Will Peter finally be caught , will little Louise make it home safe to her mama ?
Will Carly and Sonny finally be back together stronger than ever ? I sure hope so.
So we start the week hoping and praying that Peter August is sent back to the fires of hell where he well and truly belongs .
After seeing Mac being shot and Dante being injured, my poor heart was still in my mouth and having multiple palputations from the drama that unfolded on February 4th 2022 .
Which brings me to today's episode for February 7th 2022. Dante was given the all clear by his doctor .
Carly , well she's still not going to see Sonny! Wasting time talking to Dante and Sam and Maxie.
It's inevitable that Nina will move in on Carly's man.And once she does go to the haunted star Carly will be shocked , will be upset and angry seeing Sonny and Nina together that I hope she beats her ass .
In the meanwhile , Brooklynn and Chase were beside themselves with worry about Louise and that Peter has her .
Maxie and Felicia were anxiously awaiting on news about Mac and Dante while Peter was acting all psycho thinking his baby daughter understands what he's telling her .
Robert was beside himself with worry about his brother and Anna was there to support him and Felicia and Maxie.
Nina and Sonny make me 🤮 he's so easily manipulated by Bambi and her fluttering eye lashes that he ends up kissing her .
Chase and Brooklynn call Dante and Ned about Bailey going missing which prompts Dante to discharge himself against doctors orders.
We then see Victor talking to his men and he contacts Peter and Victor threatens him .
Peter ever the cocky prick thinks he's got 🙄 Victor where he wants him. 2 narcissistic assholes chest thumping and threatening each other how juvenile are they ?
Dante calls his mom and tells her to calm down and that he's OK.
Maxie finally can't stand lying to her mother any longer after Brooklynn calls her to tell her Peter took Louise.
Felicia says explain everything later go find your daughter . Austin tells Felicia he had a story to tell her.
Ned and Anna arrive to see Brooklynn and Chase and they learn the truth once Maxie shows up.
Anna is in shock and at the haunted star Sonny and Nina make love. 🤮🤮🤮. This is so wrong on so many levels.
Back at the hospital lol Robert is chuffed to bits that Maxie hid her baby in plain sight lol.
Peter tells Victor that he wants Victor to help him escape .
Carly shows up at the haunted star and my prediction actually comes true . Carly catches them making love after following the rose petals and opens the door.
Sonny looks stunned and Nina doesn't look like she was smug she was more stunned and looked like a kid who got caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
Roll on Tuesday, that's it for now ,until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone.
February 8th 2022
Good Afternoon me darlings dears Tuesday's episode was infuriating , and upsetting to watch which means our GH crew brought in their A Game.
I'm not gonna lie and say that everything was all good and it thrilled me to bits, but I will tell you that my heart was breaking for Maxie and Brooklynn.
They told Anna , And Ned about their plan to protect Maxie's baby.
Ned and Anna thought Maxie was losing it and confusing things but Brooklynn said that Maxie was stronger than they all know .
At the hospital Felicia and Robert are sitting vigil at Mac's bed side in ICU after Deanna told them they could go in to see him.
Peter talked to Victor on the phone about helping him escape .
Carly showed up to see Sonny following the rose petals and got the shock of her life when she saw him in bed with Nina .
Sam and Drew were enjoying their conversation about Scout . So so sweet.
Maxie and Brooklynn told Anna and Ned everything that took place up til Peter kidnapped his daughter.
Anna left and went with Maxie back to the hospital.
While Ned told Brooklynn how proud he was of her for protecting Maxie and Louise.
Sonny quickly got dressed and chased after Carly like a sheepish little boy begging her to hear him out.
He found her on the deck looking at the rings he left on the railing.
She tells him about Dante and about Mac. He tried his best to get her to listen to him, but nothing he said made her happy in fact she was infuriated.
Maxie and Anna arrived at the hospital and she joins her mother in the hospital room.
Anna interupts Sam and Dante talking and he finds out that they have to find the baby.
Sam tells him to be careful and he leaves .
Charlotte told Kevin she's OK and Esme would be there soon. The next thing we know she called Nina asking her if she had heard from Valentin.
Her pizza had arrived she says so she has to go. Instead of the pizza boy she finds Peter looking menacingly at her .
Carly still couldn't make Sonny listen to her and he threw Jason in her face .
She tells him she is better off choosing herself and she leaves.
Sonny throws the rings in the water like I honestly thought Carly might do
Brooklynn breaks down in Ned's arms as he says Louise is lucky she has two mothers that would do anything to protect her.
Sonny arrives at GH only to run into Nina who already asked about Mac.
Felicia , Maxie, Robert and Anna all gathered around Mac's bed once he was awake and we learn that Robin is trying to come see her uncle Mac.
Victor meets up with Peter and tells him that he will not help him.
Peter tells him he has Charlotte and you wouldn't want harm to come to his granddaughter.
Holy crap , this should be where Victor is redeemed and he gets Valentin to help get the kids back safe and sound.
Carly runs Into Drew !!!
Finally they both would be hailed hero's. At least that's what I think anyways.
That's it for now , until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone.
February 9th 2022
Hello my gorgeous darlings , the theme for today's episode for February 9th 2022 is " What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive !"
First of all , I'm so annoyed with Peter kidnapping Charlotte and threatening Victor .
Everyone is reeling from the news that Bailey is actually Louise Maxie's daughter.
Carly runs into Drew and they decide to go into Michael's to get warm and talk.
Laura tries to contact Charlotte and gets no answer so calls Esme to check in on Charlotte .
Sam and Dante tell each other they love each other and Sonny and the others hear that Nina feels guilty about Peter being around.
Britt and Liesl arrive and they tell her they aren't angry with her for not telling them about her secret.
Peter talks to Victor about Charlotte and her whereabouts when we see Valentin waking up near a restaurant dumpster.
The waitress calls Anna from his phone and she tells Anna Valentin is in a bad way.
Laura finds out from Esme that she found the pizza 🍕 guy unconscious and Charlotte isn't there .
Drew gives Carly some great advice , however misreads the situation and tries to kiss her.
Carly tells Drew that she can't do this and it's not what she wants .
Austin admits to Macie that it's his fault Victor managed to figure it out about Bailey being Louise because of a sonogram Victor had.
Maxie isn't angry with him though that's a relief .
Sonny talks to Nina at the chapel she tells him Peter blackmailed her and that she was forced to protect her secret as well as Maxie's.
Victor gets Charlotte's location as Valentin is being treated at GH. Charlotte turns up safe and that Grandpa Victor saved her .
Peter calls Maxie and asks her to meet him at pier 55 and to come alone.
She goes there and he asks her to go with him and Louise and get away from Port Charles.
Thats it for now , great show until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone.
February 10th 2022
Hey everyone today's episode was putting me in panic mode because Peter had Louise.
Maxie was brave enough to take him on alone.
Anna , Austin and Chase were in full fledged panic mode asking Spinelli for help in locating the tiny baby and her mama.
Charlotte talked to her daddy about Granddad Victor and how he rescued her.
Anna and Laura were questioning him about what happened and Anna made a phone call to Dante .
At Chase and Brooklynn's place they told Finn and Elizabeth the truth about Bailey actually being Louise .
They were shocked of course but they proud of her for protecting little Louise.
Alone with his brother and Elizabeth Chase breaks down in tears because he feels like he failed Maxie and Louise .
He's told he hasn't and Peter is the one to blame for this mess.
Maxie told Peter that she could not take Louise on the run with them and would rather Brooklynn have her.
Peter said no and suggests that she leaves her at the fire station and that people do it all the time .
Maxie reluctantly leaves the baby there and leaves a clue where Peter has taken her.
In the meantime Austin called Spinelli and Anna got a call that the baby was found .
She calls Chase and tells him we got her.
Laura told Victor she's taking Charlotte home with her meanwhile Brooklynn comes to see Valentin.
Chase tells Finn that they found Louise and he asks him and Elizabeth to lock up after they
Chase is told by Finn to careful and to stay safe . Not knowing he's gone to collect the baby to bring her home .
Elizabeth gets off the phone with her boys and says Violet is fine and she's having Austrian cake with her cousins.
She offers to have Violet to stay the night and Finn to and he'd sleep on the fold up couch.
Valentin is apologized to by Brooklynn for hiding the truth. He says he's sorry too.
Chase and Anna get Louise back when they arrive at the fire station. They're told that they never know who dropped the baby off they it's anonymous.
Austin freaking out cause he thinks Maxie's on the ship.
Maxie is shown in a car with Peter.
That's it for now , until next time guys this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone.
February 11th 2022
Good God almighty it was Valentines Day in Port Charles and some folks were not having a good Valentine's day .
To start with it was Elizabeth and Franco's anniversary and she wasn't feeling up to celebrating .
And Terry had a blind date and she was nervous about it .
Come to think of it neither was Carly who ripped up heart shaped napkins and Sam came to meet her.
Sam asks her if she's not in the mood for celebrating lol . Really what gave you the first clue?
Trina met with her parents and she says she feels like a pathetic loser.
Sonny arrives at Charlie's with flowers for Phyllis who all of a sudden is #TeamCarly.
Nina was shown intruding on Ava and Nikolas' Valentine's night bt showing up unannounced.Seriously Ava should have told her to take a hike .
Elizabeth and Finn talk to Amy and Chet about the clothing drive .
Elizabeth finds her dress slashed that she takes out of a dress bag.
If you ask me either Franco is alive and he ain't happy or Esme the psycho slashed Elizabeth's dress.
I think this Valentines Day episode is really lack luster for me and I found part 1 really depressing and infuriating to watch .
Trina is enjoying her time with her parents , They find out about Esme and her attitude towards her .
Taggert offers to speak to Esme lol and Portia has to cancel Valentines Day date with Curtis for work .
Carly is hell bent on seeing a divorce lawyer and Sonny sees the notification of the girls calendar .
He clearly is angry and says he ain't having it . Phyllis tells him to stop pressuring Carly or he's going to push her away for good.
Ava won't quit encouraging Nina to pursue Sonny. Nina says she has to avoid him and Carly after she slept with him and Carly walked in on them.
Carly tells Sam she's done , but I think it's inevitable that she and Sonny get back together .
Elizabeth is really freaked out about her dress and Terry looks gorgeous in her dress.
She tells Finn that she would rather cancel the date , while Terry lol waits for her date who appears to be Chet.
Nina shows up at Charlie's on vey.
That's it for now, until Monday guys this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great weekend everyone .
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