
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017


Good Morning me lovelies I just want to take the opportunity to say Happy Thanksgiving to all the American GH fans out there.

I can't wait to discuss the episode of November 21st 2017, if was full of awe man and oh brother as I watched the show along with my friends in our daily live chat yesterday.

The first thought in my head  is " Isn't dorky how they got the cast wearing the  pilgrim hats, I believe you can celebrate the season , be thankful for all you have , but come on really , those hats gotta go.

It must be embarrassing for the kids to be forced to put them on and make them feel self conscious. I know for me I don't even like putting on the elf hats at Christmas .

I loved the scene with Roger and Becky as  Franco aind Liz doing the I'm thankful for stuff
while the turkey was cooking in the oven.

I always love it when we get a sighting of the kids even if it is for a brief moment. Ahem speaking of which we should really see more of these boys they are absolutely adorable.

Robin stops by Sonny and Carly's to see Sonny and they talk about Jason and how when they saw him they just knew it was him right away.

I love how these two are friends now and not at each other's throats.

They put their big girl pantie's on and are behaving like grown women instead of spoiled jealous , hateful bitches who can't see things from another person's point of view.

Okay now this is some serious eye candy here ,  Chad , Maurice and Steve , as Michael, Sonny and Jason having a chat outside while the turkey is cooking outside.

It's been like old times since  the real and only Jason Morgan has come back home. I giggle through their playful scenes and I love the way these three just bounce off each other like a kids superball.

Jason talks to Sonny about Sam , and Sonny tells him that he should  go see her and talk to her.

I really love that  everyone is giving Jason advice about what to do because normally its him whose the one giving them an ear to bend  and a shoulder to cry on.

Now it's his turn to seek advice and I'm loving it.  Friends especially Jason's are like family to him and mean so much to him and him to them as well and that's why I love them all.

Ava is shown writing an email to a plastic surgeon who may or may not be able to help her, I had to laugh during this scene as  Ava was talking as she typed her email. Its a normal reaction when you see people doing something you see other people do and it just strikes you funny.

Griff shows up and hears  Ava talking out loud and typing furiously , he reacted the same way  did when I heard my friend do this the other day and I was like wtf.

Ah the things we find amusing lol

Sam  and Jason who my friends lovingly call Fakeson,  are talking about the whole Julian situation and how they need to sort things out. He's understandebly pissed that Olivia wants to help Julian out at all. Umm dumb ass that's what families do.

Sam Alexis discuss the press conference that Jason wants her to watch for Aurora and it just happens to be Nora Buchanan who's taking centre stage to release a statement by  Olivia.

Carly and Robin are all smiles as Sonny and Jason walk through the door. As I said before guys loving this new wind of change for our girls it makes me smile.

Sonny and Jason see that Robin has come for a visit and it gives  Jason and Robin time to catch up which has been a long time coming I might add.

Griff says he's got some food for  Ava so they can celebrate Thanksgiving together.

She tells him that  Kiki has to work and that she's used to being aloe.

He says not anymore, he tells her she's beautiful and that she doesn't need any plastic surgeon to fix her.

Everything was perfect until he gets a call from the hospital to come to do surgery on a patient. UGH don't you just hate interruptions

Back to the nightmare on Pilgrim hat street ( I mean at Elizabeth's) the family talks about what they are thankful for and then the boys talk about watching football lol.

Elizabeth says she's not going to join then she has to watch the food but thanks for asking.

what a happy little family they are too

Fakeson comes to see Jake and Franco doesn't seem the least bit happy about it.

When is this dumbass going to realize he's not Jason and stop acting as if he is .

I'm growing tired of his bull shit.

Innocently Jake asks Fakeson if he's found out why the other guy is parading around town saying he's him yet?

Come on Jake clue in little buddy this asshole ain't your dad he's only pretending he is and your real dad is across down wanting to spend time with you and Danny.

Robin gives Jason some advice, and tells him that she knows how Sam feels being caught in the middle because poor Patrick was put in the same awkward position as Sam is now in.

Awe I love it when Robin is the voice of reason for the people she loves. She really is a god send, an angel and adorable even if people think she's a condescending bitch at times.

She tells him that he has to go and speak to her, that even if  it bothers his brother and it affects him too. that they need to hash things out and sort them out once and for all because if they don't now, its going to be harder for Sam in the long run.

Sa.m is confused about the whole thing with Olivia and her father , and refuses to call Julian her dad.

There are a few of us who are in the same position as she is and we can't stand the site of our dads either.

Nora Buchanan is shown on the tv talking about how she is Olivia Jerome's lawyer and how she's about to make a statement on behalf of Olivia.

Sam and Alexis look none too pleased about it , lol , if looks could kill I'm sure  Olivia would be curling up in the fetus position and die right on the spot after what she did to her own family and that just makes her one hell of a sick bitch in my books.

Liz and Fakeson discuss the whole other Jason thing and what he intends on doing to make Jake feel good about the situation.

Its a confusing situation to be in none the less.

Michael is shown talking to Jason about both of their situations. Jason's with Sam and  Michael tells Jason all about Nelle Benson.

Jason is shocked to hear that  Nelle is Carly's step sister.

Carly and Sfonny are discussing how great it is to have Michael and Jason together and talking and about thanksgiving. 

Oscar's mom is coming for thanksgiving as well so this shit is about to get real. LOL Tamara Braun is returning to GH as  Oscar's mom, kinda like Sarah Brown coming back and playing Claudia instead of Carly. Its a little bit too weird for my taste. But whatever floats the shows boat I supposed.

Nora is shown telling everyone that Olivia is now well , and that she is taking responsibility for her actions.

That  Julian is innocent of all charges , that coerced him into the thing he did and that she apologizes for the drama and hurt she's caused to him and his family, for something that he wasn't responsible for and that was the killing of Duke Lavery.

Sam and Alexis are left shell shocked by the whole thing and Sam says she hopes her mother isn't going to run to Julian now that  Olivia has exonerated him from the whole thing.

Okay so Franco tries to play nice with Fakeson giving him advice lol.  Something we all know he's only doing cause he's got the case of the green eyed monster and doesn't want the real Jason around Liz or the kids

He tells Jason that he should fight to keep his life so that no one else can interfere with him. Bad advice you dumb ass its going to backfire on his ass in the long run not help him.

Ava is shown talking on the phone to the clinic she wants to see about talking to the plastic surgeon and is about to make an appointment.

Alexis is becoming annoyed with Sam lol, and who could blame her.

Sam is being so judgemental and bitchy about her father lol and she is trying to tell her mother whose a grown woman what to do.

NLG does the most amazing bitch face as Alexis when Sam is getting on her nerves.

I love Sam but even I was hoping she's slap her for sticking her nose in where it doesn't belong.

Liz tells Franco that she's pleased that he tried to help Fakeson by giving him some friendly advice.

She's all loved up with him and tells him she's glad that she chose him.

He tells her he loves her too and then we got to see the cutest kiss ever.

Michael is cooking the turkey and he hears someone coming through the french doors.

He looks up and sess his parents who ask him if they've seen Jason?

Michael says he thought he was in the house with them.

Sonny looks like he knows where Jason is.

Alexis is in a hurry to get home as she will catch hell from Molly for not bringing the pies home on time.

Since when does Alexis bend and scrape to her kids demands.

God this makes me laugh.

Sam is shown  telling Danny to start getting ready to go to Grandma's house and to pick a toy for him and for Scout.

There's a knock at the door and its Jason whose come to see her.

Awe man I can't wait for today's show and see what's going to happen next until tomorrow guys, have a wonderful thanksgiving and have a great day.

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