
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 30 October 2017

GH recap October 27th 2017

Wowzers what can I say about Friday's GH other than absolutely outstanding it was. Barring the fact we had to endure the silly double date for  the Scorpios and Anna and  Finn and the meeting of Valentin and Cassandra the show was just phenomenal.

I'm sorry guys but the double date thing didn't thrill me and neither did Valentin and  Cassandra I am such an action fan chick that I was on the edge of my seat for the media party goings on.

Ava and Griff informed Dante about the two gun men. But I couldn't help but shake my head when they first approached him and he was more than a little rude to Ava.

Yes I understand Dante is still angry with Ava for having shot and killed Connie, you can't blame him but in this situation Ava was trying to tell him about the gun men and he was being a total jerk to her. It was beyond unnecessary.

Dante told Jason about the two gun men and they started to make a plan to go after them.

Dante in my eyes is a tad naive, does he think flashing his badge is going to scare the nut jobs who are carrying guns with the intention of going after someone?

Leave it to your daddy and his mob enforcer buddies they know what the hell their doing.

Dante came face to face with the ponytailed gun man who I think was pretty hot. Too bad they didn't give him a name. 

He was pretty brutal with Dante and they struggled for the gun and things went screwy from there.

Nina was very motherly and protective of Elizabeth so much sho she made sure she was out of harms way that was until  Elizabeth touched her body and blood appeared on her hand.

Yes guys you heard that right Nurse Elizabeth Webber, mother courage, the angel of Port Charles was shot but the gun that went off in the struggle.

I think Dante should get reprimanded for this one. I'm sorry but Jordan should give him a right talking to . A civilian got shot in the process and when Lulu finds out it was Dante's fault she's gonna be a might bit pissed. After all Elizabeth is her ex sister in law and friend.

Franco met up with  Andre who tells him that Drew died of heart failure and it was when he was a tiny baby not when he lived with Betsy and Franco.

We all know this death certificate was forged and faked to throw Franco off the scene and that just disgusts me to no end.

As usual Carly manages to get things set in motion lol, and texted 911 to Sonny before the gun men forced Sam to take everyone's phones.

You gotta hand it to Miss Carly , she's a fast mover when things are troubling.

She can handle shit well in a crisis which is why I love the chick so much.

Sonny tells Jason that he got a 911 text from his lady love and that there is trouble at the metrocourt and he wasn't kidding and neither was she.

When they arrives the found that Carly and Sam were in danger and they were not best pleased I can tell you this much. You either gotta be stupid or have a death wish to mess with the wives of  Corinthos and Morgan.

This gun men who I thought was pretty hot to start off with I just can't condone him messing with my girls.

Yep I wanted to  see Sason wipe the floor with this goomba and his bald cohort.

Can you freaking blame me 

Honest to god I was screaming Sonny shoot the bastard come on do it.

But it wasn't to be but quick as a flash lol, we got to see him tell that prick to get down on his knees.

Best scene ever especially since Dante took over lol and arrested the two jack asses.

Yep they make a good team , as far and son, its too bad Dante's moral code isn't the same as his father's lol. I honestly would love it if he went rogue and did things his dad's way instead of being such a hard ass.

Amongst the chaos that ensued, Klein's other henchman came fully loaded with a syringe and intended to grab Sam.

Dude isn't aware this is a bad move on his part and he did it anyways.

Sam tried to struggle and get away from this guy and all of it could be seen by Jason from the  rooftop through the  skylight.

Jason Morgan lay in wait as the whole mess could be seen through the skylight window on the roof. 

He took his chance and he wound up kicking the skylight glass in and he jumped through the open hole/

Leaving the guests stunned and confused. Carly, Monica and  Dante couldn't believe their eyes.

Nina calls Valentin to let him know what was going on and he was shocked to find out that Elizabeth had been shot by a gun man.

I think this whole mess is going to explode and heads are gonna roll for this.

If Valentin is behind this and his wife's friend was an innocent bystander in it.

And if this wasn't bad enough after the mystery man high tailed it out of there to go after the guy who grabbed Sam.

Carly wanted to know who the guy was lol, and when Nina asked Monica who he was lol, her response was an abrupt " Ask Sonny"

Gosh I love Monica she doesn't fail to disappoint her abruptness is her truth telling. You want answers she won't tell you anything lol.

At the hospital Franco found out what happened to Liz and he couldn't believe what he heard and saw. can you blame the guy?

This is going to be another reason for him not to like Jason. When none of this was his fault.

Whoever is behind wanting Jason back at the clinic doesn't care who gets hurt. Elizabeth could have been killed and she would be just looked at an unfortunate casualty.

Jason found Klien and the henchman on the pier with Sam and things went from bad to much worse.

The butthead who drugged her was scared stupid of Jason and wound up being shot by him. 

And then Klein like the coward that he is pushed Sam into the water so he could make his get away.

Not so big and bad an brave are you Klein cause it takes guts to push a woman into open water and hope you don't get your life snuffed out by Jason " Stone Cold" Morgan.

Until next time my beauties have a wonderful day and we shall see you when we next visit the chuckles.

Will Jason get to Sam in time, will Carly have a melt down when she finds out  Jason #2 isn't the real  Jason.

Find out on the next #GH


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