
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Tuesday, 28 June 2022

GHCanada Uprising Weekly Recap June 27 th - July 1st 2022


This  week's GH starting with Monday June 27th has left me with a very bitter taste  in  my mouth.

Im thoroughly disgusted with Ned because of his disloyalty to  his own family.

Voting against the merger because why ? Because he  feels  he's not  included in the decisions

Actually  yes he  was  and  instead  of ironing out the kinks in the  plans  he  and Lucy voted  against  the merger.

This has hurt other people in his  family including Brooklynn and Carly.

Lucy was right about one  thing  Lila would be  furious about  what was  going on .

Meanwhile  Sonny  has  tried to  make  Dex and Brando make  peace  and  get along.

Brooklynn found out Linc dropped  the charges against him , but that Jordan was disappointed  in him.

Olivia lol, let Nina  know exactly  how she feels about what Nina  has  done to both Carly and Michael.

When is Nina going pto realize  that  Crimson being at the metrocourt is a  very bad idea.

Awe Violet what a sweet  little  peanut  she is she  loves her  Uncle Chase.

Carly was prematurely celebrating the merger with Joss and  Bobbie.

They talked about their wild days. Wild days more like they were the Hoebags of  Port Charles. 

I'm a fan of both  so I'm  not  gonna sugar  coat it . Lol hands up  my girls were permiscuous lol  and raging bitches.

Willow was told by Michael  to  go  relax and have fun at the metrocourt pool.

She  does not  look well at  all , and I'm surprised Lucy did not  mention it  to anyone .

Brooklynn tells  Chase she's gonna  work with  Linc in exchange for him dropping the charges against Chase.

Drew got a call saying that Aurora stock had plummeted because the merger did not go through.

Dex and Brando have a decent conversation and Dex winds up  calling Michael.

Brooklynn and  Olivia arrive home  to  find out that Ned sided with Valentin.
Neither was  best  pleased about it.

Carly found out from Drew that the merger did not go through.

Sonny arrived at  the metrocourt in time to  talk to Nina. They and Sasha  saw Willow  faint .

Karma is about to come get Nina !The daughter she so desperately wanted  she treated like  shit and  now  she's about to find out not only is  she ill , but her  own daughter.

Phew what an episode, until next  time guys this is Mama Ashley,  Judy and Cindy signing  off have  a  great tuesday everyone.


My  god  !!!  What a stress induced episode for June 29th 2022. I felt  bad  for  Willow and  Carly  most  of all.

First we had Willow fainting and  Carly found out about  the  Aurora stock plumeting.

Ned was  not  seeing sense  going  against  his  own  family and  sided with Valentin.

Michael was shown on the  phone  talking about  his dad. Leo over heard the cnversation .

He  asked what  he's  doing  to  Sonny.

Anna and Felicia were at  Kelly's  having a coffee and  talking  about her date with Valentin.

Victor and Valentin showed up and Victor annoyed the  crap  out of Anna and Felicia.

Liesl was at the pool meeting Nina when  Willow  fainted . She  and Sonny both jumped  into action and I loved it.

Liesl  was  my  bright  spot for  the  episode. She  called Sonny the  dimpled Mafioso and then told Victor lol that vampires don't usually  come  out in daylight.

Truthfully i think Nina is obsessed with Sonny . 

I  also  think he has stockholm syndrome and believes anything she says because he  trusts her way too much.

I  felt  bad  for Carly she's  lost everything and can't afford to buy the hotel back.

Olivia told Ned off for being an asshole to his family.  Poor Leo hurt himself at  the stables.

Instead of  supporting Drew and Michael he  stabbed them  in  the  back.

At  GH  Epiphany  and TJ jumped into action to  help  their friend.

Sasha called Michael who  rushed  by  his  girl's  side .

Sonny  meets with Nina  and tells  her Michael showed up at  the  hospital to see Willow.

Michael didn't want Sonny there.

Tests were  done on Willow  and it  turns out  she's  pregnant.

Valentin arrives to  see  Anna  then makes  a hasty exit once  Victor  calls him.

What  the  hell  are  they up  to?

That's it  for now until tomorrow  , this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off  for  now have a great day  everyone.


And away we go Thursday' s episode  for June  30th 2022 was very ,very interesting indeed.

First we had seen Michael finding out Willow was pregnant after he had  a  heart  to  heart talk with Sasha.

And then  we  saw Spencer asking Brad  to  smooth  things  over  for  him and  Britt.

Cody  says he  wants to  stick around for our Britt.

Trina told  Curtis  she's meeting Joss at  the  pool.

Coincidentally Rory was and he ran into  Esme and he  tried to get info  out  of her.

She whined about Kevin stopping her from seeing Ryan at  SpringRidge.

Trina promised she wouldn't go to anymore biker bars lol .

Sasha finds  out from TJ that  Willow  is  pregnant and  leaves the  hospital.

Willow tells Michael her happy news.

Gladys expressed her desires of  Brandoto have better career goals for himself.

Curtis and Marshall talk about Trina's situation. Marshall says that he still has connections and can help clear Trina.

Spinelli is acting all  kinds of weird , around  Cody.  It's because he  doesn't  want  anyone knowing he's the owner of  the  dating app.

Spencer begs Britt  to forgive him  and he asks her and Brad to run a DNA test to find out who Esme's biological parents are.

Esme clocks it  that  Rory is  trying  to  get info from her  and  quickly leaves when Trina shows up.

Spinelli quickly calls Zelda to  say  that Cody is making  trouble  for  them.

LmfaoTrina tells Rory to stop taking risks .  Britt tells  Brad Spencer  wants her help locating Esme's biological parents.

Sasha over hears Brando and Gladys  discussing her.  She gets a  call  from the  paparazzi dude.

She asks him what he wants from her.

Marshall calls his old contact after  telling  Curtis and  TJ  that  he  wants to help Trina too.

Wow  great  episode .  The  end is  Nigh for  the poisonous jealous  witch that is Esme.

Until next  time  guys, this  is  Mama Ashley , Judy and Cindy signing off have  a  great  day everyone.

FRIDAY JULY 1st 2022

Hey , hey  happy  Sunday ,  so  this  will  be a short recap as  its the  long weekend on both sides of  the border.

Joss and Trina met at the pool and talked about Rory and what happened with  him and  Esme.

Sasha was on edge at Deception and had a  melt down.

Carly was upset cause she cant buy  the hotel  back so Olivia offered  her  the  money.

Carly  refused to take Ned's money.

Cody had lunch with Sam and  Dante and said  he's  gonna stick around. He says the  job  he  had  lined  up  just  fell through after  taking a call.

Spencer spun a lie about Esme's parentage to Cam who became pissed off at him for admitting he was only practicing his lie  to  get  Esme to leave.

I wish i could have reached through  the  tv and  slap him.  Which means it was a smack worthy moment  lol  as  he  deserves it. 

Esme is freaking out that Nikolas and Ava are divorcing .

Chase tells Finn and Gregory that his  suspension got extended because he punched Linc.

Sasha decides takes the pills that the  Paparazzi guy gave her. 

Why do  I have  a really aweful feeling  something bad is about to happen.

That's  it  for  now until next time  guys, this is mama Ashley ,Judy and Cindy signing off have  a  great rest  of  your long weekend guys.

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