I busted a gut laughing the girl is way too much sometimes, its cute though I'll grant her that and totally thoughtful.
I totally love Kirsten Storms this girl never fails to disappoint me. Sometimes I'm laughing and shaking my head. Other times Maxie makes me so angry I could spit cause she says things without thinking.
And then she can tear your heart out when she's heart broken. What can i say that's the sign of a good actress.
If they can make you feel that much emotion they must be damn good.
Andre starts telling Franco the truth about Jason and his twin and we find out that our Jason is patient 6 there is no doubt about that.
He may not know who is who , but I sure as hell know the score and so does Carly Corinthos.
There's no disputing it and if anyone dare argue they better go back and look at the clips over the past day or so.

She looked distressed and upset and she desperately wanted to see him.
Hell , girl I'm with you on this everyone may need a little Maxie in their lives, but we sure as hell could do with Jason Morgan taking centre stage and showing us those baby blues.
Yes I'm a Burton fan and I'm damn proud of it.
And then he arrives like a gallant knight ready to rescue his bestie from having a mental break down and go looking for him.
Cause lets face it he knows she would hunt him down like a blood hound.
She was crying and so happy to see him. Yours truly was crying along with her . I'm a full throttle Jarly fan deal with it guys lol.
I have always loved their friendship even if it did start off in the beginning as sexual lol. But we won't get into that right now.
Its amazing you know that feeling when you see someone you care about that you thought was lost and now they're back in your lives.
I think too the feeling was mutual in real life too.
Laura and Steve are such good friends and co workers these scenes were the real deal including the tears.
Did I mention how much I love these two LOL

Michael was confused about the situation, but like his mother he knew something wasn't right that this guy who had come back was nothing like his uncle.
The one who loved him, and protected him.
My Maxie was in rare form on yesterday's episode telling Amy off for even suggesting that she of all people is jealous of her and Nathan and their success with the Man Landers thing.
LOL get off cloud stupid Amy , you are the jealous petty bitch you want Nathan for yourself you brought this Man Landers bull shit on Maxie's door step and you dare to blame her do me a favour find a nice bridge to jump off you morons seriously.
After the dumb bitch left Naxie resumed normal service and now it was sexy time,
God I love these two so adorable , no one could replace my Maxie girl not even Amy.

Sam was lying in her hospital bed and she starts having visions of both Jason's this whole thing has to be confusing for the poor girl. What would any of us think if we were in this same situation.
I really feel bad for her because it is going to be hardest on her and on Danny.
Monica can handle it and all as well as Carson but Sam will likely think she's losing it again.
And that I don't like.

Well if it was me lol I'd be going well you get two for the price of one lol but that would be really silly to say something like that lol.
Ya gotta admit she's kinda spoiled for choice, but personally I'll take the one on the left.
I mean come on seriously who the hell does he think he is Victor Frankenstein. I'm totally sickened by this whole thing he disgusts me.
Playing with other people's lives is not an olympic sport , its evil and disturbing and I hope he gets locked up when the truth comes out either that or both Jason's kill him or sue his ass. Both men are totally confused as it is, what's going to happen when they find out what Maddox did.
Jason 2 tells Sam about Jason 1 and how he saved her on not him.
At least he admits he didn't save her. He could at least be appreciative of what our Jason did.
Considering he's the one who loves her more than life itself cause you certainly don't you moron.
Jarly arrive at GH to see Sam , Jason is hesitant about the whole idea, but in regular Carly fashion she convinces him to do so.
Say what you will about Miss Carly, she is a viper at the best of times, and a bitch , but when it comes to those she loves she knows what the best advice is and what they should do.
I'm so glad he listened to her
And finally we got to see the real Jasam seeing eachother face to face there are no other words to describe this .
Just look at the pictures and you will see for yourself.
I love these two really.
Stelly is pure gold and amazing together.

Love you guys, viva La GH, Viva La Carson, Viva La Jarly and Viva La Jasam
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