
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Thursday, 31 March 2022

Happy 59th Anniversary GH - The Soap That Conquered All

On Monday April 1st 1963, General Hospital which was penned  by Frank and  Doris  Hursley first aired on  TV on  ABC at  3 pm .  Back  then  it   was on for a half  hour and it mainly  focused on the  hospital staff and  patients  and  their  families.

And  that  wonderful  staff which included Doctor Steve Hardy and  his  wife Audrey as well as  their friends Nurse  Jessie Brewer and her husband Doctor Phil  Brewer . As  we  know  it  became  a hit  with  viewers.

That was way before my  time ! But  I've  seen  old  episodes on YouTube and from  what  I've  seen  I  love  it. It's  fun  to   look  into  the  past. 

 It can really surprise you and make  you  want to learn more than you ever  dreamed  of knowing. In  fact its  mind blowing to  say  the  very least.

Luke  and  Laura Spencer were essentially my TV parents .  I  adored  them  loved  watching all of  their adventures with  Robert  Scorpio, and  seeing  Elizabeth Taylor as Helena when  I  ran  home  after  school to  watch all of the drama all unfold.

 I  was only  9 1/2  years  old  in  1980 when I  began watching GH. Little did  I  know that 42  years  later the  cast  would  become like family  to  me  . 

It's  may sound crazy  , but  it's true  i became  invested in the characters. And I knew all of their  stories ànd committed them all to my memory. 

The show for  59 years  has shown  the  lives of  it's  most prominent Port Charles residents who  have become  infamous  for  their  adventures , their  families  and  friends  and  jobs 

Not to mention their enemies who  dare to provoke ,torment , stalk , kidnap, annoy and  even attack  them out  of  sport. It's  just  disgusting  how  people  focus on obsession  and pure utter jealousy to  hurt  others. 

Mob  wars , are  my  personal  faves  , I  love   watching  Sonny,  Jason  and  Carly's dealing  with  their  enemies. They  say  those who  dare  win  the  war, those  who  want  to make  a difference and heal  the  sick  work  at  Port Charles General Hospital.

The disasters the town  has  been through  , the Murders,  the teenage angst , the fashion mag  , Deception are also what draw us  in  every   day .

The kooky women of Deception  and  Crimson make  us  laugh  because  you  just never  know  what  they're  gonna say or do . You  know I'm  referring  to Maxie  , Lucy, Brooklyn Gladys,  Sasha and Nina who  don't  know  when  to  shut  the  hell up.

Lmfao   not  to  mention  Scott Baldwin  and   his  lady  love  Liesl  Obrecht.  They  may  be  an  odd  match made  in  heaven  but  I  love  them  dearly  .

They  have  more  in  common  than  people  think  they  both lost   children in  tragic  circumstances.  

Gruff Scott  has  become  a father  figure  to  our  Britt.

I  love  Nikolas and  Ava  Cassadine  and  their  family  , Spencer ,  Sam Alexis ,  Kristina  and  our  dear  Molly.

Oh  and  the  Quartermaine's lol  you  can't  forget  them  the  whole  dysfunctional  lot. Or  the  boys  in  blue at  the  PCPD.

If You  want  a  drink  ,  go  see  Curtis  at  the  Savoy , Carly  at  the  Metrocourt  I'm  sure  you'll  see  her  in  a  shouting  match  with  someone. 

The  Webber  family  has  had  their  share  of  drama  as  has  the  Corinthos  Clan .

The  occasional mob war  and  bomb  blast  may  happen . We've  seen people return  from the  dead like  Drew Cain  and kids  sorased to suit  storylines and  I'm okay  with that.  

People  have  asked  me  why  I  love  it   well  you  heard  it  from me. It's  like someone once  said  lol  😆  you  love  what  you  love , some  call  it  an  addiction I  just can't  shake . I call it  my  passion .

I'll  never  give  up  on  my  Port  Charles  crew  ,  they may  be  a  little  insane  , and  a  little too  angsty at times  but  ya  can't  deny  my  love  for  GH  will  last  a  life  time  .

So ,happy 59th anniversary me darlings , you have  made my  young  imagination run wild , you  helped  raise  me  and  you  may driving  me  nuts sometimes  , but  as  Sonny   and  Laura said  "  Thank  God for  GH. You  guys  kept  me  going  when I went  through  my  toughest  of  days. 

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