Jason 2 arrived to speak to Curtis about the investigation into his brother who actually is the real Jason.
Jason 2 wants to know if he dug up anything about his brother and what happened to him and if he's up to no good.
Naww More like you are you lying snake.
Over at Elizabeth's Jake , Liz and Franco are about to watch a movie, they got the popcorn popped and everything.
I literally was busting a gut laughing when Jake said they were going to watch the Parent Trap.
Franco and Liz knew that the movie is about twins.
I think Jake knows more than anyone is letting on. You can't seriously believe this child didn't sense it about Jason.
I honestly believe that Jake knows that Jason 2 isn't his real dad, but he wanted so desperately to have him back he just accepted it.
Ava arrives at the gallery and finds Kiki there, she tells her she scared the hell out of her and not to do that again lol.
Yea cause its normal behavior for someone to go to their mother's art gallery at night to study.
If you ask me that's just a little bit too weird for my taste. But whatever floats Kik's boat I suppose.
Over at Nathan and Maxie's it was the fall out of the century when Maxie spilled the beans on the whole Man Landers scheme Amy had going.
LOL Amy and Nathan were a little shell shocked that she told Chet everything.
But you know what it was bound to come out sooner or later so suck it up Amy. Take responsibility for your brilliance and not have someone else take the credit.
Over at Sam's office Nina comes to her to discuss the budget. They wind up talking about the two Jasons.
Gosh I love Nina she knows what its like to be n the real Jason's shoes. She's been there done that bought the tee shirt.
She knows what its like trying to get your life back and I love her for telling Sam all of this she could really be a great friend for her.
Over at the foot bridge we got the scene that we GH fans have been waiting on for ages. Kimberley Mccullough as Robin showed up to see Steve Burton who is the one and only Jason Morgan. She was shocked to see him.
And told him she didn't know what to think or how to feel but you know guys we all know our Robin would be happy to see him none the less.
Franco and Liz talk about the whole Jason situation and Franco seems to think that he won't be getting the blame for any of it.
He's just afraid something bad might happen.
Liz tells him that she's going to go see where Jake went lol and leaves the room when someone rings the doorbell.
Franco answers it and he's asked to sign for a package. It looks like one of his paintings perhaps.
OMG what the hell is going on?
Amy and Chet talk about the whole Man Landers thing. She tells him she wanted to do this for him, because he's her big brother and that he was her hero. That he always gave her good advice growing up.
Awe you know guys as much as it pains we to say this really am starting to warm up to Amy.
Risa girl you've gone and done it you've made me love Amy now.
Back at the footbridge Robin and Jason are talking about when he got shot in the back and what happened to him after that.
He tells her that the guy at Crichton Clark was his twin brother and not him
Robin is clearly shocked by the whole revelation.
Good Golly Miss Molly there's a whole lot of sexiness going on lol.
Yes back to the gym where Curtis is talking to Jason 2. How anyone expects yours truly to care about what Billy Miller is saying in his lines is beyond me.
Donell is a beautiful man , and let me tell you I care more about what he's saying.
I know I know what you're thinking , you're a dirty minded so and so . I don't care at this point. Blah Blah Blah oh right Jason 2 is banging on about his brother lol you know the real Jason.
Franco tells Liz that the twin painting was returned to him, that he has no use for it , that its in his past and he's going to get rid of it.
I would like to hedge my bets and say its going to Ava's Gallery.
The next scene we saw was Franco at Ava's art gallery , and he hands over the twin painting to her.
Says he's breaking away from his past
Something tells me he won't ever do that.
Jason tells Robin about the time she went to Paris and you know guys , this was the test that she did to make sure it was him.
It was all about the kiss they had and the saying the icing on the cake and how Jason didn't understand what it meant.
This told her it really was our Jason .
Nathan confirms everything Amy said to him and that she loves Chet and only wants the best for him.
Maybe this would be the time for healing for them both seriously.
Love how Naxie did the best thing ever and helped reunite a brother and sister in crisis.
Robin was so happy to realize he really is our Jason.
Look at the look on her beautiful face, Kimberly feels so at home with Steve. Old friends make you feel so good and think about the good times
This is exactly how we fans feel when we see scenes like this that's for damn sure.
Naxie and Amy tell Chet they can't let anyone else find out about how she is actually Man Landers and not Nathan.
But they are unaware about how Nelle knows and that she's already spilled the beans on the truth
I feel a shitstorm coming and it ain't gonna be pretty.

Jordan arrives at the gym to see Curtis and they talk about Andre , and about the two Jason's how they need to work together and not against each other on things.
Curtis says that he's willing to share his stuff, but she says that he has to go by it legally.
Ha Ha are you kidding Jordan the dude is dangling a carrot at you act all high and freaking mighty , me thinks he needs a new woman not an ice queen in his midst.
Nina offers Sam a listening ear since it probably is more difficult to discuss this whole situation with those she's closest too.
Nina seems to have give Sam some food for thought but it appears even Nina believes that the guy who just arrived into town is our Jason and not the other dude.
Nina has heard all the stories about the real Jason and she doesn't think Jason 2 is the real Jason Morgan. Alarm bells guys.
Everyone can see it but Sam
Jason 2 talks to Jake about his brother , this snake actually has the child convinced that he's his father.
This just makes me freaking sick , he keeps the lie going like a bad lingering smell everyone knows he's not Jason Morgan and yet he stll wants people to believe this shit.

The fall out when the truth comes out will be explosive.
Ava is shown looking up unethical plastic surgeons lol. Yea that's just about right for her isn't it.
The vain bitch wants to be whole again, and yet she'll do it by any means necessary.
Maxie gets a notification from the Invader that spills the whole thing on the Man Landers debacle.
I hope she finds out its Nelle who spilled the beans and tears the bitch to shreds.
Robin cries when she realizes its in fact Jason she tested and he passed the test.
She hugs her old friend and its a joyful reunion.
All we need now is for Jason 2 to realzie that he's not Jason Morgan and the guy who just arrived into town is.
Kudos to Billy Miller for stepping into the breach and taking on the role , he did a great job for the material he was given but as Diane and Carly have said SB's Jason is the one and only Jason Morgan.
Elizabeth is shown talking to Jason 2 at the door thanking him for easing Jake's mind etc.
No honey things are about to get a whole lot messier your deluding yourself into a quiet life lol.
She hugs him at the door which doesn't go unnoticed by Franco who hid behind a tree watching the whole scene go down.

I feel bad for Franco he's just as much of a victim as all of them, His life is being turned upside down and he's worried he may lose Elizabeth
One last thing put yourself in his shoes and his situation , how would you think or feel if it was happening to you.
This is something that he had no control over , he was just a young child whose mothers were crazy enough to not do the right thing and give Drew to the Quartermaines.
But I digress that's it for now my beauties until tomorrow have a great Monday
You fans out there who are calling Elizabeth sneaky, trampy and all that stuff are dead wrong this time.
She's just as confused as everyone else , she's trying to protect her son at the same time. Its really ridiculous the stuff fans spew to make themselves feel better as if its a personal slight against Sam and Franco well its not.
She's just as confused as everyone else , she's trying to protect her son at the same time. Its really ridiculous the stuff fans spew to make themselves feel better as if its a personal slight against Sam and Franco well its not.

I feel bad for Franco he's just as much of a victim as all of them, His life is being turned upside down and he's worried he may lose Elizabeth
One last thing put yourself in his shoes and his situation , how would you think or feel if it was happening to you.
This is something that he had no control over , he was just a young child whose mothers were crazy enough to not do the right thing and give Drew to the Quartermaines.
But I digress that's it for now my beauties until tomorrow have a great Monday
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