brooklynn and Willow.Brooklynn pushed Willow too far this time .
Willow gives Brooklynn a verbal smacks down for lying to Valentin and Chase.
Brooklynn put it back on Willow about Willow cheating on Chase with Michael.
Ya wanna dish it out you better learn how to take it honey. #Team Brooklynn!!!
Oh God stop rambling Alexis! She is clearly nervous about being back home.
Oh God Michael keep your cool ! Brad asks Michael if they cann talk privately.
Selena is angry Britt won't back off! She hurts Britt Liesl and Scott will retaliate.
She hurts Britt Liesl and Scott will retaliate.
Lmfao Chase brings up Finn and Elizabeth being a thing.He tells Chase Liz kissed him.
Elizabeth says she ran off after Portia notices that Elizabeth is still wearing her wedding rings.
Brooklynn says you're in no position to throw stones after you cheated on Chase with Michael .
Olivia is right the girls need to chill out!Willow tells Olivia she's gonna take a minute when Olivia leaves . She sits down to calm herself and runs into her mum at Ryce plaza.
Elizabeth talks about how sad she was when Franco died.She asks if it's fair to get involved with Finn, to Franco, for Finn or to herself?
Portia says take it slow Terry says and not slow like an iceberg. Lmfao Terry kills me.
Finn is going through the same emotions as Elizabeth.Poor guy they're both so confused.
Willow welcomes Harmony to be around Wiley now that Nina isn't around.
Molly asks hey mom to help her with a case.
Selena and Britt have a heart to heart.Michael wants to know what's going on with Brad being at his mother's restaurant.
I don't care what deal your aunt and my father made you get no second chances with me.
Love Harmony and Willow catching up this is so sweet.She says she's backed off as she wishes but would like a relationship with wiley and Willow.
Portia says she ran off after kissing Curtis.
Oh Alexis shut up , its ok to give pointers , but it's crystal clear
Molly is annoyed while her mom tells her what she's done wrong . and it doesn't go unnoticed by Alexis who gets up and decides to leave .
This leaves Sam pretty cheesed off
because of how the girls handled the situation.
Chase cracks me up and says "
Dude you're in love with her lol!"
Oh my God lol Brooklynn she charges into the men's steam room! She tells Finn his towel is slipping .
Finn leaves and Brooklynn says " That's the problem ! You need to defend me!"
Oh my God Michael stop he is gonna get his ass in trouble with Sonny.
Olivia wants to know if Willow is OK!Willow says yes and she finds out her mom is on her own for Christmas!
Sam says they need to help their mom get back to normal and start being understanding.
I love Alexis and Harmony they are good friends. Harmony can help our girl out with the transition.
Since the girls are batting 0 in that department.
Brooklynn is pissed that everyone is at her criticizing her and giving her grief.
Brooklynn went to open the steam room door Lol, but they're locked in.
DECEMBER 16th 2021
Today's GH was pretty cut and dry.
We learned that Brooklynn is totally into Chase , and that Nina lingers around like a bad smell that you just can't get rid of .
Today's show starts off with Brooklynn and Chase stuck In the steam room.
His towel falls lol when he tries to open the door .
Finn wants to discuss the kiss work Elizabeth. Portia runs into Stella and asks her how she's doing .
Curtis and TJ at the gym they talk and Marshall shows up.
Alexis asks Harmony why she wants to be friends with her.
Love Carly and Olivia catching up and discussing Nina going down for what she did to Sonny.
Sasha and Brando are heart broken.
I burst out laughing when Brooklyn saw Chase naked. " Good Morning to you too detective Chase!" She liked what she saw.
Finn and Elizabeth are so cute working through their feelings. He asks her what she wants.
Carly tells Olivia she has dreams of beating Nina up over and over.
Nina shows up and starts asking about Brando and Sasha.Gladys says you have no right to ask about our family after what you did to Sonny.
Brando is trying to talk sense into Sasha , but she won't listen.He says we have to think what's best for our son.
Marshall please stop harassing Curtis and TJ.Curtis asks what he wants from him and where he's been the last 40 yearz.
Lol Chase and Brooklyn fighting !
Oh stop arguing and kiss!"
I love Alexis, but she is unsure about things.
I love Stella so much she says she's working on getting healthy for herself.
Marshall and Curtis finally agree the past can't be made right bur the future can.
Poor Brando is so worried about Sasha. He looks on the verge of tears when he approaches his mom who grabs him and hugs him.
He's so upset I'm glad his mom was there for him.
Oh Nina please get lost!You have no business being at the hospital this family is not yours!
Brando says he's looking for Sasha , Sonny says he'll go find
her. Sasha isn't coping Sonny comes in to sit with her.
She tearfully asks " Are you here to tell me to let my son die?"
Sonny says " No , but I'll understand if you tell me to get lost!"
Sonny is so good with Sasha fatherly with her and it's so sweet.
Awe he talks about his dad's alzheimers and how hard it was to watch him disappear bit by bit !
He also talks about his passing .
Nina hangs around and She's already been told to leave them alone .
Olivia lol,She says it's not like you to be quiet.Carly has a flashback of herself with Jason.
Awe Brookie, she should stop worrying what other people think .
Elizabeth says dating Finn wouldn't be casual.That he is close with her boys.
Finn talks about Violet being confused.Elizabeth says She's not the only one confused.
TJ is pissed at Curtis for not accepting Marshall.Stella tells Portia that Marshall showed up again.
I like Stella Being so nice to Portia.Awe I love Alexis and Harmony being friends.
Gladys shows up to talk to Sasha and tells her that Dr Fleming is looking for her and Brando.
Sasha is tears Sonny says whatever you and Brando decide we got you.Gladys wants privacy.
Olivia still finds it odd Carly hasnt flip out. Carly says she has to to keep the peace. She says she wants to be there for Sasha and Brando.
Despite Nina annoying me hanging around Sonny I love Nina being good to Brando saying I want you to scream and I want you to cry.And I want you to make the decision together.
Poor Elizabeth she doesn't know what to do.Awe Finn tells her his world is better having her in it and she says me too.
Chase calls Brooklynn brave,he says believes in her and sees her.Oh good they got out the maintenance man let them out.
Finn is such a sweetheart he won't rush Elizabeth.
I understand why Alexis said what she did about not inviting Harmony over because of Kristina .
Awe Curtis he says nothing Marshall says will change his mind.
Stella meets with Marshall she says now that it's just you and me I can say what i want now.
Awe Brando and Sasha they're breaking my heart .
Carly sees Sonny with Nina oh no this can't be good Lol.
Hello me beauties Happy Sunday ! So Friday's episode for December 17th 2021 was a mixed bag of everything .
The episode on the whole was filled with sadness surrounding Sasha and Brando's baby with the machines being turned off.
But first lol we saw our Liv quietly asking Nina to come to her for a chat lol. Or as we Brits , Italians and Irish call it a right telling off .
Because that's what we do lol, truth be told Nina deserved being told to back off.
I know some of you guys think Nina is just being a friend , but she's not .
Deliberately being around Sonny at every interval is not kosher behavior. No respect for Sonny at all.
Ontop of that we saw Sasha and Brando saying goodbye to their son .
It was a heartbreaking storyline that needed to be told. Sofia Mattsson and Johnny Wactor were fantastic as Sasha and Brando.
Over at the Quartermaine's we saw Scout having some quality time with Drew .
Scout and Leo were sharing cookies and it was really cute , Ned then told him they had to meet his mom.
Olivia and Ned met for Leo's Dr's appointment was sweet .
Sonny did a few hail Mary's and I dunno why guys , but I don't think Nina doing the hail Mary's was sensible .
Back at the Q's Drew sent Scout to ask grandma Monica for help finding an ornament to put on the tree . She left , but soon came back with a star.
Scout was still nervous around her daddy until she couldn't reach the tree to put the star on and said I can't reach so her dad lifted her up to so.
Watching Sasha and Brando holding their boy for the last time was so sad. Britt and Dr Fleming were visibly upset themselves .
Britt could not fight back the tears and finally we saw Mike's ghost coming to spirit the baby away .
He said come on baby Liam let's go home.
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