
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

General Hospital Canada October 30th 2017

What a great episode I loved it!!!!!!
GH Oct 30th 2017 from Ashley R Booth on Vimeo.

GH recap October 30th 2017

Good Morning me lovelies Port Charles was buzzing with excitement after the events at the  Aurora Media Company Party.

It was almost like listening to a swarm of bees going after their next victim to sting the hell out of.

That's the way I felt anyways when I heard everyone in Port Charles asking who the mystery man was and why he was such elusive character.

LOL come on really , he looks like Jason for crying out loud can't you see that Carly get your head out the clouds and let it all sink in is what I was thinking

 Sonny had to deal with her million and one questions. He told her there are things they had to talk about.

And boy he ain't freaking kidding! its time that people heard and saw the truth, the guy who crashed through the skylight at the metrocourt hotel is the real Jason and this other dude whose parading himself off as Jason is so not.

Jason #2 had a pissy assed attitude with the woman who supposedly raised him. Yea cause being a jerk to the woman you're supposed to respect is a really good way to win her over.

The real Jason would never speak to her the way he did. Alarm bells were ringing in my head come on guys can't you see this freak is an imposter.

Franco annoyed the hell out of Jordan who told him to shut up and not to butt into her conversation with Monica.

He then wound up frustrating Monica who said " Not Now Franco"

He was like a Hawk going after his prey and it was clear by her hands to her face that she was  just as confused as everyone else and didn't need to deal with his endless barrage of questions.

Ava and  Griff are still in shock over what they saw at the media launch party.

Yea cause its not every day someone just crashes a party coming through a skylight lol.

Well they do if your Jason " Stone Cold " Morgan, The coolest dude in New York State.
Well he is to me and I don't care who knows it.

Josslyn proved without a shadow of a doubt that she is her mother's daughter. Both Carly and Joss has this nosey bitch syndrome.

They pry into things that aren't even their business lol. I love Carly for it, Joss not so much cause she's not had time to hone those skills and do it without  seeming rude and obnoxious.

Jason was shown rescuing Sam from the cold water. I'm sure all you fans out there were shouting at the tv saying Yes he got her.

And some Sam haters would have expected him to just let her drown. But he clearly loves this woman.

There is no denying that  period.

Sonny was having a hard time explaining to Carly what exactly is going on. I know its confusing for her.

But once she sees him she'll know its him.

She knows Jason like a sister would know her own brother and like a mother would know her own son.

Jason # 2 was checking the video footage at the metrocourt with Dante and they saw the guy who looks like our Jason.

People may say I'm reading into things , but I think this dumb ass knows his lies are about to fall like a ton of bricks.

The real Jason Morgan is back buddy and you best be prepared for the  ton of aggravation you will sustain when the truth comes out.

Jason got Sam out of the water and performed CPR on his beautiful wife. And she finally coughted up the water that got in her lungs.

He held Sam in his arms wanting her to wake up and when she did she asked him  "How did you know where to find me!"

He told her " I just did" Jasam the original version is the best. I like Billy Miller but I can't help but prefer my amazing Stelly.

They are magic in my eyes they always seem to make me laugh and smile and cry.

Carly is clearly not listening to a damn word Sonny is saying. She wants to believe what is right in front of her is not the truth.

She's the one who did the DNA test to prove  BM's Jason was our Jason but fact is identical twins share the same DNA.

Jordan shows up unannounced, and disrupts Carson's conversation. Carly is clearly shaken by what she's been told.

Jordan has bad timing at a crucial time like this , sensitivity and understanding are more important than some stupid police investigation.

Amid all the chaos that is about to ensue Franco and Liz are all loved up at the hospital.

He's so happy she's okay and so are we viewers I might add.

But I can't help but think things won't be as happy as they seem once he learns that the real Jason is back on the scene and Jason #2 starts to warm up his side of the bed again.

Jason #2 the dumb ass comes over to Sonny's lke a bull in a china shop. Acting like the big man and demanding answers from Sonny.

Lord give me strength , if I had been there I would have tossed his ass out .

But then again , we wouldn't have had the most brilliant cliffhanger we GH fans have seen in ages.

Carly got a birds eye view of the real Jason bursting through the french doors with Sam in his arms.

She was totally in shock when she saw him and I was crying and happy she finally saw him face to face.

Perhaps now she believes Sonny after he told her the truth, his truth, Jason's truth and the truth that just slapped her and  Jason #2 in the freaking face.

The look on Sonny and Jason #2's faces said it all lol.  I was saying will the real Jason Morgan please stand up in my head.

I know who the real one is believe me lol

The look Jason gave Carly was one of  sadness and confusion.

Their reunion will be sweet and then it happened LOL.

Damn someone looks more than a little pissed lol.

I was laughing when I saw the storm clouds in the eyes of the imposter who is said to be calling our Jason and imposter.

That's laughable , considering we all know the truth you scum bucket.

Either you're a victim or part of the  plot to take over our Jason's life or you are a money hungry jealous troll, I haven't decided yet which one it is.

But for now I'll just keep watching this train that's about to be derailed by the real Jason Morgan and I am sure as hell loving every minute of it that's for damn sure.

Monday, 30 October 2017

GH recap October 27th 2017

Wowzers what can I say about Friday's GH other than absolutely outstanding it was. Barring the fact we had to endure the silly double date for  the Scorpios and Anna and  Finn and the meeting of Valentin and Cassandra the show was just phenomenal.

I'm sorry guys but the double date thing didn't thrill me and neither did Valentin and  Cassandra I am such an action fan chick that I was on the edge of my seat for the media party goings on.

Ava and Griff informed Dante about the two gun men. But I couldn't help but shake my head when they first approached him and he was more than a little rude to Ava.

Yes I understand Dante is still angry with Ava for having shot and killed Connie, you can't blame him but in this situation Ava was trying to tell him about the gun men and he was being a total jerk to her. It was beyond unnecessary.

Dante told Jason about the two gun men and they started to make a plan to go after them.

Dante in my eyes is a tad naive, does he think flashing his badge is going to scare the nut jobs who are carrying guns with the intention of going after someone?

Leave it to your daddy and his mob enforcer buddies they know what the hell their doing.

Dante came face to face with the ponytailed gun man who I think was pretty hot. Too bad they didn't give him a name. 

He was pretty brutal with Dante and they struggled for the gun and things went screwy from there.

Nina was very motherly and protective of Elizabeth so much sho she made sure she was out of harms way that was until  Elizabeth touched her body and blood appeared on her hand.

Yes guys you heard that right Nurse Elizabeth Webber, mother courage, the angel of Port Charles was shot but the gun that went off in the struggle.

I think Dante should get reprimanded for this one. I'm sorry but Jordan should give him a right talking to . A civilian got shot in the process and when Lulu finds out it was Dante's fault she's gonna be a might bit pissed. After all Elizabeth is her ex sister in law and friend.

Franco met up with  Andre who tells him that Drew died of heart failure and it was when he was a tiny baby not when he lived with Betsy and Franco.

We all know this death certificate was forged and faked to throw Franco off the scene and that just disgusts me to no end.

As usual Carly manages to get things set in motion lol, and texted 911 to Sonny before the gun men forced Sam to take everyone's phones.

You gotta hand it to Miss Carly , she's a fast mover when things are troubling.

She can handle shit well in a crisis which is why I love the chick so much.

Sonny tells Jason that he got a 911 text from his lady love and that there is trouble at the metrocourt and he wasn't kidding and neither was she.

When they arrives the found that Carly and Sam were in danger and they were not best pleased I can tell you this much. You either gotta be stupid or have a death wish to mess with the wives of  Corinthos and Morgan.

This gun men who I thought was pretty hot to start off with I just can't condone him messing with my girls.

Yep I wanted to  see Sason wipe the floor with this goomba and his bald cohort.

Can you freaking blame me 

Honest to god I was screaming Sonny shoot the bastard come on do it.

But it wasn't to be but quick as a flash lol, we got to see him tell that prick to get down on his knees.

Best scene ever especially since Dante took over lol and arrested the two jack asses.

Yep they make a good team , as far and son, its too bad Dante's moral code isn't the same as his father's lol. I honestly would love it if he went rogue and did things his dad's way instead of being such a hard ass.

Amongst the chaos that ensued, Klein's other henchman came fully loaded with a syringe and intended to grab Sam.

Dude isn't aware this is a bad move on his part and he did it anyways.

Sam tried to struggle and get away from this guy and all of it could be seen by Jason from the  rooftop through the  skylight.

Jason Morgan lay in wait as the whole mess could be seen through the skylight window on the roof. 

He took his chance and he wound up kicking the skylight glass in and he jumped through the open hole/

Leaving the guests stunned and confused. Carly, Monica and  Dante couldn't believe their eyes.

Nina calls Valentin to let him know what was going on and he was shocked to find out that Elizabeth had been shot by a gun man.

I think this whole mess is going to explode and heads are gonna roll for this.

If Valentin is behind this and his wife's friend was an innocent bystander in it.

And if this wasn't bad enough after the mystery man high tailed it out of there to go after the guy who grabbed Sam.

Carly wanted to know who the guy was lol, and when Nina asked Monica who he was lol, her response was an abrupt " Ask Sonny"

Gosh I love Monica she doesn't fail to disappoint her abruptness is her truth telling. You want answers she won't tell you anything lol.

At the hospital Franco found out what happened to Liz and he couldn't believe what he heard and saw. can you blame the guy?

This is going to be another reason for him not to like Jason. When none of this was his fault.

Whoever is behind wanting Jason back at the clinic doesn't care who gets hurt. Elizabeth could have been killed and she would be just looked at an unfortunate casualty.

Jason found Klien and the henchman on the pier with Sam and things went from bad to much worse.

The butthead who drugged her was scared stupid of Jason and wound up being shot by him. 

And then Klein like the coward that he is pushed Sam into the water so he could make his get away.

Not so big and bad an brave are you Klein cause it takes guts to push a woman into open water and hope you don't get your life snuffed out by Jason " Stone Cold" Morgan.

Until next time my beauties have a wonderful day and we shall see you when we next visit the chuckles.

Will Jason get to Sam in time, will Carly have a melt down when she finds out  Jason #2 isn't the real  Jason.

Find out on the next #GH


Saturday, 28 October 2017

Friday, 27 October 2017

General Hospital GH Recap October 26th 2017

Well , what can I say about our trip to Port Charles yesterday, it was like walking down the yellow brick road.

Sonny Corinthos is the Wizard of Oz,  Sam Morgan is Dorothy ,  Jason Morgan is  Cowardly Lion , and Carly is  Glinda the good Witch.

Yes it  is the beginning of an amazing journey to the land of  Bad Ass women and men who don't let anyone , and I mean it really don't let anyone hurt them or the ones they love

But before we dive head long into the battle between Good and Evil I first would like to say I hate Nelle Benson I hate her with the burn of a thousands suns.

She goes down in my GH vault for the worst kind of bitch on the planet. People can say what they want about Carly , but she's done nothing near as bad as this trifeling assed skank.

She's used and lied to Michael on several occasions. And finally he puts two and two together and comes up with the correct answer.

I was starting to worry for him , and was starting to hate him, but now he's wised up and given this trick her marching orders its about damn time as well.

Molly Lansing is one of my fave younger characters on GH she's a truth teller. She's not an idiot and most importantly she knows how to put her mother in her damn place.

Alexis although I love her , is an interfering mother who can't help herself. She just doesn't know when to switch off her damn off button.

Many would say that you can't shut Nancy Lee Grahn up either, and frankly I love her the way that she is.

I respect both Nancy and Alexis for standing up and saying how they feel and what they think about things and frankly if people don't understand that they need to check themselves cause the day that  either of them shuts up is the day that I will be complaining no one has balls enough to be who  they are and just be another conformer who acts like a damn sheep.                                                                                                              

Andre has a meeting with Klein he tells him that Franco Baldwin is getting close to the truth and this isn't a good thing. Buddy you are all going to suffer tremendously when Sonny Corinthos knows the whole thing and you better find your way out of dodge before he catches up with your dumb ass. 

These morons who think they can have one over on the  formidable Mr & Mrs Sonny Corinthos should really think twice before messing with them. And for that matter, mess with the lethal , mob enforcer known as Jason Morgan

  Ava and Griff discuss Jason and the whole Clinic situation. Grff thinks they should call the cops but  Ava says an emphatic no.                                                    

Honestly Griff , you do not understand who's behind this whole thing, and how dangerous they can be. And what's more  Sonny needs to be handling this on his own terms cops being involved won't fly with him or Jason let them handle this stuff.

Sam and  Jason #2 arrive for their event to unveil their new business venture. Sam looks beautiful and he looks handsome.

I hope nothing happens that could ruin their night who am I kidding this is Port Charles where anything can and will happen to them.

Gun fire , a kidnapping , someone breaks a skylight to rescue folks lol. Yes I read the  spoilers and I'm not ashamed.

Sonny filled Jason in on what's going on and that Robin like him is very much alive and yes Jake is too.

Sonny says he wants to tell Carly that Jason is alive and well and back in Port Charles but Jason says no don't. We need to sort these guys out first.

Ha Ha yep Sason are back in the saddle baby.

I love these two I know I keep saying it but I can't help it lol. I love Steve Burton and Maurice  
Benard they are simply the best and amazing  actors.                                                                                         

 Carly took to the podium to introduce Sam and Jason #2. She's so proud of them and who can blame her.

Best friends are supposed to step up and be proud of them for their struggles and their journey's.

Friendships stay strong and withstand the storm, they fight together, laugh together, cry together and celebrate moments like this. 

Sam and Jason unveiled their company and spoke about how this was a new horizon for them and that's what the name Aurora means.

A new adventure for them both and you know guys, I kinda love that idea , but I can't help feeling some how that Sam isn't happy about all of this in fact she's shown signs of confusion and nervousness about the whole thing and that's not like her. Some how Jason #2 is making her into something she's not and I don't like it.

Monica was like the proud peacock proud of her son and his wife and the new life they've started for themselves and their children. I love Monica she's such a good mom. Even if she messed up with AJ she more than made up for it with Jason.

Poor Franco spoke to Dr Maddox about the whole twin thing. He wants to tell Jason everything and Andre gives him an envelope with all the information he wants and needs to find Drew.

However its something to throw him off the scent and this to me screams sketchy behaviour.

I thought Andre was one of the good guys until now, not anymore he's a scheming bastard.

Ava and Griff showed up to go to the event,  I think this was a great move. They could talk to Sonny and Dante and tell them about Jason. Get him the help he needs to get his life back.

Everything seemed relatively sane and normal.

Sam and Jason #2 talked to Elizabeth about their new business and  Elizabeth even chatted with Carly.

There were no cat fights no arguing lol, not nothing , so disappointing that Carly spent the time talking to Elizabeth about their kids and the texting on the phone. Totally change of pace.

I guess our girls have grown up a bit since 2008 when Elizabeth called her the town whore lol and Carly gave her a big ole slap for her trouble.

But then like a magical symphony, Carly winds up at logger heads with Ava demanding to know what the hell she's doing at Sam and Jason #2's event.

LOL Honestly lol , I don't get it Ava has never cared about Sam and all of a sudden she's interested.

Ha Ha nope she wants to tell them about Jason and Carly just spat it back in her face.

Sonny tells Jason about Jason #2 about how he came to town and Sonny didn't trust him at first when he was Jake Doe and how he saved him from being killed just like Jason #1 does. He also tells him that he will find it hard to adjusting to being back just like Robin did. He tells him that Robin has had a baby boy that they named Noah Robert and that she was so sure this guy at Crichton Clark was him.Jason asks if the Cassadines were involved and Sonny says yes they were. Seems to me someone has alot to answer for and I heard rumblings that Nikolas will be back on canvas soon.

Klein's henchmen shows his ass to everyone , by pulling a gun on the
 crowd. I can't wait for jason to drop 
this guy down like a dead weight and 
he will do it with ease as well.

The last thing you do is threaten the lives of the people Jason Morgan cares about. guaranteed you will get your ass killed.

Dante , Jason #2 and  Lulu were staring down the barrel of the goons gun.

This guy has a freaking death wish he has no idea the day of reckoning is coming.

Sonny and Jason will not  let this jerk do any harm to any of their friends or family's.

Until next time guys have a great day, its cliff hanger friday lets get the party started.