
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Thursday, 28 December 2017

GH Recap December 27th 2017

Good Morning me lovelies , well Kevin and  Laura are certainly all loved up on the episode for December 27th 2017.

Its expected they are newlyweds I love Kiki talking to Dr and Mrs Collins it was so sweet , I really am made up for Laura she finally found love with a sane man.

Else where we had a front row seat for Lulu's stories getting praise, and we discover that Mayor Lomax has been indicted lol. I hated that bitch nasty piece of work she was. 

Unfortunately the cow can't be fired as she was an elected official. That just defies belief she can still keep her damn job till another election is called.

Amy is asked by Maxie to run a dna test against  Nathan's tooth brush and the hair of  Obrecht's  Amy at first declines but Maxie says after what Nathan and I did for you, you owe us.

LOL Yes that's our Maxie lol always a turn out for the books and tell it like it is , the truth hurts and Amy better step up and do as she's asked.

 Sometimes people no matter how much you do for them think they are entitled to no pay back in kind what you give them.

Nathan met up with  his mother , and he asks her to tell him the truth about his daddy,  she gives him a gift  but he tells her he won't accept it until he hears the truth.

You really can't blame the poor guy really , he shouldn't have to  put up with his mother playing mind games with his head, or omitting the truth of his parentage.

Everyone has the right to know that .

As for Miss Ava lol she gave Griffin a beautiful watch for Christmas and he told her he couldn't accept it at first but he eventually did.  

Sometimes you have to be a gracious gift receiver and not act like you're morally offended by it. Let people spoil you once in a while. Besides Christmas is only once a year for goodness sake.

Anna had Finn meeting up with  Cassandra the snake , She told him to turn off his phone, Anna then couldn't hear what was going on and  Finn deliberately spilled his champagne.

LOL I'd say what a klutz but it was a nice save lol

Dante and  Jordan praised Lulu for exposing Lomax which was a long time coming, Alexis showed up and told Lulu that she's been indicted , and she owned up to every single thing she did lol

Cue everyone asking if this means Felicia is going to become mayor, but as it turns out , Felicia says no even with a special election in the cards.

Liesel tells  Nathan that she hopes he and Maxie have a boy as she wasn't able to raise him. Which begs the questions was she forced to give him to Maddie? Or did she do it to keep Nathan safe?

I keep coming back to the same conclusion  as always ,  I believe Faison is Nathan's father which tells me that Britt and Nathan are full brother and sister.

Liesel would be afraid of him, even as obsessed with him she was she knows what he's capable of and she worries for her kids because of their involvement with him ( Britt most of all)

We know that  Liesel was upset that Britt would defy her father and was petrified that if Britt did that he would so some damage to her in the long run.

Kiki arrived at Ava's to give her , her Xmas present ,  Ava went into the spare room to get Kik's gift which was a doctors bag.

Totally appropriate since Kiki is becoming a doctor ,  Kiki gave her mother her present it was a gorgeous scarf but as usual Ava cocks it up and she assumes the worst of her own daughter.

You know even if you have your own insecurities and hurt inside you don't strike out at the people closest to you.

Those who love you deserve to be treated with respect and love, and kindness.

Maxie meets up with  Nathan and he shows her the clock , Anna was glad that  Finn had some quick thinking , and as for  Laura lol.

Well she and Stella have created some crazy friendship which is kinda awesome , if you think about it, Stella could use a friend whose trustworthy and who will keep her out of  Jordan and  Curtis' hair lol.

Keep the woman busy lol she's too much of a busybody for my liking lol

And finally ...... we hear Kevin saying that Laura should become Mayor of Port Charles, yeah I could go for that.

Laura knows the  Charles street area well, she understands the people , and she has a mega huge heart and she cares about the people around her.

Port Charles  needs someone like her to care about the community , the people in it , and most importantly we need someone whose going to get decent people in office with her who ain't about to be on the take and hurt the citizens.

That's it kids until next time have a wonderful day.

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