
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 27 November 2017

GH Recap November 22nd 2017

Good Morning me lovelies , I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving south of the border, GHC mama Ashley took a holiday too so this recap is coming right on time to refresh our minds about what happened on GH On Wednesday November 22nd 2017.

First of all I'd like to extend a warm welcome back to Tamara Braun ( ex Carly from GH) who premiered in the episode from the 22nd of November.

On this episode Carly was in fine form asking Sonny if the  turkey was actually cooking and will be done on time. Stop your fussing woman , you may want everything to be perfect but rome wasn't built in a day and it won't make the turkey cook any faster either.

Sonny was probably thinking " Knock it off you fuss pot!"  I won't say what I actually think he was thinking mainly because people might not like the expletives I would write in the recap lol.

Carly was all loved up with her eldest child Michael. Love it when Laura Wright smiles it lights up the room.

Its contagious she makes me smile too.

Oscar arrived for the Corinthos family thanksgiving dinner. he tells Joss his mom forgot the pie in the car and went to go get it.

LOL we all know what this means guys, Tamara Braun is going to make a grand entrance. LOL

They talk about finding his dad which might be easier than they think.

But it's not who they think it might be either lol.

Stella and TJ arrived for the  Davis girls thanksgiving feast. I love how Alexis is so welcoming with Stella , it shows she's not a cold fish like Helena or her father.

Ever the nosey bitch lol, yes I said it Lulu and Carly share the same DNA so is it any wonder that Lulu would pry and find out that Maxie is in fact pregnant.

Don't get me wrong I love Emme Rylan , but sometimes lol I just want to smack the shit out of Lulu.  And before you even ask yes I feel the same way about Carly too at times.

Ned and  Dante had a chat about thanksgiving and what they had planned for the evening lol.

Oh trust me fellas , its going to be  an eventful one lol.

 Jason goes to see Sam and he tells her he needs to talk to her.

He says he understands how his brother must be feeling but there are a few things that he needs to say to her.

Awe  love him for this.

Stella. offers to  help in the kitchen but Alexis says she's got everything under control.

I love Alexis I really do she really knows how to get her point across  when need be.

Not to mention Nancy has the best facial expressions lol and she makes me laugh

Carly speaks to Joss and Oscar and asks where Oscar's mom is. 

He says she's gone back to the car to get the pie lol

She forgot to grab it.

Jason 2 looks rather intently at the family photos , probably wishing he'd been apart of the family .

It sucks when you look at someone else having a good life and you got stuck in some children's home where no one gave a crap about you

Jason 2 tells Monica he's worried about this other guy being around and what affect its having on his relationship with Sam.

He's worried that the real Jason might take his place in the family. Umm earth to dumb ass , you aren't the real Jason Morgan. 

You are only worried because you know everything you have is about to be ripped out from under you.

Jason tells Sam that if she doesn't want him there or what have you he will back off.

It appears she's prepared to hear him out and she shows no signs of wanting him to back off at all.

She's clearly confused still but she's willing to hear what he has to say on certain things.

Back at Lante's place , Dante and Nathan are talking about Man Landers and the affect its had on Maxie .

I love these two when they aren't thumping their chests and acting like the galante good guys that they are.

Just chilling like a sexy dude there boys.

Lulu continues the spanish inquisition of Maxie about when she intends on telling Nathan she's pregnant.

Come on Lulu please spare us the  you gotta do it routine. She'll do it in her own time and not when you tell her she should.

Maxie kills me she tells Lulu exactly what I said up above. Seriously I think people should do things like spring a surprise on people their own way and others need to butt out of it.

Yes Lulu I'm speaking to you.

Molly as usual has to stick her oar in about certain things. LOL The voice of reason, the beautiful smart girl who tells  her mother that Kristina will talk to her when she's ready.

Not to pressure her 

Michael and  Sonny are talking about Jason and how everything is affecting him and how they hope that he gets everything sorted out.

I do too , this whole mess is driving me cuckoo.

Ned talks to  Olivia and  Dante about Monica being on her own for thanksgiving , going to a spa and get away from everything.

Awe yep he loves his auntie he does.

Sam clearly is still confused about the whole situation she says she loved her husband, but its clear she is still in love with Jason.

This whole mess is gonna rip her heart to shreds.

Its a tough situation to be in but she clearly is still in love with our boy.

Oscar tells Carly that  he really appreciates them inviting them for thanksgiving dinner and he wonders what's keeping his mother lol. Again I have to say hello Grand entrance anyone lol.

And she did not disappoint at all  I always loved TB, she's a great actress and she makes me laugh so damn much. 

Carson welcomed her with open arms and  Carly said " You must be Kim"

To which  Kim replied " And you must be Carly"

I have to hand it to the actresses they are really comfortable with each other.

Its like they're old friends getting together to smash the shit out the scenes they do.

 I can't wait for the two  women to clash lol.

Jasam carry on their intense chat and you could tell Sam's struggling to cope with everything going on.

There was a little bit of tension and you can't blame them so much time has gone by they need time to process the whole thing.

Enter Danny to take some of the stress away , he innocently says " I remember you , you're mommy's friend'

Danny asks his dad if he's going to  to go to Alexis' for thanksgiving cause that's where they're going.

Jason says no he's going to hos friends place.

He asks if Jason's friends have a dog and that his grandma Alexis doesn't have one, but he wishes he was going to see Monica instead lol.

He says he's teaching Annabelle 2 some tricks and they need to get some practice in.

Sam tells Danny she loves him and that she hopes that their friend gets the happiness he wants.

Jordan and  Curtis arrive for Alexis' thanksgiving feast he's checking his phone and they are about to go inside.

They talk about the two Jason's situation  and about Andre and how they need to find him to settle this thing once and for all

Alexis plays hostess with the mostest with  Stella and  Curtis. I'm starting to warm up to Stella ( running for the hills now) I know most of you don't like her but she's shaping up to be a great character.

Perhaps I spoke too soon , Stella had to ask about Olivia Jerome didn't she. Nosey frigging assed bitch. 

I swear to god some people just don't know how to keep their damn mouths shut.

You don't ask about Julian or  Olivia on thanksgiving. This was out of line and really people need to keep their thoughts and opinions to themselves.

Kim tells  Carly and Sonny all she knows about them. Really its in appropriate to behave rudely in someone else's home and call them out on stuff that is a matter of public record, however tact isn't this bitches middle name.

Having open mouth insert foot syndrome is a no no in the Corinthos household. Especially is you're not the mistress of the manner.

I'd shut up if I was you honey you ain't winning brownie points with Miss Carly.

See what I mean look at this face on my girl she's like " What the hell is your problem bitch"

I was actually surprised she didn't deck her for saying the kids won't last as a cute little peanut couple.

If I was you Kim I'd run Carly owns a gun and she knows how to freaking use it .

LOL Well , there's Ned he looks all loved up with his lovely wife. Sometimes I really wonder lol.

What would Edward think of  Ned slumming it with the likes of the Spencer/Corinthos/ Falconari clan?


Ned calls Monica who tells him that her flight was grounded and that she's okay spendng thanksgiving on her own lol.

Oh lord have mercy you know what's gonna happen next right lol.

This is GH where anything can and will happen 

Jason 2 and Sam and Danny talk to Stella and Danny just stands there and listens to it all.

And if that's not enough to make you freaking laugh  Maxie and  Alexis were the stars of the hour lol both single handedly destroying the thanksgiving dinners.

Don't get me wrong I love my girls but this was pure comedy gold

Joss and Oscar look none too pleased with their mothers look at the faces on those children

Can you blame them?

Laura and Kevin have a cht with Ned after the turkey debacle lol.

I wonder what the cast thought about what went down.

How could they stop themselves from laughing. I know I couldn't.

David tells Alexis that he thought the evening was eventful and he doesn't think she's a hot mess. LOL He actually likes her with all her faults.

Jason arrives at the Corinthos Compound and he's left shocked when he hears Oscar's mother call him Drew.

She's even more shocked to see him lol and you know guys there's gonna be some massive confusion all over the place lol.

Jason looks like he's thinking " you gotta be freaking kidding me bitch!"

LOL I thought this scene was priceless.

And the best scene ever took place when Ned gathered all the Q's and their friends to go have a Q's thanksgving feast with pizza.

Gosh I loved this scene everyone who was shown on the show showed up to make Monica happy.


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