
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Thursday, 26 October 2017

General Hospital Canada GH Recap October 25 th 2017

Good Morning me lovelies , this girl was jumping up and down in her seat yesterday , so many emotions, happy tears , and anger and laughter curteosy of our brilliant GH Cast. Words can not express how very annoyed I was with Nelle , she is a sick twisted little bitch and let me tell you , if I was Carly I would have had someone speak to Michael outside of the family who can see Nelle for the shady bitch she is. 

I know that's more than a little harsh but I really don't care , the way she manipulates him makes me sick. She knows how to get him to do exactly what she wants and frankly I'm getting fed up of the whole mess

Nelle needs to seriously be put in her place and I really want  Michael to wise up already.

I really thought he was smarter than this I guess his mother's previous dealings with Franco have taught him nothing.

Monica actually makes me giggle , the woman is so transparent when she saw Nathan she was amusing when she said it was disappointing that he's giving up being Man Landers.  I actually think she was flirting with him and you know guys who could blame her he's frigging gorgeous.
                                                                                 I think Obrecht wouldn't be happy about that one lol Oh hell who cares what Obrecht would like or not lol.

 Ava after having stolen the Sketch of Jason from Franco and decided to look up info on our Stone cold Jason Morgan.

Yea it must have been an interesting read Ava darling you probably admire Jason for his sexiness , his strength and his manly ways.

LOL Don't we all girlfriend don't we all.

 As a Full fledged member of the I love Sonny and Jason club , the Bad ass bitches ,  I can not tell you how happy and excited we were to see our boys finally in each other's Orbits.

When they saw each other again for the first time in 5 years on screen yours truly was in tears.

I love these two gorgeous men from the moon and back. Steve Burton and Maurice Benard are my number #1 fave GH actors of all time along with  Tony Geary and Tristan Rogers.

The most amazing dream team team and you add Kelly Monaco and Laura Wright right by their sides as Sam and Carly you got my full attention and that is no freaking joke.

Maxie gets an E for effort lol and A+ for being the most obnoxious, pushy bitch on the planet which is why we all love her.

She waltzed into the steam room with something for Nina to read and told her she wants her job back.

Nina hemmed and hawed for awhile but she decided yes she would hire our little bratty miss back. No one and I mean no one is like our Maxie.

Nelle doesn't even factor into this I hope she loses her job cause the chick is useless.

 Ava gets a visit from Griff and they discuss the sketch of patient 6 now identified as Jason Morgan.

I honestly think our Ava would be better suited for Jason, if he and Sam don't work out lol.

Dump the ex priest doll , you don't wanna go where you're sister almost did that's just gross in my books.

 Jason #2 and Sam tell Danny about how they bought the media company and how they will need his help with things.

LOL as if a 6 year old would know anything about running a business or have ideas for programs for people to actually watch and enjoy this whole thing just cracked me the hell up.

I mean honestly come on now guys. Even Sam agreed with me , but he gets a gold star for creativity from me.

Amy got a call from her brother and they talked about Man landers while  Nathan looked on.

Seriously even her brother thinks she's sweet on Nathan it doesn't take a genius to figure it out.

I think its time Amy was made aware that she needs to stop this friendship with Nathan.

This girl clearly thinks being friends with the husband of the girl who she claims bullied her and whom she is clearly jealous of is a good thing.

And as for Maxie lord give me strength she cares more about getting a feature done on Nathan than actually protecting their privacy.

I was so disgusted with her to be honest with you.

 I was really nervous that Sonny wouldn't believe it was really jason but you know when he said " Sonny you're my best friend , and brother I would never leave you.

He had be right there and then thank you Steve and Maurice for making me cry.

The handshake was awesome but when  Maurice reached out and hugged Steve Burton I knew   that  dream team was back together , and they will soon deal with the pricks who had our boy hostage.

Words can not express how happy that hug made me.

And that's it for today guys until tomorrow when we once again venture into Port Charles.

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