Well what can I say guys but the episode from October 31st was an eye opener of epic porportions.
Laura gets the proposal she's been waiting for and Our Jason has made himself known to his best friends Carly and Sonny Corinthos.
I have to say that Genie Francis is one the most gorgeous women on the planet.
She wears old style silver screen movie themed dresses so well and she's timeless as well as amazingly talented.
Emme Rylan is a stunner too love these two women so sweet, and so funny on and off screen.
I'm so looking forward to finding out if Nikolas is still alive and if he's hiding out till the smoke clears.

Mistress Cassadine is so incredibly naive when it comes to Valentin
I wish Nina would wise up for a change and see him for the snake he is like everyone else does.
She's so loved up with him she'd buy a plot of land if he were to sell it to her.
Can I hear a hell yea for the pairing of Anna and Fin! I'm sorry all you Fin and Anna Haters but I love these two together.
They've actually made me laugh so damn much.
They are charming in a quirky adorable way
Valentin came across the guy who was trying to kidnap Sam and spoke French to him.
The guy asks him to get into contact with Klein and Valentin actually doesn't.
I don't want him attached to this mess but I feel like his finger prints are all over it.
Jason was seen in the Corinthos living room with Sam in his arms.
It was clear he was worried about her and who could blame him.
Jason 2 wasn't very appreciative of his being there or that he saved Sam at all.
I thought what an ungrateful effing ahole he is.
LOL I had to laugh at Finn's reaction to Robin, Patrick and Emma all questioning him about his intentions towards Anna
He really made me laugh when he stated that Emma was too young to have a cell phone.
Dude its 2017 get over yourself , kids need to have them to keep in contact with their parents so they know where they are it's not 1950.
Anna tells him that they always will be protective of her even if she is a grown woman.

Jason 2 is being a total asshat to Jason 1 he doesn't trust him and you know what its bloody ridiculous to me that he would even suggest such a thing.
It's as plain on the nose on your face that Patient 6 is Jason Morgan. I don't think the powers that be at GH would bring Steve Burton back to play an imposter.
I'm sorry guys but I wouldn't believe it at all.
Jason begged Sam to wake up and to talk to him.
He was clearly worried about her and way too over protective I don't like this at all.
Totally comes off as creepy and controlling with her and I don't like it.

Then over at the haunted star Kevin finally popped the question to Laura.. They are so
loved up and it's so beyond amazing and sweet.
Kevin is such a nice guy, Laura deserves to be happy. She's been through so much in the last little while she needs to be shown that she is important to someone other than her kids and grandkids.
Nina meets up with Valentin and tells him all about everything that's gone down at the media party.
I think Valentin is proud of her for helping Elizabeth Webber. There is so much more to
Nina than just being a barm pot and wanting a child of her own.
She's a business woman and someone who deserves to be loved and praised for the things she does well.

Dante met up with Nina and Valentin on the pier wanting to ask them questions about what Nina saw the night before.
Nina told him that she saw the gun men and then the man crash through the skylight at the Metrocourt and how he went to save Sam Morgan.
At this point and time you would think that Valentn would find it in his soul to use this opportunity to be supportive of his family instead of scheming like a typical Cassadine he never even refers to her as his niece .
At the hospital Jason 2 sat at Sam's bed side almost begging her and to believe that he's her Jason.
Come on really ? What a manipulative jerk. If you're genuine Jason 2 I apologize but I kinda got the feeling you're the imposter not Jason 1.
You irritate the hell out of me you need to quit copping an attituede.
Maddox and Klein met up and they discussed Patient 6 aka Jason Morgan.
Andre said he wants no part of this whole mess anymore and that they should have stuck to their own medical careers.
Andre is upset that Sam was used as a pawn to get Jason to come out of the wood work , yea and how the hell did that work out for you Klien you moron?
Jason 2 was angry with Sonny for trusting Jason 1 and called him an imposter.
Oh please you dumb freak go look in the mirror.
Even Michael knows you're not Jason and don't act like him , oops I shouldn't have said that because it happens in the next episode.
But it's true people are starting to see things aren't right and it's going to make your orbit go kablam
Valentin got a text from Dr Klein and he told him " I need your help Now!" Gee I wonder what's that about?
LOL I think Valentin has his fingers all over this.
So disgusting to think that someone would play with other people's lives and treat other people like their lives should be controlled and manipulated to do what you want.
sickening bastard.
Carly went to the police station making a nuisance of herself at least to Jordan.
I love Jarly one of my fave GH pairings of all time. They act more like brother and sister than anything else and I love them for it.
Jason and Carly always have had each other's backs and that's the way best friends should be.
If people wanna believe he's not the real Jason Morgan , that's fine but believe he is for damn sure.
That's it for now guys until tomorrow
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