Good Afternoon me darlings what ever is going to happen in the Port Charles World today ?
Chase and Brooklynn are so super sweet.he said I think we should talk about it lol ( the steam room).
Brooklynn says why because I saw you naked lol.
Michael and Willow come in and they tell them about Sasha and the baby.
Sonny at Charlie's talking to Phyllis.They talk about how Phyllis is starting to like Port Charles. They are interrupted by Nina's arrival.
Liesl shows up at the metrocourt and I have to say I love her being so sweet to Carly about Jason .
Two of my faves in scenes together I absolutely adore this comraderie.
She tells Carly she liked and respected Jason and that he was a good man. She also tells her that he saved her and Britt and she's grateful to him for that .
Spencer is surprised to see Victor at Kelly's . Victor says are you calling me a snob?
Laura tells someone on the phone that she wants to go home and surprise her family and has gone to see Cyrus.
He says Sister I've prayed this day would come lol.Yeah and you better believe she's got something to say you lol Judging by the look on her face.
You better brace yourself Cyrus she won't hold back. Lmfao
Brooklynn apologizes to Willow about forgetting Willow lost a child. Willow says she needs some air.
Cyrus sucks up to Laura lol she tells him she knows what he's up to he's done lol.
Cyrus says I'm sorry Laura did not Try to kill you.
Spencer and Victor talking about Valentin and Nikolas and his stalking Ava lol.
Carly hugs Michael and she's emotional about Sasha and Liam and Jason.
Michael is such a good son and cousin.He talks about how he's sad for Brando and Sasha but grateful for Wiley.
Scott says he missed his schnitzel last night and trying to work out what to do about Nina's case.
Lmfao lol 😆 liesl says she thinks Nina and Sonny fell in love.Scott spits out his drink.
Nina and Sonny talking to Phyllis who gets a call they talk about Brando and Sasha.
Oh God Cyrus you're so phony lol Laura says she's not buying the innocent act.
Oh lord lol Cyrus says he's found God lol Laura bursts out laughing 😃
I love Chase talking to Willow she says she needed the cold air to wake her up and calm her.
Liesl remembering the conversation with Nina.Scott asks if Sonny cheated on Carly.
Carly compares Nina and Brad being the same. Both hurt her family just like Nelle did .
Sonny tells Nina Peter is in a coma and he won't hurt anymore people.He says he has to go meet Carly and Michael for breakfast.
Nina says she needs to grab a coffee and she's worried about Sasha and Brando.
Phyllis just had to ask about Sonny ugh. Giving wrong advice because she has no clue about Carson history.
Willow says she doesn't want to make Sasha and Brandos Loss about her.
She says the hopes and dreams that you had for that baby dies with them too.
Phyllis stop encouraging her for crying out.She asks if Nina is still in love with Sonny.
Omfg Scott lol , he's enjoying this way too much lol.Lmfao Scott might blow the secret out if the water in court.
Victor says he's proud of Spencer and gonna help Spencer even though he wants to do things on his own.
Lmfao Laura lol, she can't believe this bs coming out of Cyrus's damn mouth .
Scott says Sonny needs to be knocked Down a peg or two.Liesl tries to stop him says leave the family alone lol.
When Scott approaches Sonny , Sonny is non too pleased and sees Scott is dying to say something to him.
Sonny is annoyed abd says " Scotty just spit it out whatever you're going to say!"
Oh God Please Cyrus please stop he says " The road to redemption Is Long, but is paved with temptation !" and he chose the light .
Scott says that Michael filed trumped up charges against Nina. After Scott walks away Michael and Carly tell Sonny that Brad was with Selena Woo and he thinks it's a power move.
Lmfao lol Cyrus lol tells Laura to be aware of the serpent in the garden.
Spencer is cracking me up hanging out with Victor.
Chase was subtle and deliberate about leaving the room when Willow says she wants to speak to Brooklynn.
Willow and Brooklynn apologize to each other for what they said.
Nina is trying to ignore what happened in Nixon Falls.Phyllis says that things hidden in the dark tend to fester.
Yup then they explode and not fir a good reason either.
Scott tells Liesl that he's not going to tell Carly yet because it will blow up on its own .
Liesl asks are you going to force Nina to testify under oath that she and Sonny fell in love.
Liesl doesn't like Scott's plan!
Sonny is pissed that Michael went near Selena and that Michael knows how he feels about Michael bring near the business.
Scott thinks that Sonny may have bought Nina's silence.
Shut it Phyllis Nina wants to back off of Sonny and that she knows he's happy with Carly.
Brooklynn says Willow is being gracious. She calls him a boy scout ,but that's why she likes him.
Cyrus is genuinely concerned about Laura. Some how I believe Cyrus for once maybe it's Victor after Laura.
Last scene we see is Victor talking yo the same woman Laura was talking to on the phone. I knew it it is Victor .
December 21st 2021
Tuesday's show starts off with Violet playing with a snow globe that Chase gave her.
Anna shows up to see her so , so sweet .
Elizabeth is at Kelly's happy to see Drew and gives him a big hug.
Awe Brooklynn talks to baby Bailey about next year she sees Valentin and Charlotte.
Cam Spencer and Esme at the hospital dressed as Elves, yup Grandpa Kevin roped them into that I'm sure lol.
Kevin is playing Santa,Laura says "Hey Santa do you have anything in that bag for me!"
I love Violet lol she loves High tea like I do lol Victor meets with Ava and they have a dirty martini each . Ava is not happy to see him at all.
Lucy shaddup, she's clearly jealous that Laura is back. She says thst was quite the entrance Laura .
Lol Lynn Herring kills me as it's been ages since we last saw Genie.
Finally Elizabeth talks about Jake being upset about Jason.Elizabeth says that Jason died a hero.
She says first Jake lost Franco and then his dad.Drew says that's a lot of loss it makes kids grow up fast
Drew says he understands how Jake feels.That he and Jason weren't close , but that he appreciates him rescuing him.
Trina doesn't want to talk to Nikolas.She says she doesn't have time to talk to him.
He wants her to help choose a gift for Ava.
Laura says she's glad to see Spencer.Lucy has to ruin the family reunion. Laura got Kevin a fill in
Lmfao Marty filling in for Kevin lol.
Violet is so stinking cute she wants to see the gingerbread house.It's even bigger than last years.
Finn tells her not to touch it or eat any. Anna and Finn feel like home to me.
Love Elizabeth saying that Drew was such a good friend to Franco.She's glad he's back he says he won't be a prisoner of the past.
Charlotte is so good with Bailey.Awe Valentin and Brooklynn so good together.
They talk about Chase and how he's a safer choice for Bailey as a dad.
It looked like Brooklynn might blow Maxie's secret .
Nikolas show Trina an emerald necklace and a ruby necklace.Trina says don't break up the set.
She said red and green go together.
Victor is such a creep!He says he wants Ava to look past Spencer's transgressions.
She's not so sure about that .Ava asks like you did for Hayden and her mother?
Lucy has no idea lol its Marty playing Santa Clause.
Laura says the safe house wasn't so safe.Laura says Cyrus says he had nothing to do with the attack on her and Marty.
She tells him that Cyrus says he's found God lol and Kevin laughs and doesn't believe it .
Lol Violet isn't interested in her dessert because of the gingerbread house.
Anna asks Finn about him and Elizabeth and their love life.He says he's not ready to discuss his love life with her.
Awe Elizabeth and Drew are so cute.Drew says whoever it is she's interested in doesn't know what he's missing.
Valentin wants to know the truth. Brooklynn is hemming and having she needs to be honest with him for once .
Go Trina she tells Nikolas to give Spencer a second chance.Spencer shows up says what are you doing here.
Victor is driving me nuts lol.He isn't innocent at all lol.
Lmfao Marty lol, Lucy thinks he's Kevin and got a rude awakening .
Laura doesn't trust Victor for a good reason.Lucy is disappointed it's not Kevin.
Kevin wants them to sit this one out and not face Victor.That woman is eavesdropping.
Valentin will learn the truth soon I hope , he most definitely will protect Maxie and her baby.
Lmfao Finn asking about Valentin and how Anna sat at his bed side lol.
Cam is happy to see Drew.Oh for crying out loud Cam tells Drew to go out the back way to avoid the Spencer and Nikolas drama.
Oh God Spencer says no one is happy to see Nikolas.Victor's plan is in motion 🤮.
Brooklynn is so rude drinking Monica's champagne. Manners cost nothing!
Drew tasted it and he said let me see the bottle it's non alcoholic.
Brooklynn says I guess Uri really does know Monica.
Lmfao Violet likes her aunt Elizabeth for her dad more than Anna.
At the tree light ceremony Spencer is told by Victor that he will be doing community service, he has to apologize to Ava and will go to prison for one month.
Laura tells Spencer to not get too excited there might be a catch .
Lucy introduces Laura for the tree lighting. Such a nice calm sweet ending I loved it so much .
DECEMBER 22nd 2021
It was Christmas in Port Charles , and all of our favourite residents gathered with their families.
First up we had our Piffy meeting Marshall Ashford, I still do not truth that man .
No amount of smooth talk from him is gonna win me over . He calls her Dr Johnson, but she doesn't correct him.
Love Portia and Curtis talking about Drew helping him investigating Marshall.
Awe Monica really misses Jason, but she's grateful to have Drew back .
Awe Christmas eve with the Davis girls lol . Oh my god lol Scout got a tambourine and an 🪗 from her Auntie's Molly and Kristina .
Danny got bongos from Alexis poor Sam lol. I have a feeling lol they may regret that decision .
They might get an early morning visit with all of that Raquet going on.
Awe Liesl got a Christmas present for Louise, but is angry Nina is not allowed to see Wiley.
The Corinthos family is gathered for Christmas and Rocco tells them he was out riding his bike by the gate when a guard gave him a present for Wiley from Nina.
Awe Dante and Sonny are so sweet talking about Sonny being back
Brooklynn likes lol Chase, she clearly has feelings for him.
Awe Sasha she has to sign thev release form papers . Brando asks her to go home with them.
Lmfao these presents are annoying lol the kids are playing the instruments .
Oh my goodness! Stop it Kristina she is making comments about Dante being jealous over Drew being back.
Dante is glad that his dad is home and says he has to go to the Q's.
So does Sam awe love it !!@
Gladys sees the car seat in the car and puts it in the trunk.
I feel for her people forget the baby was her grandson and still call her a bitch.
So sad for Sasha and Brando, she tells them they have somewhere to be before they go home .
I Don't like Marshall , he creeps me out he's such a slimeball.
Awe Curtis finds out Marshall approached Portia at the metrocourt.
Portia says Trina forgave her dad maybe Curtis should do the same .
Oh my goodness Maxie butt out stop trying to help Nina with Sonny. She tells Nina the best Christmas gift she'd receive is Peter dead.
Sonny finds out Nina dropped off a present for Wiley.
At the Q's Drew offers to take Danny to baseball games . Rocco says he's going with me and my dad.
At the Corinthos compound everyone greets Sasha and Brando with open loving arms .
At Maxle's Liesl tells Scott Willow knows about Nina and Sonny .
At GH the caroling begins and back at the Corinthos compound Brando is struggling to cope .
Willow is told by Joss she thinks of her as her sister now awe .
Sasha notices Brando has gone outside and they declare their love for each other.
December 23rd 2021
It's Nina's hearing day lol ......oh dear what ever shall she do scream , cry she sure as hell can't feign innocence lol
Martin slept with Lucy! He woke up to find her feet facing toward the head board . Lmfao
Alexis is going back to college and looking at course material.
Joss and Cam are so cute together!Lmfao Esme is petrified especially seeing Joss at Cam's.
It's easier , for her to manipulate Cam when Joss isn't in his orbit I suppose!
Awe Laura and Kevin are all loved up! Nikolas wants a word with his mother.
Carly at the court house says she's fine but, wants Nina gone for good.
Willow Is feeling guilty about not telling Michael about what she knows about his dad and About Nina.
Dante shows up to see Shawn at Alexis'. Laura is concerned about Spencer and Nikolas.
Laura apologizes to Nikolas for not believing him about what Spencer did.
Victor is being nosey about who Trina is lol.Spencer is annoyed he's going to Springridge. He wanted to go free.
Esme needs to stop running to Cam it's like she's more interested in him than she is Spencer.
Scott thinks hes got his ace in the hole lol with Willow testifying .Nina is going down like the Titanic.
Lol Lucy and Martin are so cute, They really like each other. They talk about doing the walk of shame .
Go Joss,she doesn't trust Esme come to think of it I don't trust the little conniving bitch either. She's trying to push the cabin idea
I love Kevin lol being Team Spencer!Laura is worried about who could be influencing Spencer.
Give it up Victor, Liesl can't stand your ass! And for the record she can't be easily manipulated either.
Hearing has started, lol I'm waiting on a bombshell to drop lol.
Esme is so rude and pushy and I definitely don't think she is who she claims herself to be.
Awe Trina and Spencer are cute and they trust each other. Dante has news for Shawn and Alexis.
Sonny was just called to the Stand!
Lmfao Lucy and Marty, they're so freaking funny entering the metrocourt restaurant doing the walk of shame
Laura is asking Nikolas questions about Victor.He says Victor nursed him Back to health.
Lucy, you idiot !You're introducing Marty to his own family lol. This chick is a totally crazy .
Esme is super jealous over Trina and Spencer.
Sonny being questioned by the lawyer! Who asks him if Nina knew who he was in Nixon Falls.Sonny says Nina deliberately concealed his identity.
Scott asks why Sonny did not press charges against Nina.
Esme is a fatal attraction woman, she can't handle Spencer being friends neither Joss nor Trina.
The chick is possessive and needs to be taught a lesson she'll not likely forget .
Laura talking to Nikolas and Kevin about Cyrus lol and how he professes to have changed his ways.
Kevin asks lol what's up with Lucy and Marty. Lol it's called 🤣 after sex glow dear lol.
Victor is crazy he is clearly obsessed with our Liesl! It's bordering on creepy .
Nina is starting to freak out, Carly is in shock and shaking her head about what Scott said about Michael and Willow.
Scott says that Michael and Willow bribed an elected official.
As for Sonny his goose, will be well and truly cooked once Carly finds out the truth.
Oh shyte Nikolas sent Shawn the money for his non profit charity.
Lmfao Joss, she is making it clear to Esme she doesn't like or trust her at all.
Lmfao shut up Lucy, she is saying Laura has a nasty streak and always suspicious.
Well Lucy, if ya didn't deliberately make sure you're around Kevin whose her husband all the time maybe she'd trust you
Marty doesn't want his time with Lucy to end. She doesn't either.
Lmfao Liesl, she threatens Victor lol and the loon loves it lol . Victor is insane he doesn't take a hint.
Scott you weasel, because of his antics council has been told to approach the bench.
The prosecutor calls Willow to the Stand.
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