I found it a might bit disturbing that people can't see that the scene called for Michael being nervous about seeing his uncle and a bit apprehensive about it too.
Jason arrives at the MetroCourt to see Sonny and they wind up talking about the business.
This scene kinda made me laugh mainly cause Sonny tells Jason Carly wants him to come for thanksgiving dinner and Jason is not too crazy about the idea. LOL
Sonny says lets go to the gym , and then go back to my place.
Jason says lets skip the gym I have some where I need to be.
Over at the Quartermaine's Michael and Ned are talking about thanksgiving , about the two Jasons and what needs to be done about the whole situation.
Ned never was cut throat but he sure gets down to business when it calls for it. Which is why I love him so much.
I think that at times like this the Q's are the best family on the show they stand together as one even when they are being blown apart.
I believe that they need to figure things out and make sure Jason #2 doesn't dare try and interfere with ELQ.
Monica was not the least bit enthused by Olivia's tacky thanksgiving decorations lol. You can tell just by her face she's not liking the choice of decor.
I like Chet and Fin making friends its good for both of them I love the fact that Chet now understands his sister more.
It makes me smile when you hear that someone is finally seeing the light about things.
Anna is hosting thanksgiving at her place with Mac and Felicia being amongst the guests.
They ask her if she's catered in lol and she says no.
There was a surprise waiting for them.
Robin smiled and said "Would you settle for little ole me?"
LOL Totally cute they rushed to hug her loved this so much.I wish Kimberly would stick around more often.
She's one of my fave gh actresses, I and so many others watched her grow up before our eyes and honestly we miss seeing her on screen.
Amy is in rare form at Maxie and Lulu's blaming Maxie for the story being exposed to the Invader.
Why blame Maxie for this she's not to blame you dumb bitch ugh.
I had to laugh at this scene when Monica was approached by Olivia about Thanksgiving.
Lisa Locicero looked a tad bit ridiculous in the construction paper made pilgrim hat.
So silly lol , its like she's still living her childhood and acting like a nut.
Ned talks to Monica about the two Jason's and what they are going to do about ELQ and about Edward's will.
Monica says she's going to a spa for thanksgiving.
Finn talks to Chet about recovery and how he's been through it. And if he can do it so can Chet.
Yes positive reinforcement always works love it.

Quinn arrives at Maxie and Nathan's and she's not best pleased about the revelation that Amy is really Man Landers.
She is really hacked off that she was deceived , who wouldn't be really.
Monica got a pleasant surprise when she saw Jason walk through the door she was so happy to see him.
The talk about Michael and Jason suggests that she come with him to Carly and Sonny's lol.
She quotes Tracey saying she'd rather poke her eyes out with ice picks.
LOL Oh man I love Monica Quartermaine she's the funniest woman on the planet played by the beautiful and talented Leslie Charleson I might add.
And we got to see another hug from these two which I love. Yep its so great to see Steve back at GH and finally have scenes with those that Jason cares about.
Quinn threatens Amy and Nathan with a fraud suit. I couldn't stop laughing this bitch is really getting on my last damn nerve.
Totally rude and disrespectful ....... and then it happened.
Chet arrived like a night in shining armour, to save the day. I love this guy already.
He started off as a bit of a jerk but he's grown on me.
See that face Maxie is making oh yes we all know that look its the look Maxie looked at Quinn and said " Shut the hell up bitch"
LOL I love you Kirsten lol you crack me up all the time but that was the best thing ever.
I knew it was coming and it did lol
Sonny met Cassandra for the first time and he wasn't the least bit impressed with her especially when he found out she knows Valentin.
Yea umm bitch you don't know who you are dealing with or what Valentin did to Sonny's nephews daddy. You got no room to try and make friends with either of them.

Talk about the Spanish inquisition, why is it that Robin, Mac and Felicia have to pry into Anna's love life.
Why don't they concentrate on their own lives rather than meddling in hers its starting to annoy the hell out of me like seriously guys.
Take t down a notch
And then it happened the moment we GH fans have been waiting for Michael finally got to see his uncle Jason in the flesh.
He told him he was so sorry he didn't come to see him. He was overwhelmed by the situation and didn't know what to say to him.

Michael in tears hugged his Uncle Jason for the first time in 5 years.
Awe I was crying myself best moment ever.

Valentin tells her that there is no way Sonny Corinthos is going to let her traffic drugs in his territory.
She tells him she will just try her luck and see what happens. She thinks she can be pursuasive but I beg to differ.
Cassandra is shown on the phone and she's talking to her drug suppliers obviously.
This whole storyline is pissing me off seriously, disgusting deplorable woman.
Over at Volino's Sonny is talking to Finn about the opiates and whose trafficling them.
He says that they need to put a stop to the whole thin
Sonny doesn't trust Cassandra anymore than Finn does.
Finn is later seen at Anna's wondering what he's doing there. LOL . He talks to her about Cassandra and Valentin.
He's not a happy bunny anymore than she is about his being invited for Thanksgiving.
I really loved this scene when Jason looked at the family photo .
Alot of the Q's are no longer with us , its such a piece of nostalgia seeing the old pictures I can't help but love them all.

I miss Lila and Edward , and of course AJ and Emily too. Sigh the memories are flooding back.
Amy and Nathan told the fans in live video the real truth behind Man Landers . Sure it was a little awkward.
They were expected to stand there like two dumb asses being put in front of class for being the class clowns.
Luckily Chet stepped in and he did a marvelous job
Chet is a sweetheart he stepped into the breach so to speak and he poured his heart out.
Which was a great move because it saved the book from being pulled and the sales soared thanks to his heartfelt sweet words about his sister and their friend Nathan.
You can not fault them for any of this it was to help him not to make a mockery of anything.
Anna was shown talking on the phone and she was just sitting there listening , but whatever the situation was it has to do with Cassandra and Valentin.
In fact it was Valentin she was talking to come to think of it.
He is one step closer to getting the information they need.
Anna relays the info to Finn whose not best pleased about Valentin's involvement. Is it just me or is he a wee bit jealous of Valentin being around Anna?
Over at the Q's lol Monica is telling Olivia she's not staying for thanksgiving, while the three stooges just stood there like fools not saying a word.The Quartermaine men have learned a thing or two over the years , and that is Monica is the queen of the castle, she doesn't like people taking things over, and she certainly wanted everything gone by the time she got back.

Over at Volino's Sonny gets a visit from Jason and Michael.
It was so sweet seeing my boys all together again.

Sonny was stunned at first but when he saw the looks on their faces the happiness it was contagious.
He asked Michael to spar with him in the ring.
I tell you guys they weren't the only ones who felt that way. It was amazing to see such a sweet reunion between Sonny , his son and their best buddy and Uncle Jason Morgan.

I actually giggled when Steve Burton got a hold of Chad Duell and playfully grabbed him around the waist , yep I'm gettng all misty eyed here.
That's it for Monday's show me lovelies,it was a great episode wasn't it, until tomorrow I hope you all have a wonderful day , happy GH watching and please check back tomorrow for the recap for November 21st 2017.
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