January 24th 2022
Well what can I say about today's GH other than please for the love of all that's sane and holy ,can we stop the madness right freaking now .
First of all, we saw Curtis and Portia all loved up and Marshall has come to speak to him.
We were subjected to Jennifer Smith after an 8 year dry spell of the Smith dynasty after Lucky shot and killed Frank Smith.
We also had a front row seat for Carly and Sonny trying to work things out .
Carly wasn't budging an inch , and can you really blame her?
Britt and Austin make me laugh so much , they are turning out to be good friends .
Ned and Olivia sat down with Leo to talk to him about Ned adopting him so he can be a Quartermaine.
Curtis told his dad he won't push for answers anymore and wants a relationship with him.
Brooklynn and Chase got a visit from Maxie who wanted to see her baby daughter.
Maxie and Austin are going to the scene of Louise's birth and supposed kidnapping .
But she got a nasty shock when the baby wouldn't calm down for her.
Meanwhile Laura sent Spencer on the upper deck to get away from Jennifer .
Sonny won't stop hounding Carly and she keeps pushing him away.
Someone get him on his meds Stat because this could lead them Into a full fledged mob war .
And without Jason by his side , he's well and truly screwed his family will be in danger .
Brooklynn needs to understand that Louise is not her daughter and that Maxie is her mother.
I think it's time the truth came out
Maxie ran into Victor Cassadine who saw her sonogram.
He knows the baby that Brooklynn claims to be the mother of is not hers .
And Jennifer Smith called Soneone and told them Sonny ain't biting.
That's it for now have a great day everyone .
January 25th 2022
Today's GH starts off with Victor seeing Maxie's sonogram and Cam , Esme and Trina and Cam talking about the trip .
Joss is worried about her momma and says you did nothing wrong if anyone needs to leave its Sonny.
Sonny is acting all manic and he is acting all cagey around Curtis who is not amused by Sonny's behavior .
He informs Curtis he wants his club.
Victor is questioning Maxie about if she's pregnant again .Maxie asks Victor to kill Peter for her .
Lmfao Maxie lol I'd rather wear socks with sandals . LMFAO
Love Kristina and Sam discussing their momma . Harmony had come to see Alexis.
Carly and Joss talking about her trip with her friends. Joss doesn't like her mom not being with her sisters.
Sonny wants to rent to Savoy for him and Carly . Drew sees Sonny acting out of character and Sonny shouts no one tells me what to do at Curtis.
Curtis says well at my club I do .
Trina wants to make a wager with Spencer. Cam says he doesn't want to be involved in the drama .
Carly is worried that Joss is angry with Sonny .
Oh my God Sonny is being an absolute asshole to Drew calling him a knock off version of Jason.
Nina is there and makes Sonny leave . Marshall and Curtis are confused about Sonny's behavior.
Felicia kills me when she's asked by Maxie how Luke's memorial was Felicia told her about the pre taped message .
Maxie asked her if Helena was back from the dead Felicia said no ding dong the witch is still dead.
Sam tells Kristina she warned Harmony off of her momma . Kristina is annoyed that Sam spoke for her and Molly.
Alexis says she's not going to continue her friendship with Harmony .
Love Britt and Austin talking about their families comparing notes .
Austin tells Britt his brother is autistic like Leo.
Curtis introduces Drew to his father. Marshall asks Curtis how he knows Sonny Corinthos .
Nina needs to piss off she's at Carly's house and she's asking him stupid questions .
Nina has recognized that Sonny's having a bipolar episode oh snap.
Lmfao Felicia saying that Maxie shouldn't be talking to Victor and she'll call Anna .
Why so he gets arrested for being overly polite . Lmfao.
Esme is annoying Cameron . She's definitely plotting something .
Spencer says he's embarrassed about admitting how scared he is about going to prison.
Awe Carly ordered food for the cabin in advance of Joss's arrival.
Nina won't leave Sonny alone . She is really being a bitch and she says she doesn't trust his bipolar disorder.
So walk out and leave him alone .
Kristina doesn't like Sam making messes . LOL She who carries the broom.
Sam says are you saying I'm messy lol . Poor Harmony was told she can't be friends with Alexis.
Austin talks about his brother and says his story is not my story to tell.
I like Britt with Austin it's so sweet. Victor interrupts Austin talking to Britt about the sonogram .
Lmfao Kristina lol she says Sam dating Dante is eye raising because Dante is Kristina's brother.
Cam stop it lol he's being a dictator lol.
ESME has medication and a new cellphone. What is this little bitch up to.
Nina wants to call one of Sonny's kids about his bipolar episode .
Curtis tells his dad not to tell him who to associate with. Marshall says if you associate with Sonny Corinthos I have to walk.
Lmfao Victor trying 🤣 to be nice to Britt she tells him to go to hell.
Lmfao Maxie lol , 😆 she doesn't like her mom going on and on about the trip and Austin.
Victor knows that Bailey is Louise oh God.
Thats it for now , until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone.
January 26th 2022
Today's show starts with Nina having woken up in Carly and Sonny's house.
Oh no both Ava and Carly takinh Yoga classes.
Maxie's freaking out about being in Pawtuck again.
Oh God Britt vs Peter lol he's so rude and she's not taking his crap.
The kids are at the Corinthos Cabin. Esme treats Spencer like he's her servant and not her boyfriend .
Both Joss and Trina carried their own bags . Esme clearly thinks everyone should bow and scrape to her demands.
Sonny says hey you're still here when he sees Nina.He says he shoveled the walk for the kids .
Nina sees that he's not worn gloves and was up all night ! Clearly he's not dealing with his bipolar in the correct manner.
What Nina did to him and Jasons death has affected him in a huge way.
Esme needs to go away I can't stand her , it's clear she's only with Spencer for his money .
Victor needs to stop doing what he's doing digging into things that are not his business or concern.
Britt says Peter is once again Pentonville's problem lol.
Lmfao Maxie and Austin, in the flashback Maxie says " Thank God you're not Peter!"
Austin says " Thank God you're not a bear !"Poor Maxie having to relive the whole birth and meeting Austin.
Sonny says "Nina can go now,Nina stop telling me what to do!"
Lmfao Carly and Ava are killing me calmness so far.Brooklynn just showed up and says this should be relaxing or not !
Britt gets a phone call from Nina about Sonny being off his bipolar meds.
Nina did call Phyllis but she's not calling back.Nina is freaking out she cannot handle this situation with Sonny.
Oh lord Ava shut up, she snipes at Carly about her taking Avery to Bobbie's. That Bobbie is not Avery's grandmother.
Brooklynn trying to get them to calm down. Ava gets told by Carly my uncle just died and my mother needed a distraction .
I love Cam and Joss they're so cute talking to each other .
That nurse helping Victor is stupid she left the desk unattended to help another patient with the window on the computer open .
Victor was gonna go on it thank God Britt caught him.
Austin being questioned by Anna about Louise's birth.
Maxie also remembers what happened the day she met Austin but it's fabricated information to cover her and Brooklynn's tracks .
Austin can't remember who attacked him.Maxie is lying about what who has the baby.
He does however start remembering it was Maxie he saw on the clearing with another woman.
Victor says you caught me lol , yeah no shit Sherlock lol she knows lol.
He asks her how she's feeling,Go Britt she says you should be in prison for kidnapping my mother.
Spencer being a smart ass, saying that he likes the clothes lol and he should be a model.
Brooklynn says Ava has crossed the line insulting Sonny and his wife. The way she spoke to her about her marriage.
Ava leaves and says she'll take the next class.
Nina won't listen to Anything Britt told her.She told her not to engage in conversation.Nina is crying Sonny grabbed her.
Serves her right you cannot reason with people in a manic state.Nina is doing good but time to go home.
Sonny realizing he needs help, but Nina needs to talk to Carly about what's going on with Sonny.
The kids had fun skiing, Trina and Spencer teasing each other and it's clear Esme doesn't like it at all.
Victor and Austin have figured things out. They both know it's Maxie in the situation about the baby.
Oh nooooooo Victor is about to tell Peter that he knows where the baby is.
Sonny tells Britt to keep her mouth quiet.Nina is about to talk to Carly.
I think she knows what she did and what happened to Jason has affected Sonny in a traumatic way.
That's it for now until next time , this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone.
January 27th 2022
Good Afternoon me darlings , you know words don't fail me at all when GH sets me in a tail spin so let's start off by saying WTAF.
I'm doing this recap with a wing and a prayer .
They say sometimes the little white lies you told for the greater good come back to bite you on your ass.
I don't know how the hell in good Conscious Maxie and Brooklynn thought their plan wouldn't be uncovered by Victor , Peter and Valentin.
Victor visited Peter and told him he knows where Louise is and will only tell him so he can get information on Drew.
Austin started piecing things together In his head and Maxie kisses him to shut him up .
Carly refused to listen to Anything Nina had to say to her about Sonny.
I mean what the hell did she think would happen seriously?
Meanwhile Sonny was at GH to see his doctor then decides to leave .
Esme the wicked witch of the teen set, set out drug poor Trina and get her and Joss to fight at the cabin.
This nasty little bitch has no idea who she's dealing with. And tries to make Joss look like a nasty untrustworthy friend . Spiteful cow.
Sasha shows up at the yoga class and runs into Carly and Nina they're both very happy to see her .
Carly hugs her and asks Nina if she can have a moment alone with her . Nina leaves the room and Carly asks how she's doing .
At GH Monica runs into Sonny and is worried about him and asks him if he's okay. He assures her he is and she goes back to work after saying they both suffered the loss of Jason.
Valentin tells Marty that he suspects that Maxie not Brooklynn is the mother of little Louise .
Marty tells him not to start digging and that it would be a bad idea.
Back At GH Peter is absolutely pissed at Maxie and the lies she told . Victor says that Maxie and Brooklynn executed their plan well.
At the cabin Joss sounds off on Esme calling her a nasty, evil manipulative bitch and she can see right through her .
Sonny sees Brando and he gives him some excellent advice . I only wish he would take his own advice .
Nina approaches Carly again and she tries to tell her about Sonny.
Austin tells Maxie he really liked the kiss as Felicia approaches them .
And finally lol Monica tells Peter what she thinks of him and what he did to her boys . Valentin arrives at GH and asks for Bailey's medical records .
That's it for now until tomorrow Me darlings this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great weekend everyone .
January 28th 2022
Hello and good Saturday to you all my darlings . This recap will be pretty cut and dry.
In Port Charles there were many confrontations in abundance . Weren't we the lucky ones
First of all we had Chase in the state of undress lol and Brooklynn walked into the exam room lol.
Brooklynn said the nurse said you were in here she didn't say you'd be half naked.
Valentin was at the hospital getting Bailey's medical records and he ran into Victor .
The teen set consisting of Joss , Cam , Esme Trina and Spencer at the cabin
It wasn't all sunshine and Kumbaya let me tell you . Nor was it a night any of them would forget .
Esme drugged Trina and was down right nasty, vile and cruel.
We had Peter being rude and standoffish with Dante and hiding the fact that he knows that Louise is with Brooklynn and Chase .
He kept that close to his chest and we found out that Laura told Martin not to be Peter's lawyer .
Curtis and Stella reunited and ran into Marshall ( who was played by a different actor temporarily)
Brooklynn was nervous seeing Peter who got a closer look at the baby and said she looks like her mother.
Meanwhile back at the cabin Joss let Esme have it . She informed her she sees her for the nasty spiteful evil little bitch she is.
Esme got her back up and started playing victim saying Joss hate her.
Lmfao what the hell did she expect really she has done more harm than good towards Spencer and all she does is use , abuse and stalk people.
Victor found out that Valentin knows the truth about Louise and that he could stop Valentin from telling everyone the truth.
Dante lol and Laura and Valentin had not such quiet words with Peter.
And finally Curtis and Stella spoke to Marshall and he later on met up with Epiphany .
Esme pulled a full fledged victim rant that she was not what Joss says she is .
While Joss told him to clue in already and can't you see her for who and what she is .
Esme said let's go Spencer spoiled brat caught out for the nasty vile person she is and manipulates him to leave with her .
He asked her in the car if Joss was right that Esme deliberately hurt his friends and blew up his friendships with them.
We then see Esme have a flashback of putting the smart phone in Joss and Cam's room.
Unbeknownst to them they are being filmed having sex.
Valentin calls Anna and tells her he has a lead on Louise , but is knocked unconscious and Victor's men put him in the car .
Oh boy the shit is about to hit the fan , until Monday guys this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off .
Have a wonderful weekend everyone 😀
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