
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Friday, 17 November 2017

GH Recap November 16th 2017

Good Morning my beauties , so what did we learn from   GH's  November 16th 2017 episode lol.

We learned that  secrets have a way of coming out of the wood work , much like a worm who's destroying a good thing.

Yes guys that is a pregnancy test you see in the beautifully manicured hands of Maxie Jones.

She is truly a gift from heaven  or hell depending on whether you actually are a fan of Maxie or not.

I can't help but love this girl she makes me laugh so much. Yes Maxie you need to drink water like a camel if you want that pregnancy test to work.

If you don't have the right amount it won't work a friend once told me lol

Nelle calls the invader tip line this trick would do anything for money I can't stand her.

Why doesn't she earn money the decent way like everyone else like get a job.

Nope she can't even do that she's a lying pathetic girl who just wants to earn money the easy way.

Oh Josslyn where to I start with this child, I love love love her. As much as I  love her mother.

Josslyn is on a mission to help Oscar find his dad lol.

With the rate this kid is going she'll find out where he is , who he is, and she'll also probably ask Spinelli for help as well.

Sonny and Jason talk about protecting the family from the people after him.

They want to know the truth and Sonny talks about going Legit.

LOL Hell would freeze over before that actually happens. I wouldn't want anyone else running the  Corinthos Organization but Sonny and Jason end of discussion don't even try to convince me otherwise. 

Yes I'm channelling my inner Carly  I know my boys like I know her. They won't ever go legit , I know it, the writers know it , the other fans know it and Maurice and Steve know it lol. 

Amy is telling  Nathan that   Chet has left the hospital and she has no idea where he's disappeared too.

She's starting to go all rogue detective and Nathan says I believe that's my Job not yours.


Yes Amy take it down a notch will you god damn this is driving me nuts why are there two Maxie's on this show both like chattering  chipmunks lol. I can handle one but the other one ah not so much.

Nathan catches Nelle on the phone with the Invader after she eavesdropped on his conversation with Amy.

Unfortunately the slippery snake slithered her way out before he could stop her.
Mama Carly comes downstairs and starts giving the kids the third degree what are you up to ?
What are you hiding from me.

Did you two want to be alone ? Calm your est Miss Carly lol. You're coming off a wee bit over powering and over protective.

Then she told the kids to relax and she was only teasing them oh thank the lord for that lol.

This is why I love Laura Wright so much as Carly lol, she knows how to play the teasing card with the other characters she plays off with in scenes and makes me laugh my head off.

Josslyn looks a little stunned at her mother's behaviour lol. If you're not used to it yet kid you're in trouble.

Oscar tells them that his mom has agreed to go to the Corinthos home for Thanksgiving this is going to be interesting to say the least lol.

I don't know about any of you but I love Ava and Griff together he softens the hard bitch that she is.

And it's about time someone treated her with the respect she deserves despite the awful stuff she's done in the past.

Sason discuss their current situations and I can't help but think that everything will work out in the end.

Jason has a fight on his hands but  Jason 2 better be prepared cause this Jason ain't going down without a fight.

Hail Hail the gang's all here lol yes Carly has chosen to join her boys for a tete a tete.

Have I mentioned how much I love seeing Laura , Maurice and Steve back in the saddle as the three musketeers Carly, Sonny and Jason.I've always loved these three phenomenal characters, brutally honest, tough as nails lol and totally bad ass.

Maxie has taken the pregnancy test and we've not seen the results yet! Come on guys let us know what the results are this isn't fair keeping us in suspense. 

All because there was a knock at the freaking door ugh don't you hate it when that happens just when something starts getting good someone ruins the moment lol.

Amy's brother shows up to see Nathan but he's across town at GH. He wants to talk to him about Amy.

Oh boy Maxie better not open her damn mouth and spill the beans lol that his sister is Man Landers.

Ava and Griff arrived at the Metro court for dinner I guess they didn't realize their quiet dinner would turn into a shouting match.

They'll regret showing up lol once Carly sees them

Chet is such a butt head not only does he not remember Maxie lol. WHich was a blow to her ego.

But he also says his sister doesn't need him. What a tool.

Maxie told him he was a hero on the football field , but a coward when it comes to his sister lol. 

Nelle shows up at the invader and I have to say this guy at the inquisitor is such a dork and what's up with the granddaddy sweater he's wearing.

Honest to goodness is he's channelling his inner Mr Rogers.

LOL he isn't listening to Nelle.

Nelle is such a scheming , desperate ho , anything for money and this guy isn't even convinced yet of the proof that  Amy is actually Man Landers and Not  Nathan.
Nelle acts like the cat that got the cream feeding the Invader guy all the gossip about who the real Man Landers is lol.

She got a little miffed when she heard the nerdy dude say " As all women do'

Good Heavens people this guy may wind up next on her hit list he's as shady as she is.

Oscar and Josslyn find someone with the same name while searching the internet. The problem is they don't know if he's a relative or not.

Its treading on  shaky ground messing with stuff like this I wouldn't reccommend it guys.

As always a friendly conversation at the metrocourt ends up with Carly sticking her nose in and verbally attacking someone lol. Poor Jason had to referee and argument between Ava and Carly.

Welcome back bro,  I bet you wish you'd stayed away now lol.

Its times like these I bet  Jason gets a freaking migraine from all the drama that surrounds Miss Carly lol.

I know those faces when they're mad look out bitch they're coming for you. Stop playing the innocent card.

My babies got your number lol and they're gonna make mincemeat out of you .

Griff tells Carly off for stating the facts that  Ava preyed on poor Morgan and because of her and her family he spiraled out of control and wound up being killed.

Yea here's a tip  Griff do not try and reason with a pissed off grieving mother it does nothing for your sanity.

Awe ain't they just adorable  Joss and Oscar kissing.

Young love ain't it grand meanwhile LOL Back at the metrocourt lol.

Joss' mother lol goes back to sit with Jason and Sonny.

Carly says " Well that was fun!" LOL typical Carly she loves a good verbal altercation I think its her drug of choice lol.

Anyways Jason says he has to go , Carly says she loves him and he goes off.

Carly and Sonny know that  Jason is going to the foot bridge its where he always goes to do some thinking.

Sonny gets a call I bet it's from Robin or someone else he loves .

Maxie spills the beans with Chet on how his precious baby sister is actually Man Landers lol .

He seems surprised by it all and he's not the only one to find out she blabbed.

Amy and Nathan look a little bit shocked and annoyed that she went and blabbed lol

Come on really this is Maxie we are talking about lol. 

She loves a good gossip even more than the original Amy Vining that is.

And finally  Jason is shown at the foot bridge and he comes across someone and he says " It's you"

God damn it I hope its our beautiful angel Robin coming to talk to our beautiful blue eyed adonis and confirm he is our Jason once and for all.

That's it for yesterday's show recap untl tomorrow folks have a wonderful day and enjoy your weekend.

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