
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Friday, 1 December 2017

GH Recap November 29th 2017

Good Morning me lovelies , Mama Ashley is in the house about to deliver , good tidings , and great joy to the masses. No wait a minute no I don't lol, that's Nathan and Maxie's job to share their baby news with those who are important to them.

Yes guys you heard that right lol, Maxie and Nathan have finally told their loved ones they're expecting their first child together.

Sam was shown helping Mac and Felicia set up the tables for the coffee and the breakfast food.

I love her friendship with Maxie and I love the fact she's so close with her parents too.

Maxie and Nathan arrived and they were joined by Liesel she was wondering what the news was lol.

She thought maybe a divorce on the horizon lol.

Oh lord this woman cracks me up , I love you Kathleen Gati.

Liesl , Mac and Felicia and Nathan are all excited about the news.

Awe so sweet.

Jason goes to see Dante at the PCPD wanting his help to find out what happened to him the night he was shot.

Dante tells him that he's always liked him , tells him that he's more than willing to help him, and he's doing this for his dad , that he loves Sonny but he doesn't agree with what they do.

Saint  Dante party of  one lol pleaase get off your lofty moral perch my friend not everyone was born to be a saintly hero like you.

Hot Damn when I  didn't think  Curtis played by the dashing and sexy  Donnell Turner could be any sexier he steps it up a notch with a hat and looks like one of those old time movie stars.

Suave debonaire and Jordan refusing to give him the  cigar priceless lol.

For those ignorant dipshits who said that they belong on Oprah's Own Station. How dare you disrespect Donell and  Vinessa they are great. Keep the racist comments off of  twitter especially when you support another member of the cast.

Disgusting , disrespectful and distasteful is what it is.

They were on the hunt for  Andre in Cuba , Curtis told her they're in Cuba so he has to have a cuban cigar. Oh come on Treacle you can't deny him his simple pleasures. You're not the only thing he desires.

Jordan tells him that they need to find Andre and that they need the answers for both men who need this sorted out ASAP.

Not just for the safety of Port Charles but for the people who love them as well.

This should never have happened period.

Finn is pissed off at Anna for involving him in this whole mess with  Cassandra and he wants out lol.

Yes that's the angry finger pointing at you action you see here .

Michael Easton does these pissed scenes so well

Jason understands where  Dante is coming from, and Dante tells him he'll show him the file.

He tells him that its not to leave the PCPD and that Anna would know more bout Faison's involvement.

He tells him Jason that Anna would know more about Faison and the night he died, however he does tell him that Sonny and Sam both went into the water looking for him.

Nina , Nina Nina lol , how much do I love you and Michelle Stafford LOL Big frigging time lol.

Nina has mastered the art of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer.

Continuing the ruse that she and Cassandra are bossom buddies. Like hell they are lol.

Valentin is shocked that Nina is still continuing on with the ruse and well Cassandra is so dense she doesn't realize that  Nina is messing with her lol.

Is the woman thick or what thinking Nina would even want to be friends with her. She'll wind up dead eventually the dumb asses who dare to go up against a Cassadine and think they can out wit them usually do.

Nathan talks to  his mum about the impending arrival of the baby and she is as excited as he is.

I love this happy occasion this time no drama really.

Finn is still infuriated with  Anna and it doesn't go unnoticed by Robin who's walked into the room.
She does make me laugh when she's trying to sound like the voice of reason.


Meanwhile back in Cuba Jordan and Curtis talk about the whole  Andre situation hoping that they will track him down and get him to fess up what he knows.

Good luck with that my pretties cause the dude ain't gonna tell you anything you don't already know.

Cassandra continued trying to snow my girl Nina, this trick is more than stupid. Nina is not an airhead have you not caught on yet you idiot ugh.

Seriously this bitch does my head in
LOL Yes Robin it hasn't escaped my notice that you and I are becoming one in the same lol.

I always get that look on my face when someone is being a rude ass to my mother as Finn was being with Anna.

God love you Kimberly Mccullough you are gorgeous and funny.

Dante says they found a figurine and Jason says " Yeah the phoenix"  Dante says " Well that's appropriate" LOL stating that  Jason is indeed the phoenix rising from the Ashes lol

Anna tells Finn about how Robin contracted the HIV Virus from Stone who got it from his junkie girlfriend.

And how she wish she'd been around for her when she was going through it. That back then the drugs weren't available for them back then.

Finn listens intently to what Anna has to say and he makes a decision. He wants to continue helping  Valentin and Anna go after Cassandra.

Lulu sheepishly saunters over to Sam telling her she's started to do a blog and wondered if she could get a job at Aurora.

Sam tells her to contact her  Ceo and he'll arrange something for her.

Felicia and Maxie talk about the past and Felicia admits she wasn't the best mom to her and her sister.

Leaving them with Mac etc

Maxie tells her momma not to worry about the past , cause they've more than made up for it now.

Gosh how I love these moments of sweetness, Maxie can be a bitch at the best of times , but you can't fault her when she's sweet as honey and tells people not to worry about the past.

Nina approaches Sam about the business and how she's feeling , that she thinks Sam is still struggling with things and she can see it in her face

She tells Sam she over heard her tell Lulu about the Ceo thing and how they're not really running things oy vey here we go . 

Mac and Lulu talk about her switching careers he says leaving the PCPD was the best decision he ever made. He said whatever dreams you have go for them, you have to do what's right for you.

Dante and  Nathan discuss his impending fatherhood and he's nervous and excited about the whole thing.

Then the moment we were waiting for arrived lol, when Curtis came face to face with   Andre lol.

Who by all accounts looked more than a little shocked to see that  Curtis and Jordan had tracked him down lol.

Someone has a guilty conscious or  something cause his behaviour was sketchy at best.

Andre tells them that he can't go back to the states ,and if he dares tell anyone the truth whoever hired him would cause trouble for him.

I still think Jason 2 is the boss but we shall see guys lol.

Stranger things have happened so don't count out my gut feeling.

Jason shows up to see Anna and she tells him she heard all the rumors and she sees they are true lol.

Yes I love my Anna straight to the freaking point she is.

Jason asks her about Faison and where he is she tells him to ask Dr Liesl Obrecht.

Liesl is very happy to see that Nina is happy for  Nathan and  Maxie and she can't wait to be an aunt.

Liesl's sweet moment is over now that she overhears Nathan say now that he's going to be a dad he wishes he knew his lol. See that face its not the face of a happy woman lol

Jordan tells Andre is she ever meant anything to her , he would come back to Port Charles and sort this whole Jason thing out.

Andre she and  Curtis mean business you better do what they ask lol.

And that's it for the episode for the 29th of November guys. Until then have a great day and look out for our new blog post about the episode from the 30th.

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